Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Unknown East Side Views  

Here are some un-identified east side views at present - with some ideas of where could possibly be.


    This reminds me of the area between the Culver Military Academty boat house landing and the Culver cottage.

    A New clue has surfaced as to where maybe and on South West side of lake: 1928 - 3 Oct Long Point Road May Be Improved... D. W. Marks askinf the the road extending from the Wells corner where the brick pavement ends on South Main Stree to the raod known as "Lover's Lane'. just beon fht Walker cottage be repaired by hard surfacing...





    This reminds me of what was called People's point - today on the fishing area map of the lake it is labeled Perry's Point.

    This has also been labeled as "Foot of Nawawkee's Hill, Lake Maxinkuckee (showing cemented retaining wall of glacial boulders)" from a catalouge promoting Lake Maxkinkuckee.


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    This reminds me of the Howell cottage lake front where John Ziglis now owns.


    This reminds me of the area around the Marmon Cottage which is fenced in at 1100 E Shore possibly the Greenleaf Log House 1085 E. Shore or the Orchard House "Vonnegut property" at 953 E. Shore the last two being on the non-lake front were wooded and also fenced in and every spring the area along State Road 117/E. Shore Dr. is alive with the old fashioned yellow daffodils.


    This reminds me of the area around the CMA Boat house, Culver Homestead amd the first cottage below it and the woods - I might be wrong - but could this be the Old road before St. Road 117 was changed about 1927?

