Murder At Lake Maxinkuckee
As a place of riotous demonstration, under the influence of intoxicants,
Lake Maxinkuckee, on last SUnday, reached its zenith, and the beautiful
body of water will hereafter be associated in the minds of the people
with the horrible crime of murder
The events leading to the perpetation of this fearful crime, are about as
follows, as near as we have been able to gather them:
The SUnday Schools in the neighborhood of Mexico, Miami county, ran an
excursion to the Lake on Saturday, the 31st ult.
It was well patronized, and there were seven coaches filled with people
hauled to the lake. (An excursion of church people from South Bend aslo
came down to the Lake of that day, but they were in no way concerned in
the difficulty).
The Mexico Band accompanied the excursion from that place, and it seems
that a grudge was existing between the leader of the band and the brakeman
of the train.
Beer and whiskey flows as freely as water at the lake, and sortly after
the excursion arrived all those who were in the habit of drinking were
more or less under the influence of these hell-inspired beverages.
Among the number was the leader of the band, (whose name, we are told,
was Abraham Leslie), and also the train man. Early in the day Leslie
manifested a fighting spirit, and in company with some of his chums, the
brakeman alluded to was by them set upon and had a hole knocked in his
head with a stone.
The fight was discontinued, the brakeman asserting that he would get even
with them befire the night.
A short time before the train left, and while the crow were surging around
the depot, a general scuffle took place, in whih the brakekman, Harris by
name. struck Leslie over the eye with a stone which he held in his hand
Leslie staggered but did not fall. Harris dropped the stone, but before
Lleslie could gain his equiliburn he was again struck by Harris with
clenched fist on the sode of the neck and just below and back of the ear.
He reeled and fell, striking with his chim on the depot platform and rolled
over in an unconscious condition. As he did so Harris kicked him in the
neck twice with all the force that anenrae man could summon.
Leslie never regained consciousness, and those that were near at the time
say that he was dead when he was picked up immediately after the affray.
In some way or another the conductor of the train had become interested in
the row and had take a hand in the assult on the band boys by striking one
of the, Charles McGuire, across the neck with a broken oar.
This about the same time that Leslie had been struck. But the blow was not
serious and before th man was aware of the fact he was set upon by the
murderous brakekman, who succeeded in inflicting serious, though not fatal
The brakeman made his escape and has not yet been captured. The conductore
was arrsted and held for examination.
Shortly after the occurance, the train left for Mexico, and we were told
by parties at the Lake that the man who was haulled home upposed to be in
a dying condition, had to be forced aboard by four men. The probability
is that her was hauled home dead drunk. At any rate he is still living.
An inquest was in progress all day SUnday over the dead body of the merdered
man, and an autopsy was held, but what the result of the inquest was as to the
immediate physical causes that led to his death we are not apprised.
But these facts, no doubt, were fully established - that he was dead, that
his death was the result of violence and that liquor played an important
part in the murderous transaction - - - Argos Reflector Aug 5 1886