Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

An Electric rail oad to Culver ?  

1897 Nov 19 A number of citizens met at V. P. Kirk ’s office Thursday afternoon and appointed a committee, whose business will be to look after the electric railroad.

1897 Nov 19 ELECTRIC RAILROAD. - Enthusiastic Meeting All Along the Line Culver Gity the Point to Strike From Financial Point of View, and Don’t You Forget It!

A letter from a citizen, of Bourbon, the fore part of last week, announced that a large delegation from said city, wo uld arrive in this city Sunday Nov. 28th, in the into rest of the Electric rail road, and ostensibly for the purpose of considering the best feasible route from Bourbon to the lake.

Consequently, our citizens were upou the alert, to receive them in proper style upon their arrival, which occurred about two o’clock p. m., consisting of the following gentlemen, from Bourbon: Secretary of the Railroad Company, Dr. A J. Matchette, A. B . Gay, W.A. A. Wiser, M. D., A. J . Fellers, Harry Allman, Wm. Keller and Joseph Austis. from Argos, M. L. Corey and O A Warner.

Before coming to Culver , the gentlemen visited the east side of the lake, and dined at hotel DeNorris, the proprietor of which is very anxious to the have the road come very close to his hotel and we understand offers an acre of ground for depot privileges and right of way through his farm. From the Norris’ place, they drove around the south side of the lake, Upon their arrival in Culver , a delegation of representative citizens met them and in an exceedingly short space of time pictured to their mind’s eye the utter impracticability of running the line upon the south-east side of the lake, and plainlv showed that the road would cut out a great source of revenue by such action, as Culver would wash its hands of the whole matter, unless run upon the north side of the lake and made this city its objective point.

The business men of Culver also substantially proved that if such a course was taken a great avenue for revenue wo uld certainly res ult.

The Culverites have a “well founded” notion that Argos is pulling for the south side of the lake and doing it on the sly. If this sho uld be the case the Argosites are making the mistake of their life, and we cannot see their object, unless they are afraid that Culver will be a great rival in a commercial sense, when in realist what wo uld be a bonanza for one town would be for the other, as , it wo uld give Argos a shipping point through an entire new territory .

But, we are pleased to chronicle, the gentlemen that made this place a visit Sunday, after looking over the field, were almost to a man enthusiastically in favor of selecting the route so it wo uld strike upon the uorth side of the lake.

The only reason that a few could give why it might be preferable for the road to on the south-east side of the lake is that it would give a chance for organizing new ice companies who could ship over this new route Maxenkuckee ice. The idea is preposterous. The Lake Maxenkuckee Ice Company will guarantee to fill all demands for ice. be it five hundred thousand tons per day. We await farther developments with great interest

Great Enthusiasm, over the proposed Electric railroad that will be built through Union township in the near future. There being two routes in view, one passing along the south-east shore of Maxenkuckee Lake and the other

along the north and west shore of said lake.

Hence the question, arises, which route will be taken. Owing to the fact that Dr. Matchett and Col. Sears, who have been residents of this county for many years and uoted for their skill as financiers, and now being connected with this syndicate, we answer the route taken will in their jugment be the route that will bring the best financial results, for the company. Now we are citizens, that can only look over the proposed route and then imagine what this syndicate will do. We first view the former route through Union township, and we find that we pass through a very broken and undesirable farming country and then after having passed over quite a number of hills and gullevs we reach the shore of Maxenkuckee, that portion of lake front heretofore always having been refused as being undesirable grounds for summer tourists. Yet, on that route there is one first class cheap rate boarding house, that we understand entertains for several weeks as high as from 1 2 to 15 guests.

Then the next inducement offered for said route is the facilities for an ice plant, the financial result of which will be known better by experience.

We now look over the route on north and west side of lake known as the Culver route approaching Union township near the center on east line of township coming west through a rich and fertile country until we reach Culver Park, where the Culver Military Academy is established which has now on roll about 150 students that have come from all parts of the United States, and a contract has been let for the erection of the largest riding hall in the United States.

Leaving the C.M.A. grounds we pass near by the Palmer House which is known for its beauty and graudeur by thousands who anually basque under the shade trees, and drink from the flowing wells that are continually pouriug streams of pure water into the beautiful lake. After which we pass many beautiful cottages and boat houses until we reach the mammoth hotel owned by the Vandalia Line were thousands of guests are received from circutious routes to eujov the cool breezes that come from the bosom of that beautiful Lake Maxenkuckee.

Next we pass the Vandalia Park and depot grounds, curving around the lake then going south paralel with the Vandalia Line, passing near by and in easy access to the great Ice plants owned by Sterling R Holt,of Indianapolis, who is the “ Ice King of Indiana, and has proven himself a successful competitor at Logansport, South Bend, and in many other places, and beyond any question he can supply any demand made for ice, and will not be undersold by any company as his capital aud experience can be relied upon.

Leaving the ice business we continue on the south until we reach the Arlington Hotel situated near Long Point and owned by A J. Knapp, who also owns and manages a Steamboat, thus furnishing his guests with all the pleasure their hearts can desire.

Now we have set forth some of the principle points of interest by showing this popular route by way of Culver.

Now in conclusion let me say, if this syndicate is able to fully equip their road with rolling stock to carry the people for profitable results, they must take the Culver route.

A committe of our most reliable citizens have been selected to present this route and its business interests to said syndicate and upon that we wait watch and wonder.

A. C i t iz e n

Dec 17, 1897

“ Minnie-Haha,” in the Argos Reflector, says:

“Maxenkuckee citizens are fully awake to the opportunity offered to become a center ot attraction and prominence through th, building of the electric railroad around their way, and are going to give Culver a hard fight for it.

A committee of their citizens, including Dr, Caple, James South, Harvey Norris, “ Doc” Lake. A. E. Barnes, and C. J. Loudon were in Argos Monday consulting with the Argos committee in regard to the preliminary survey. Several routes are proposed after leaving Argos, and of course the Culvernties are hot after the one reaching their town.”

That the Culverites are “ hot after the one reaching their town” is true, for it is very evident that this would be, and is the most desirable route in existence from a financial point of view, and the Herald is speaking for this route with no feeling antagonizing the interests of the citizens upon the east side of the lake.

The citizens of the north side of the lake have a right to demand more than ordinary attention is the matter, for it offers the to company something not possessed upon the east side of the lake, viz .: the patronage of a live city, and the co-patronage of the second best military school in the United States. Aside from this they offer the company another great incentive in having connection with the Vandalia at this place. “ Minnie-Haha” says that owing to the fact that the Vanidalia “ runs in close proximity to the lake, the electric road would have to keep a distance form the lake.”

This only shows the ignorance of the writer relative to the route. As has already been stated in the Herald, the electric road can find easy access to the lake, and not run upon the Vandalia either, as will be demonstrated when the preliminary survey is made.

“The Herald says: Passing near by in easy access to the great ice plant owned by Sterling R. Holt, of Indianapolis, who is the ice king of Indianapolis, and has proven himself a successful competitor at Logansport and South Bend. What incentive is this to any railroad except the Vandalia ?”

The above only goes to show the gross ignorance of the capacity of the Maxenkuckee Ice Company. Sure it ships all its ice over the Vandalia at present, but let a new field open for its ice and it will ship over a dozen different routes and supply 10,000 cities with ice i f necessary.

It is well known by people who are acquainted with the lake, that the water at the north end is very shallow and would require a pier of about forty rods to reach navigable waters.

Again the writer shows his extreme ignorance, for it is a well-known fact that all steamers stop at the Culver Military Academy docks, which are situated almost to the extreme northeast end of the lake, and it is also a well-known fact that boats land at the piers of every hotel on the north side, and that the piers do not extend ten rods in the lake

We next view Culver as a trading point.

It is surrounded by a barren country peopled with an indigent population. It can very plainly be seen from the tenor of the Herald ’s article that Culver dreads the loss of the commercial utility of the east side of the lake, with its numerous cottages , wealth and prestige.”

The last clipping from the effusive epistle of Mr. Minnie-Haha” makes us exceedingly tired. Every cottage owner on the east side of the lake comes to the lake over the Vandalia, and with one or two exceptions always will, electric road or no electric road, and as for losing the patronage of said cottage owners.

Culver citizens have no fear, as they are ready to meet any honorable competition.

The writer also says Culver “is surrounded by a barren country peopled with an indigent population.”

Well, if that “wouldn't kill you,” you are pretty solid. How a man can be such a “ rotten liar” is beyond our comprehension. Culver is surrounded by a splendid farming country. Extending right from the city limits north for miles and miles there exists no better farming country in the state, and in a very short time west of this city will not be excelled, as the great ditches now in course of construction will make thousands of acres of the most fertile land in the state, and south, running right up to the city, is a most desirable farming country, while extending northeast of the lake to Argos is a magnificent farming country.

“Barren,” indeed; why this Mr. “ Minne-Haha’’ must have been loaded with tanglefoot when he wrote the above jarbled falsehoods, or else he is terrible ignorant of the situation.

NOVEMBER 26, 1897 That Railroad Meeting. Last Saturday evening, a large audience convened at the Nussbaum & Myer building, to discuss the question relative to meeting the demands of the corporation that proposes to erect the elective road so much taked about; the conditions being that Union township raise money enough to complete a survey through the township, the distance be ing about seven miles, tbe cost of survey not to exceed $10.00 per mile.

The meeting was opened by V. P. Kirk, who made one of his exceedingly flowery speeches, relative to the advantages of said road and urging every citizen to take an active part in securing the road so far as be is financially able.

After the speech, Mr. Kirk was made Chairman of the meeting and Henry Speyer Secretary. It was then moved and carried tha t the chairman appoint a committee of five to represent Union township. The chairman then appointed John Osborn, H. J . Meredith, S . C. Medbourn, Henry Zechiel and V. P. Kirk as said committe.

It was then moved and carried that said committee should constitute the men to look after the financial end of the deal and start the “ ball rolling” at once.

The result was, a subsription paper was started and $47.50 raised. The meeting was a very enthusiastic one, everybody present seeming thoroughly determined to do his part.

Culver’s Celebrated Columbian Band was also present and furnished most excellent music

Dec 2, 1897

Culver, Ind. Dec 14, 1807 Mr, Editor: With due deference to the pending "Electric Railroad" we have in mind a route, a plan that will be more easily for Culver to suecure and sure to an advantage. Every citizen knows and fully appreciates the benefit the Nickel Plate Road would have been had it struck Culver. Now why not have an electric system connecting the Nickel Plate with Culver? See how easily we could secure the right-of-way from Hibbard and come along down by the Academy, taking the route along and near the hotels and cottages and on through Culver to the “Arlington" Hotel* See the advantages this road would be to our merchants and citizens generally, giving a direct business and visiting route to Chicago. See. the many advantage to the Nickel Plate that will induce that road to build the “ Electric" connecting link. It would take up too much paper space to tell all the benefits this road would be to Culver, so wo will not say any more now. Let us try for this road. K. P. Vinton

Mu. Editor: Minnie-Ha ha seems to Have a dislike to the beach and piers on the north and west side of Lake Maxenkuckee. The beach on the north and west being such a nice gravel shore, where the sea-shells are gathered in great abundance, and the piers so short on account of the depth of the water, which is about eighty feet deep, the steamboats run in close to shore with the greatest of ease. We can imagine how happy Minnie-Ha ha will be if he can only secure the Electric Line along the south end of Lake Maxenkuckee as there is a very large area of very shallow water at that end, and the beach is also low on account of the shallowness of the water, and in consequence the piers have to be extended out into the lake some forty rods in order for the steamers to make a mooring and land passsengers. Minnie Ha-ha seems delighted with this was it affords a opportunity for pleasures unknown to the Culverite, as he can then com down from Argos over the electric line, bringing with him all his friends, together with all their traps, guns, fishing tackle, etc. arriving at a point on the lake where the row-boat will not be needed and as the piers are so long and the splatter-dock so thick that it makes it hard rowing to get through a half mile or so of splatter-dock . So undoubtedly they allhave in view the advantages of the long piers, where great crowds can sit either on piers or muskrat houses and flsh or hunt all day. Then when the great ice plant is erected there, the game and fish can easily be preserved in splatter-dock. See!

1898 Aug 12 - The Rochester Sentinel says that electric road projected by Col. Sear and Dr. Matchette has collapsed and the enterprise abandoned.

1899 - Apr 22 The electric road project has been revived again. Recently a large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Plymouth, where officers were elected and arrangements made toward consummating the final deal, which will give the company ready cash enough to commence operations upon the road, which, it is said, is sure to strike Lake Makincuckee at some point.

But as we have said, unless the road reaches Culver , if it comes to the lake at all, it will make a great mistake financially, as everything of any account in the way of new enterprises centers toward Culver ,

A dispatch from Ft. Wayne-says: The Fort Wayne and Wabash Valley Traction company will assume control of the Fort Wayne Traction Company, the Rochester and" Northern Traction Company, the Wabash and Logansport interurban line and the Lafayette and Logansport city Lines. The Union Traction Company's, interests in the property has been taken over by J. Levering Jones, Randall Morgan, J Bayard Henry and Thomas Wanamaker of Philadelphia, A J Murdock, of Lafavette. and R. C. Paul, of Fort Wayne. The also proposes to build interurban line connecting South Bend. Elkhart, Goshen, Ligonier Warsaw, Culver. Mishawaka, Hibbard and other towns; in Northern Indiana

1905 - May 11 - Order a Survey Made.

    The directors of the Indianapolis Logansport. & South Bend Railroad Traction company, which is preparing to build an electric railway between South Bend and Logansport, held their monthly meeting last Thursday afternoon at the company’s main office in South. Bend.

    All the directors were present and much routine business was disposed of and Hon. C. G. Powell, of Logansport was elected.

    The company ordered it& engineer to make a survey for a line between Lake Maxinkuckee and Lake Winona, near Warsaw, Ind., the celebrated Presbyterian resort,

    The companv proposes to include in its system a road connecting these two popular summer resorts. A portion of the right-of-way has been secured. This line if built, will intersect the main line at Argos. The directors of the company appear to feel greatly encouraged over the outlook and the sin,cess with which they are meeting