North Side of Jefferson Street
The businesses - listed for Jefferson will read from East (lake) to west end of town (St. Rd. 17).
One could not see the lake unless atop a building as the railroad embankment
was at lest 10 to 12 feet high from the Washington Street area down past the
co-op; during the late 1970's and early 1980's this area was all leveled off -
there also was a cinder street or alley that connected E. Washington and E.
Jefferson Streets and ran along the base of this embankment. On the other side
of the embankment was an oeasement road cleared fpr a few yaeds but mostly
overgrown and impassable between the lake and the railroad embankment going
south from the viaduct at E. Washington Street.
This is just a rough beginning of this listings. With no addresses in the early
years just the street name it is hard to place them correctly - and when addresses
were used they varied some buildings bore several different addresses through
the years - if you remember won't you help?

Northeast Jefferson from Plymouth to railroad |

Grain Elevator area |
Main and Jefferson |

Medborn Ice Houses area |
Above 1906 Jefferson Street Sanborn map; this area,
was not depicted as a "whole" from Main Street to the
railroad/lake, only in sections where buildings existed. | |
1909 Mar 18 - A Needed Improvement
One of the needs of Culver is a viduct under the railroad at the foot of Jefferson Street
and a good town pier which will extend far enough into the lake to at least permit the
largest launches to make a landing.
The present facilitied for accomodating the public are worse than bad - ther're rotten,
speaking in the slang of the day.
Our lake patrons deserve something better, and the buisness men also should be put into
closer touch with the ttrade which comes frm the East side.
The town board would need some help to accompish the improvement but this ought not to
be hard to get if someone will make the effort.
1910 view of East Jefferson |
1914 Jefferson Sanborn map |
The 1922 plat map show the existence of the hotel building but does not attach
a name to it. | |
1940's view of East Jefferson |
1950's view of East Jefferson |
before 1976 view of East Jefferson |
The way it was before 1976 - the left side is the south side of the property -
which is now the Culver Cove are which is where the ices house and the grain
elevators was - in the middle on the side is the array of Cline businesses etc.
and at the very top of the phot you can see a portion of the building that is
the 'Cabanna' today - the the midle area of Jefferson on the lake edge is where
the Roberts house sits; other side is what was once the Ferrier lumber yard and
now is the Bayside and the very lower right you can barely asee Washington St.
and it appears to be a dirt road possibly.
Jack Houghton states of this area: I've only been here since 1976 and this area has
changed more than any area in town, that's for sure. I remember the controversial
story of the railroad property. First it was the Railroads, then the State exchange
Finance company owned it, then the railroad again through a court battle, then the
finance company, then finally it belonged to an officer at the old bank
and today we have the Culver Cove. Interesting how that worked out. I'm sure there
is more to it than anyone will ever really know but it's still and interesting story.
E. Jefferson Businesses Addresses not given
C & M Dredging Co. - 1952
It is stated that
art fishburn had
his blacksmith shop on E. Jefferson before 23 Oct 1957 -
The oldest businessman in town, both in age and in yeats of business here has just moved
his base of opertaions to a new
building in the rear of his residence on Lake shore Drive.
Arthur fishburn, the blacksmith and Irons worker, was finally forces to ecacuate
the building on East Jefferson Street that has housed his operation since about
1918, because the roof was about to cave-in. Now he is settled in a shop where he
can do anything with iron that needs to be done....
559 E. Jefferson
Glen and Martha Roberts
Culver - is giving up property at the end of Jefferson Street - as found in a public
notice published in the Culver Citizen 4 Feb. 2010. in part as follows:
Notice of Bids
The Town of Culver is currently accepting sealed bids for town owned property at the
east end of Jefferson Street, Culver, Indiana. The property is undeveloped, vacant and
triangular in shape with the deminisons of 550 sq. ft. The property is located off the
shoreline of Lake Maxinkuckee with no lake access, but with lake view and not ability
to support any improvements without encroachment...
It is the light blue highlighted property Since the property is land locked and of no
benefit to anyone but the two adjacent property owners which is the Culver Cove and the
Roberts. It was valued between $14,590 and $14, 600; it is believed that the Roberts
paid about $7,000 for it and it is now in 2013 assessed at $53,900.
This was original fought for the town of culver to have had lake access and was done
in 1988-1989; what became of the lake access protion is unknown; unless it never was
granted but only this portion - which was useless by the platting since it din not go
to the lake edge. Several people including David Burns and other town officals at the
time fought to retain lake access at the end of Jefferson Street; if memory serves right
they had to appear in the Federal court in South Bend. Other accesses were also being
fought for at the time which included the Daviess, Winfield, and Washington St. which
were not gained; a limited agreement for Washington Street was reached to allow access
to the park area but is unknown if it still exists or not.
316 E. Jefferson
Bayside and all the following properties
became the property of the Bayside.
312 E. Jefferson Lot 13 F. B. Harris Addtion.
Building was a part of the J. O. Ferrier Lumber yard at,
316 E. Jefferson
Top Shop?
Town & Country Baskets & General Store - 1993 - c2002 Gail Runhow Reinigia
___ E. Jefferson Lot 14 F. B. Harris Addtion.
Appears to be separte lot - 1914
304 E. Jefferson - Culver City Ice. Co.
Russell &
Esther B. Mc Farland, 32 years
Lot 15 F. B. Harris Addtion.
214 E. Jefferson

200 E Jefferson -
Earl Dean Overmyer
Plumbing and Heating Co., a 1950's ad placing the buisness at this address. | |
1936 - Jul 1 - Swift & Co. to Open Cream, Poultry Station - A cream station, and egg and poultry house
will be opened in Culver by Swift & Co. on Monday, July 6. The Cline Building on East Jefferson will
occupied by the new concern, which will be in charge of H. E. Knepper, formerly of Plymouth
target=new>104 N. Plymouth Elizabeth Gardens -
Eizabeth Beauchamp Thompson
1924 - Nov. 19 - Schlosser Bros, of Plymouth purchased the lots at the corner of Plymouth and Jefferson Streets
and plan to erect an ice house and receiving station.
N. Plymouth Street
1914 - Mar 19 -The old barns on the corner of Jefferson and Plymouth streets, owned for many yeara by H. M.
Speyer, have been torn down. The land was bought last year by Dr. and Frank Parker, and in the near
future will be occupied by some kind of a buiness building.
114 E. Jefferson Street Overmyer's Soft Water
1996, Jul-2013
Lance Overmyer
___ Main St. listed under Mains St. (Kline's) now represented by an empty lot
105 E Jefferson -
EV Charger
Main St.
1960 - Jul 27 - AT 12:50 P.M. LAST FRIDAY a traffic signal light was placed in operation at the busy Bank corner
intersection of Main and Jefferson Streets in downtown Culver. There was much excitement as scores of motorists
innocently ignoring the new warning received a friendly word of caution from police officers Don Mikesell and Jim Cox.
A crew from the Northern Indiana Public Service Company is seen placing the signal light in position. (Photo by Carl
Adams Jr |
101 Main Street Lot 4 Thos Houghton's amended Plat
116 W Jefferson Dwelling (address per 1937 Sanborn map - 1906, 1914, 1924-1937 {LOT 17 1RD W LOT 9 }
1922 - Wm. Osborn
1958 - residence
This or other house on Washington St. of bank parking lot was move to corner of Mill
& Ohio St. for Bryce Bigley; according to George Franz and was the Nancy Guess residence in the 1980's
Bank Parking Lot - 1958 -1995, Aug State Exchange Bank corp.
1958 April 30 – State Exchange Bank announces the opening of its parking lot directly west of the bank
NorCen Bank January 24, 1985 -1995, Aug. State Exchange Bank Corp.
1st Source Bank, 1995, Aug. - ?
Indiana Federal Bank for Savings ?c. 1997-2001,Jun
5/3 Bank 2001, Jun - 2006, Oct
Fifth Third Bank split 75 feet off of depth to Culver Union Twp. Library 2001/2002
75' TO POB TH CONT S0-04-49W 123.21' TO N LN JEFFERSON ST TH S89-05-14W 99.64'
TH N0-05-17E 123.37' TH N89-10-51E 99.62' TO POB & 1/2 VAC ALLEY ORD 2002-005
Fifth Third Bank Vacated alley the North and South lots 2001, Apr.
Fifth Third Bank Combined the North and South Lot 2006, Oct.
First Farmer- 2006, Oct - 2013
The way it was 1922
Ohio St.
In 1906 Ohio St. did not exist only from Jefferson south to Mill Street, untill Oct, 20
1923 - when the property owners Edwin c. & Mary Hawk, Ezra E. & Jenne Hwakins; and Walter
G & Nettie Fishburn , deeded off enough land to from the steet on down South for the
land betweeen Mill street and Daviess Street - this following is found:
 1924 |
 1937 |
202 W. Jefferson (Jefferson & Ohio) - 1924 it is clearly marked as the
Hackett Hotel-
also known more promently as the
Osborn Hotel
or the New Culver Hotel as labeled in 1937; or Culver Hotel. Today it is a bare lot.
was to have been a part of the "School Lot"
| |
212 W Jefferson St. dwelling [GW GARNS ADD LOT 20 E66' EX ]
Mary Belle Kemple To Head Branch Of Smith & Downs
Mary Belle Kemple, wife of Kenneth Kemple, 212 W. Jefferson Street, Culver, will be salesman
and representative of the Smith and Downs Realtor Company, of Rochester, it was announced
this week by Mrs. Helen Downs, one of the members of the firm. Mrs. Kemple will operate a
branch office of the Rochester firm here in Culver.
Mary Belle Kemple will represent the firm in the Culver area and will deal in properties consisting
of homes, lake and city property, commercial properties and farms.
Mrs. Kemple, who has been a Culver resident all her life, and was the former Mary Belle Osborn,
is a member of the Burr Oak Church of God and the the members of the S.K. Club. V.F.W. Auxiliary.
Morton and Helen Downs are former residents of Culver before moving- to Rochester in 1951 They
were in the real estate business in Culver for six years. They joined with Clay Smith to form the firm
of Smith and Downs, located at 411 W. 8th St., in Rochester.
?- 1998 empty lot "School Lot" [GW GARNS ADD LOT 20 S99' W72' E138' ]
Northstar Inc. 1998 - 2013
220 W Jefferson - 1957 - Hand's Soft Water Service - Don Hand started the
buisness in 1947.
216 W. Jefferson (today's address)
Northstar Inc. 1998-2013 [GW GARNS ADD LOTS 20/21 S1/2 27RDS]
Slate St.
300 W. Jefferson dwelling [GW GARNS ADD LOT 21 S1/2 E60.5' W121']
cpa tax & Accounting Service, Greeson & Greeson CPA's - Jerry A. & Joyce (Odle) Greeson 1999 -
300 W. Jefferson dwelling [GW GARNS ADD LOT 21 S1/2 W 60.5']
316 W. Jefferson dwelling [G.W.GARNS ADD S 1/2 E 1/2 LOT 22]
320 W. Jefferson dwelling [GW GARNS ADD S1/2 LOT 22 S1/2 W 55' ]
324 W. Jefferson dwelling [SW COR LOT 22 GARNS ADD W50' N99' E50]
___ W. Jefferson Garage lot [50'W SW COR LOT 22 GARNS ADD W55' N]
410 W Jefferson dwelling [105'W SW COR LOT 22 GARNS ADD W55' N]
422 W Jefferson dwelling [STORYVILLE SUB LOT 1 LEGAL DESC: LOT 1]
426 W Jefferson dwelling [66'S 9'E SW COR LOT 17 GARNS ADD S ET]
440 W Jefferson dwelling [66'W NW COR LOT 19 GARNS ADD S 7CH]
508 W Jefferson dwelling
510 W Jefferson dwelling[N 8RD S 40RD E 28RD W1/2 SE EX W 330']
514 w. Jefferson
(today's address) [N LN HWY 528' N & 858' E SW COR SE N ]
Culcom, LLC 2005,Jul-2013 Richard Systma
Puter Pit Stop - Dec. 2011-2013 - colleen (Ditmire) Wantwood
Farm Land -
25.89A Also borders St. Rd. 17
___ vacant lot [SE COR 528' N & 660' E SW COR SE1/4]
560 W Jefferson -
Culver Storage Solutions
580 W Jefferson dwelling
590 W. jefferson [E 92FT W 397FT OF 2 TR]- LARRY J & ANITA G BOETSMA
600 W. Jefferson LARRY J & ANITA G BOETSMA
...THANKS for the memories...
Kids Memory Index