Marmont - 1872
Marmont, Jul 22 '72
Editor Republican
At your request we send a few line from our village.
Our object in doing so is not to gain motoriety as a newspaper correspondent, for by past
experience we have learned that the trouble is grater than the honor; but simply to note a
few facts for the benefit of your reader.
Perhaps a brief description of our Village will not be amiss in the outset.
Marmont is situated on the northwest margin of Maxinkuckee Lake, on a slight elevation of ground.
It contains:
One M. E. Church
M. E Pastors of which are Rev. A. Woof of Agros and Rev. O. R. Beene, of
Marmont who preach alternately every two weeks;
one dry goods store;
one drug store;
and one store for the sale of farming implements;
one hotel;
one school house,
three physician's offices,
one dentist office,
one millinery shop
one smith shop,
one cabinet shop,
two shoe shops,
and several private dwellings.
It is not so small a place as Nasby's confederate cross Roads; nor so large as some
of the towns in Marshall co.
Our principle attraction is Lake Maxinkuckee, which can not be surpassed for romatic
As "Tourist", who visited Maxkinkuckee, on the opposit side of the Lake gave you a
description of it , we shall let
that suffice for the present.
An hour or two cannot be passed more pleasantly, than by taking a boat ride upon its
placid surface. It contains very fine firsh, which are readily caught with a hook and
We had a splendid rain during Saturday nigh. In this region, which has made the crops
grow wonderfully, and gladened the hearts of the people.
There is not better farming country in the state, than this immediate viciniity.
All that is necessary now to make Marmont a large town, and develope the resources
of this part of the country, is to have the Chicago, Continental & Baltimore Railroad to
pass through here.
One of the directors of this new road,
Dr. G. A. Durr , resides
here; and is laboring earnestly for this route.
We hope that his efforts will not prove abortive.
There will be an elecion in this township on the 2nd. of Aug., for the purpose of voting
a tax to aid in the construction of this proojected line. We trust also that this will
prove a success....
Miller & Flagg have a splendid stock of goods and are doung a food buisness. The people
of this vicinity will do well to patronize them instead of trading in other towns....
J. A. D. - The Weekly Republican (Plymouth, Ind.) 25 Jul 1872, Thursday