A 1896 Stroll Down Main Street
The Holiday Display in the Various Store Windows Attractive and Beautif ul. Large cities boast of their
elegant display of holiday goods, and especially make an effort to have an elaborate display in their s
how windows .
A reporter for the Herald took a stroll through our city the other day and the first place he struck was
E . M George’s novelty store. Here he found very artistically arranged show window s which
were decorated with toys of every description, so arranged that the combination was very beautif ul and
pleasing to the lover of fine, tasty decoration. Upon the interior of the store he also found everything
arranged in “apple-pie” order, the shelves being loaded down with everything that heart could wish in
holiday goods. |
Leaving this store he strolled down the street as far as
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Easterdav’s furniture store where he found an elegant display of sleds, wagons , drums , and other
toys suitable to please the hearts of the small boys. Inside of this establishment can be found a
magnificent line of furniture , and an especially beautiful line of rockers, which would make an immense
present for your wife, daughter or sweetheart. At this store you can also find a fine line of pictures and
beautif ul frames of every description. |
Coming on down the street he paused in front of
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Porter & Co.’s store and was particularly pleased to see the truly artistic display in the show windows.
Here is where the artist got in his work, and in every nook and corner of these large show windows are a
lavish display of finery so artistically arranged as to almost dazzle the eyes. On the interior of this store can
also be found anything the heart may desire in the way of goods. Dry goods, groceries and ready-made
clothing, also a very fine line of boots and shoes. |
At Roberts’ hardware he also found fine displayed show windows, and a walk through the interior reveals a
line of the very latest stoves, cutlery, hardware, etc. If you are in need of any thing in his line, he
will furnish said article at reasonable rates. |
At Meredith’s grocery, he found that the artist had taken especial pains to please the eye of the most
critical lover of fine art. The windows were most artistically decorated with pyramids and archways of choice
candies, fruits, and elegant chinaware and other novelties, with splendid pink curtains in the background.
This was the work of that renowned lady artist, Mrs. H. J. Meredith. This is an exclusive grocery and provision
house, and we arise to remark that there is no better conducted establishment in the county. There is nothing
in the grocery line you can not get at this house, as the proprietor aims to keep in advance with the
Crossing the street on the west side, he stands in front of the Osborn block. Here is where
VanSchoiack, “The Hustler,” can be found, and Thomas Slattery, the jolly proprietor of the Culver City
drug store. |
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Pen can not express what can be found in Vanschoiack’s “Emporium of Fashion.” The First thing to
attract the eye is his exquisite show windows, which are elaborately decorated in a manner that wo uld
please the eye of a Hermann, or enrapture the gaze of the most fastidious artist of the old world. Once
inside this store you stand fascinated at the panorama before you. On the left is a most handsome
display of dry goods, of which are patterns that the most c ultured and refined lady in the land can select
from. Then running upon a line reaching the entire length of the store is a display of fine silk handkerchiefs,
ladies’ headwear , etc., while in the rear of the store can be found the underwear and men’s ready made
clothing department, where you can buy clothing for your boys in all grades, and at prices to suit. In the
rear of the store on the right hand side is the grocery department, which is complete with everything first
class in the grocery line. In this store you can also be accommodated with the latest and most durable styles
in the boot and shoe line. The proprietor aims to keep pace with the times and we are positive no better
conducted establishment can be found in the county, in fact this store is f ull from first floor to basement
with a general line of elegant goods.
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At the Culver City drug store the reporter found Thomas with a smile upon his face a yard wide, as he was
especially pleased over the fact that he is prepared to cater to the public in his line in the most approved style.
His windows are also decorated in an elaborate manner , and you find in his book department volumes written
by the most pop ular authors of the world, which makes a very appropriate present to any lover of literature. He
also keeps a magnificent line of perfumes and in his stationery department you can find any thing you may
desire. His holiday department is replete with all the latest novelties. There is no better equipped drug store in
the county, and sho uld be liberally patronized.
25 December 1896 – Culver City Herald.