Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1884-1886; 1909 Proposed Hotel

1884 - The Vandalia people have fully decided to erect a hotel at Maxinkuckee, the present season, to cost some $30,000 - Daily Journal, Evansville, Indiana

1885 - May 8 - A restaurant, skating rink and lodge house is to be built at Lake Maxinkuckee the Nickel Plate resort. - The Fort Wayne Sentinel

1885 - May 9 - A joint stock company has been organized with a capital of four thousand dollars, for the purpose of building a first class restaurant, skating rink and sleeping rooms, at Maxenknckee Lake near the Vandalia station Half the stock was subscribed the first day, and it is thought there will be no difficulty in raising the necessary funds to complete the structure within the next six weeks. Mr. Toner of Kewanna, is the moving spirit, and and his well known abilty, push and ter_e gives assurance that the work will be pushed to completion as rapidly as _ and money can do it Plymouth Democrat - Logansport Chronicle / 1885 - May 13 - A joint stock company has been organized with a capital of $4,000 for the purpose of building a first class restaurant, skating rink and sleeping rooms, at Maxenknckee Lake near the Vandalia station Half the stock was subscribed the first day, and it is thought there will be no trouble in raising the necessary funds to complete the structure within the next six weeks. - Indianapolis Journal

1885 - May 13 - A joint stock company has been organized with a capital of $4,000, for the purpose of building a first-clasee restaurant, skating rink and sleeping rooms at Maxinkuckee near the Vandalia station. Half the stock was subscribed the first day, and it is thought there will be no trouble in raising the necessay funds to complete the structure within the next six weeks. - Indianapolis Journal

1885 - Aug 17 - The plans for a hotel of one hundred rooms at Lake Maxinkuckee, have been drawn, and the contract for erecting the building let. Ohmer Brothers, owners of the railroad restaurant at Indianapolis, have leased the hotel for five years. - Indianapolis Journal

1885 - Aug 19 - The Indianapolis Jouraal says that the plans for a hotel of 100 rooms, at Lake Maxinkinkee, have been drawn, and today the contract for the building will be let. Ohmer Bro's, the owners of a number of railroad restaurants, have leased the hotel for five years, which is to be erected by Al Toner.- - Logansport Weekly Pharos

1885 aug 20 - Argos reflector – the plans for a hotel of one hundred rooms at Lake Maxinkuckee have been drawn, and the contract for erecting the building let. Ohmer Brothers owner of the railroad restaurant at Indianapolis, have leased the hotel or five years

1886 Jun 8 - Terre Haute Express: "Last year there was considerable talk about a hotel to be built at Lake Maxinkuckee by Terre Haute capital, but the season was to far advanced to do anything in that direction before the matter took definite shape. This spring the matter was talked over again, but sufficient money was not subscribed to erect the kind of structure the projectors desired. Some very liberal subscriptions have, been made, however, and it is not likely that the enterprise will full through -

1886, July 2 - Lake Maxinkuckee Looking Up.

    Special to the Indianapolis Journal

    Terre Haute , July 1 - A party of Terre Haute gentlemen have just returned from Maxinkuckee where they were taken by President McKeen, of the Vandalia road, to look for a site for a hotel. It is proposed to form a stock company and erect a big summer-resort-hotel, after the style of those at the lakes of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The project is so far advanced that there is no doubt - that the work will begin shortly, with the intention of having the house ready for guests next spring.

1890 Sep It is said a new hotel will be built at Lake Maxinkuckee next season with a capacity of 300 guests.
    In 1890, owing to business reverses of some of the members, it became necessary to disband the club and dispose of the property, which was done, the Vandalia railroad company purchasing it for $16,000. nd became the Lake View Hotel.

1906 - Jan 18 - The Vandalia people are preparing to build a new 150-room hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee - BremenvEnquirer (Indiana)