Lake Shore Dr. History Index
On the 5th day of August, 1886, Albert D. Toner
On the 2ist day of December, 1886, the following explanation and acknowledgment were filed for record in the recorder's
office of Marshall county:
"I herewith file for record the annexed plat as an addition to the Vandalia addition to the town of Uniontown, Marshall
county, Indiana, known as A. D. Toner's addition to said Vandalia addition to the town of Uniontown aforesaid, said
addition being laid out of lots No. 3, 4 and 5 of school subdivision of sec- tion 16, township 32, range one (i) east,
commencing at _ the northwest corner of said lot No. 3, said additions being divided as shown on plat, in thirteen lots,
and numbered from one to thirteen inclusive, and also eleven out lots numbered from one to eleven inclusive. The length
and breadth of said lots being indicated by figures on said plat; also the width of all streets and alleys are so indicated, except
from this plat out lots No. 2, 7, 8 10 and 11.
Witness 'Our' hand and seal this 5th day of August, A. D. 1 886. Albert D. Toner.
1891 - The road (Lake Shore dr.) was not opened up to North until this year - it was done by the railroad -
The expenditure of ...over the previous year includes costs of litigation as follows:..; over opening roadway north
of station at Marmont $567.25 - pgs. 38-40 Fourth-Fourth Annual Report of the President and Directors of the
Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1891
By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company
1926 - May 5 - Scott Street and Toner Avenue were made into one and the name was made Lake Shore Drive.
Kids Memory
A & R Motors
Abad & Epley Realty
Adler's Mini Mart
Alford's IGA
Boat and Bait Shop
William W. Anderson Anderson Boat Livery
A & W Root Beer Stand
early Lakeshore Businesses
Brewer Building
Beaber Saloon
B & B Service Station
Back Door Botique
Bick Flicks
Daniel A. and Margaret J. (McNutt) Bradley
Edwin J. Bradley
Ralph W. Braun
Beachview Town houses
Bennett's Plumbing and Heating Contractor
Bennett's Contracting, LLC.
The Bike Barn
Dr. Bieker's dentist
Binkley Real Estate
Bonded Gasoline
Businesses of
Brockey Ins
Bonine-Odom Funeral Home
Bonine Funeral Home
Cactus Charlie’s
Charley's Lake Shore Garage
Chicago Motor Club AAA Service Station
City Tavern
CJ's Country Clutter
Coffee Shop
Colonnade Hotel
Crystal Coin Laundry
Culver Animal Hospital
Culver Educational Foundation -
Culver Clinic
Culver Coffee Company Inc./
Culver Coffee House
Culver Dental Clinic
Culver Fire Department Parking.
Culver Lodge
Culver Theater
Culver Town Park
Claude H. 'Cary' H. &
Kathryn Elnora 'Katie' (Ewald) Cummins
614 Clara's Restaurant - Clara E. Hansen
Cummins Apartment Building.
Culver Bed & Breakfast - 203 Lake Shore Dr.
Depot Renovation
Mary A. (Banks) Dewitt
Early businesses
Eby's Root Beer Stand
618 Lake Shore Dr. -
Edgewater Grill
El Rancho Theater,
612 Lakeshore Dr.
Hoosier Pete / Enco Service Station
Enco aka Lake Shore Garage
Fire, 31 Jan. 1972
Clarence W. Epley
EpleyTown & Country Package Liquor Inc
Jack Fenmore
415 Lake Shore Dr. Fire
Frosty Cream
David Feagler, Attorney
House Numbers
Hair kare
614 Clara's Restaurant - Clara E. Hansen
Hair kare
Harbor Condo Office
Hayes Restaurant - Hayes Block
Hayes & Son Livery
Dr. George F. Henricks dentist
Evert & Sadie (Carter) Hoesel
Hole-in-one Donuts & Silk Bouque
Omer Roy Hook
Howlett Motors
Bell Telephone Company
Inn by the Lake
J & M
Jamieson's Town and Country Liquors
Johnson Hotel
"Deb" Jordon
Julie Mae's
Dairy Delight
Keen Brothers
Photograph Studio
Kowatch Painters, Decorators, Plumbing & Heating
Lake Shore Dr. History
Lake Shore Barbecue
LakeShore Drive Paving
Lake Realty
Lakeside Grocery Store
Lake Side Hotel
Lakeshore Clinic -
LakeShore Garage
Lakeshore Garage Burns
Lake Shore
Recreational Hall
Lake Shore Lanes
Lakeview Tavern
Liberty Theater
T. G. Louden
Maxinkuckee Highlands.
My Memories of the Station Years - 700 Lake Shore Dr.
D. W. Miller Livery & Feed
Robert E. & 'Katie' Kathyrn (Triplet) May
Maxinkuckee Tour boat
Mc Clure Ford Sales
A. R. McKesson
Mc Kinnis Rexall Drugs
Monterey Bank
Mr. T's
Custom Homes & Renovations
415 Lake Shore Dr. multi business use
802 Lake Shore Dr. - Fritz Nehnevay
Bowling Alley
Donald R. "Don" & Julie Mae
Original Root Beer Stand
Osborns Mini Mart
Clifford Overmyer
Odom Funeral Home
Palace Theater
Palms Theater
Park Cafe hotel and eatery - Avery
Park n Shop
617 Pearl St. - Happy Hour Hotel/
Pearl St. Apartment Complex
Railroad Depot
Appliance Store - Al & Ellen Poppe
Pennsylvania or the
Vandalia Railroad Depot Pictures
Renfrows Rock n Roll Cafe
Ride On Bike Rentals
RO-AL Corporation - "Chuck" Charles E. & Alyce E. Robeson
Chuck Robeson Associate - "Chuck" Charles E. & Alyce E. Robeson
June Sage
Sages Insurance
Allen A. & Georgette Samuelson
Arthur Schweidler
Joe Schweidler
Scout cabin
Shirt on You
Apartment Building
Clyde & Genevieve (Warner)
Specialty Shop
Appliance Store - Dan Shively
F G Solomon's merchandise store - theory
Bryon Spangler
St. Mary's Church
Stealy's Town and Country Package Liquor Inc.
Bryon H. and June (Mc Lane) Studebaker
Swirly Top Ice Cream parlor
Carl Steely
Jill (Coit) steely)
808 Lake Shore Dr. J. Patrick Thomas
Albert D. Toner
Uptown Cinema
Uptown Shop
VanGuilder Funeral Home (AKA O T Goss residence)
Pennsylvania or the
Vandalia Railroad Depot Pictures
Railroad Depot
Van Horn Ford
Village Beauty Shoppe
Village Lodge
West Terrace subdivision West Terrace
Walker's Studio
Thomas K. Walker
Margaret Washburn
WCMA Radio Station
Oscar R. Wesson & Lovina Emily (Newman) Wesson
Wicker Ford Sales
Wolford Building, Wolford Saloon, Wolfrod Restaurant
Jerome "Zeke" Zechiel
820 Lake Shore Dr. Penny S. Ziegler