Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

House Numbers - Lake Shore Dr. aka Scott Toner 1925 Vs 2016

Just the 1925 listing

They may not be the same houses that were there in 1925 - but it is a start to document the houses of Culver and the businesses.

There are several that are not listed as they did not exist; there is a handful that looks as if they were razed and replaced; and others have been totally remodeled and added onto that obscure their orginial structure.

The ## / ## represents 1st the old # and then the new; if divided the division is noted. I hope I have linked all those used as businesses to the existing history page or of historical value.

Really all are of historically value since about 97% of the houses that line Main Street are 91 plus years old by this listing.

Mail was delivered for the first time Sep 2, 1925 to the doorsteps of homes in Culver, even tho the mumbers had been finished.

As they became assigned they were printed in the Citizen - Lakeshore Drive was Sep 9, 1925.


Property owners were to learn their numbers as soon as possible and place the numeral over the door way of their homes.

NOTE: Houses that intersected on a corner of a street(s) seem to be listed twice - one as one street and one as the other street - - maybe because they and a door exiting onto both streets? and the owner could choose which address they wanted? It does make for confusion in the listings tho. By 1925 Scott (the area from Main to State Streets) and Toner (the area from State Street North to the Cruve) had come under one Name "Scott". Also noted by the 1925 Postal Addresses from the curve (Root Beer stand) north was referred to as Bunker Hill Street.

Main Street
East on North Side of Scott Street
OwnerLot NoHouse No.
Goss, Oliver T 21 104
Osborn Amos 52 114
Plymouth Street
Medbourn Harry E 57 204
Vories George 57 208
Lake Street
Keen Sanford E 24 304 vacant lot; a part of 310
Keen Melvin L 23 310
C.M.A. 14 316 / 318 New Bldg
Mikesell Howard E 13 322
Lakeview Street
Adams Margaret 12 404
Williams Geo. S and F F 11 412
Rich James I and Effie P 2 416
Spangler Geo M and M C 1 422 Lakeside Hotel New Bldg
Harding Court
Lichtenberger N. A. and F; 4 504 /506
Listenberger Henry N. A. Lichtenberger the Blue Front 4 508 Razed - became a part of 508 Lake Shore
McLochlin Anna, aramount Hotel aka Bradley, Chasnell 4 512 508
Hays, Charles E 5 610
Hawkins, Elza H 5 622 /618 / 620
Lakeview Tavern absorbed by LakeHouse (aka Edgewater)
Hawkins Ezra E 5 626/ 622
Coffee Shop - Burned 1978 and remained a vacan lot till absorbed by LakeHouse (aka Edgewater)
Slattery Thomas E 6 630
Lakeside Grocery absorbed by LakeHouse (aka Edgewater)
Schweidler Mary 9 648 / 640
Liberty Street
Schweidler Moritz 1 704 / 700 New Bldg
Henning Henry L and R 3 714 Absorded into 700 - Parking lot and gas tanks
Forrest Place
Rector N W and A E 4 804 / 802
Bradley M J 7 820
East on South Side Scott Street
Main Street
OwnerLot NoHouse No.
Swigert Augusta 22 103 (103 Lake Shore) Was moved to Lake St. Aso listed under the Main St. City House Numbers as 318 N Main
Stahl E B and Charity 51 109
Plymouth Street
Zechiel Jerom 59 203
Lake Street
Hays Abram 1 303
Menser Urias and Ora 1 309
Hays Bertha E 14 315 / 311
Shilling S C 14 321 / 313
Lake Street
Standard Oil Co. 15 403a part of 415
Hays Charles E 15 409 / 415
Coolidge Court
Bleyer Andree 5 505
Smith Cecil R 4 511
Smith Ora T and D J 3 517
Crabb James and Orpha F 2 521
Slattery T. E. and Waite 1 525
Sate Street
R. R. Ground 607 / 615 Pennsylvania Depot & Town Park
North on West Side of Bunker Hill St
OwnerLot NoHouse No.
Roberts Alva M 4 413 / 831 Lakeshore Guessing at as this in relation to the other listings & age of houses
Brooke Frank L 3 425 / 825 Lake Shore Dr Guessing at as this & with the 1960 telephone directory listing of: Brooke Frank 825 Lake Shore Dr
Medbourn Laura J 514 / 821, Lakeshore
Guessing at as this in relation to the other listings & age of houses
North on East Side of Bunker Hill St
OwnerLot NoHouse No.
Pine Frank B 510 / 904 N LAKESHORE DR Guessing at as this in relation to the other listings & age of houses
Baker Oliver R 516 / 912 Lake Shore Dr Guessing at as this & with the 1960 telephone directory listing of: Baker Nellie Mrs 912 Lake Shore Dr
Anderson Wm. & Sylvia 522
Guessing at as this & with the 1960 telephone directory listing of: Anderson Wm 914 Lake Shore Dr
Behmer Clar. and Gert. 544 / 922 Lakeshore -
Guessing at as this was the Behmer / Lennen House in the 1950's and 1960's