Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana


Entertaining Resume of the Summer at Maxinkuckee.

It has not been to very many years since Maxinkuckee as a summer resort was not known. Prior to 1875 there was no railroad here, and not a single cottage on the lake. That year the old Plymouth Club House on the east side was erected, it being the first place on the lake for purely resort purposes, from that modest beginning about one hundred and forty cottages have been erected, and the lake has established itself as undoubtedly the finest summer resort in Indiana. This is not brag and bluster, but the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. “Witness my hand and seal.” And as I predicted more than twenty years ago, Maxinkuckee lake as a summer resort is still in its infancy, and without any boomers or speculators to sound its praises, it will not be many years until all the available lake front will be occupied, as well as low places filled up and graded, and eventually, I firmly believe, eligible back property with easy approaches to the lake will be into use for summer cottages . The town of Culver has grown wonderfully during tho past half dozen years, and with everything in its favor there can be no doubt but what it. will in time take its place in population, trade and importance with the principal towns of the county. Stick a pin there!

But I have wandered. The summer season at the lake practically came loan end with the close of the past, week, although many will remain for a month or two longer. The grand exit of the two hundred students of the Culver Summer Naval School took place Wednesday afternoon when they boarded the trains for their homes in the various parts of the country. Then on Saturday and Sunday and especially Monday, the most of the summer residents “ broke camp.” closed their cottage and left for home, The railroad station was the busiest place about the lake. There were great big trunks and valises, dressing cases, baby cabs, bird cages, boxes, baskets, and the deal knows what all, every body demanding to have their baggage checked first. Agent Shugrue managed to keep his temper during the trying ordeal, and so all got. away without a great deal of friction, to take up the daily grind until another season rolls around.

The summer has been delightful. There has been but a few extremely hot days, and they were tempered with gentle breezes that fanned the fevered and sun burned cheeks of the lads and lassies. The prevailing winds have blown from the west, northwest, north, northeast and southwest and sometimes from the south, so that all. some time during the summer, were favored with the cool zephyrs that blew across the lake. Two or three brisk wind storms that came up suddenly caught a few of the sail boats and fisherman's boats out on the lake, but were blown to shore in safety. “ The fool boy" that rocks the boat to frighten the girls was here, but fortunately he did not succeed in capsizing his boat and drowning some one.

The fishing has not been as bad as it might have been, nor as good it ought, to have been. Enough fish have been caught to supply the demand and that is all that was necessary. Tho remarkable thing about the fishing was, that all the big fish got away just as the fishermen were trying land them in their boats.

_?_ _?_ _?_ _?_ _?_ to the lake mostly from Indianapolis, Terre Haute anti the towns north of those two cities. Aside from the permanent summer cottagers it is probable that more than 30,000 people have visited the lake during tho summer. They were of the better class, and as a rule behaved themselves like ladies and gentlemen. There was little drunkness and rowdyism, and no disturbances of any kind occurred.

The social feature about the lake have not varied much from former years. The launching of the “ White Swan” gave those fond of dancing an excellent opportunity to indulge in that sort of amusement to their heart’s content. It is a double-deck floating palace, the upper deck being a dancing floor 40x70, the lower floor being used as an ice cream parlor, and for card and other parties. It was floated to the east side and used for a general reception and dance in honor of Vice President Fairbanks on the occasion of his visit to the Lake early in the summer.

Fishing on Sunday has become so common that few aware that there is a law of this state making fishing on that day a criminal act with a attached tine from one to ten dollars for each offense. But this, like all laws that interfere with one’s personal liberty, when the community nor no one else is injured thereby, can never be enforced. Whoever heard of anyone being arrested and lined for fishing on Sunday It is similar to the law making it a penal offense to swear, to take the name of God, Christ or the Holy Ghost profanely, and yet we hear profane words used everywhere and every day of our lives, but an arrest for this offense has seldom if ever been made in this county. In both of these laws a saving clause should have been added. It should have been provided that it is unlawful to fish on Sunday, or to swear “except in cases of emergency.” I never swore an oath in my live, but I can readly see how circumstances might arise where it would do a fellow a power of good to relieve his pent up wrath by the use of a few cuss words. I heard of a case once that seemed to justify this conclusion. A preacher and a friend, who was not very particular about swearing, went fishing, and to provide against snake bites and the like, a bottle of good old “seven year-old” was provided, and to keep it. cool and ready for use, it was fastened to the boat with a cord long enough to allow it to float in the water. In due time it was suggested that they “ take a little something for the stomach’s sake.- In unfastening the cord the friend accidentally let the bottle slip out of his hand and it sank to the bottom before he could catch it.. Looking at the spot where the bottle disappeared he yelled out, ~ d-—n that bottle!” The preacher looked at him a moment in sad bewilderment and said, “Amen!” showing that the ruling passions of men of are the same, and no matter what the occupation or profession, under certain conditions it. will have vent, law or no law.

Those who have made the lake their home the past ten weeks have had a joyous time. There has been no accidents or other misfortune to mar the pleasure of their stay at this, the most charming of all the lakes in our own beloved Hoosier state. The people of Culver and the surrounding country have added greatly to this happy state of affairs by friendly greetings to summer residents, transient visitors and excursionists, at no time having attempted to dictate to any anyone the course of his conduct.

This will be greatly to our credit and add another hue to the rainbow of popularity as a summer resort of the ever beautiful Maxinkuckee. A place “Where the spirit or mortal may worship. The freedom of unwritten creeds Hearing many and joyous responses In the music that comes from the roods."

Daniel McDonald, Pottawatomie Reservation, Maxinkuckee Lake

Sep 7 1905