A communication from Lake Maxinkuckee to an Indianapolis paper says the buzz of the saw, the click of the hammer
and the merry song of the busy carpenters across the lake tell of the rapid completion of three new cottages —
Mr. Effinger's, of Peru, and Messrs. Snider and Rice, of Logansport.
Mr. McKeen's large ice houses loom up in another direction,and away cross to the west the smoke of the engine and
the roar of the construction train reminds us that our beloved once isloated Maxinkuckee,has been invaded by the
outside world.
The cottages and club house are well filled, all but "Bonnie Doon," which sits silent and desolate
Among the dwellers from Logansport are the families of Judge Winfield, Mr. Thornton and Mr. Scott, Swift Wright, T. H
Wilson, Messrs. George and Charles Taber while Hilarity Hall may now justly called Music Hall, with Professor Beissenherz
to preside over Messrs. Wocher, Goth, Aufderhide, Kochne, Zumpfe, Keifer. Their music has been a great treat, and heard
as it often is on the wuter, it is simply entrancing.
The Peru Club House is occupied by the families of Captain Tutewiler, Mr. Charles Elmswiler and Mr. Muilfield.
The Plymouth Club House always has a merry set. This year the younger members are running the house
Some of the older members are spending the Summer vacation over the water.
Mrs Vanvalkenburg has returned from her tour around the world, and with her young daughter is occupying her
beautiful cottage.
Every one that visits the lake for the first time is surprized at the size of the lake and the picturesque beauty of its
Last night was the first large party of the season, given by the Plymouth Olub. As usual, the house was elegantly
decorated; the hospitality unbounded
Saturday night Mrs. Haller entertains in honor of the Washington Club.
The tin-type man is reaping a rich reward in comic pictures.
August is to be the popular month.
Logansport Journal August 2, 1883