Tragedies of the Lake
Any misspelling is correct till I go through and edit them; as was pulled from the newspaper.
These page will be used to record any accidents that occured on Lake Maxinkuckee - whether it be fatal
or not. Any lake accident still leaves vivid memories of the reality of what could of been...; some accidents
left the person disfigured or handicapped for life or dead. One can read of the near traegdies and rejoice
in the outcome and hopefully learn a lesson by reading the story of how very beautiful our Lake Maxinkuckee
is and yet the potential dangerthat lurks there if carelessness ouccried during lake activities.
1882 - Aug 30 -
A Sad
Mishap - James Rannells & Ed Bears Drowns
1883 - Aug 11-
Frank Ward Drowns
1885 - Drowned at Lake Maxinkuckee
James McSheehy received a telegram from Lake Maxinkuckee this morning that
Chsrles Scudder, a young man from Terre Haute, had been drowned in tha deep water
off Long Point.
Scudder and several of his companions went out bathing about 10 o'clock, taking with
them a boat and going out a good distance to where the water was more than forty feet
They were swimming about in fine glee, when Scudder made a dive from off the boat and
did not come up for some little time, and when he came up and cried loudly for help and
beat about wildly. Before anyone could reach him to lend aid he had sank never to come up
Charles Scudder was about twenty years of age and had been camping on Long Point with a
young man named Miller. He lived in Terre Haute.
The young men have been in the habit of rowing out into. the deep water to go bathing
although they have been frequently warned of the danger. Up to a late hour the body of the
young man had not been recovered.
As the water is very deep where the young man sank the body may not be recovered.
The fatalities at Lake Maxinkuckee already makes a long list with this last one to add -
Logansport Pharos Tribune 17 Aug 1885
1896 - Jul 16 Drowned in Maxinkuckee - A young man named Wilkinson was drowned in
Lake Maxinkuckeethis morning. A row beat capsized with him. No further information
was received here. Logansport Pharos Tribune
1889 - Ape - 5 -
Captain Ralph K. Lord
Drowns Himself
1898 - October 7 Culver Herald: Cadets Burner, 19, and Morehead, 18, were drowned
while boating on Lake Maxinkuckee Wednesday afternoon. Without obtaining permission
from the Academy they secured a boat and went sailing along the east shore beyond
the Indiana boat house when a sudden aquall [squall] capsized the boat tossing the boys
into the water. Burner was caught under the sail, Morehead held onto the aft end of the
boat. Burner freed himself, bout could not swin. Morehead lost his hold attempting
to help Burner and both sank to the bottom. The accident occurred about 3 p.m. The
bodies were recovered. And for the first time in its history the flag at the Academy was
flown at half mast.
found in Logansport Pharos Tribune Oct 7, 1898:
Remains of Young Morehead Passed Throngh Here Yesterday
The remains of young Herbert Morehead, who was drowned Wednesday in Lake Maxinkuckee
passedthrough here on a special train for Terre Haute at 2 o'clock yesterday.
The remains of the companion of Morehead, whose name was Russell Burner, of Norwalk, 0.,
and who went down with him, were taken to DeLong and transferred to the Erie railroad
and shipped to Norwaik.
When the boat capsized both 6f the young men fell out together, and the one who could
not swim
grabbed the ankle of the other.
When the lake was dragged and tbe bodies were found they were still fast together, but in bringing
them to the surface, the death grip was loosened, and Morehead's body was again lost.
Berner's remains were recovered about 6 o'clock Wednsday evening and the other body was brought in
yesterday morning.
Both were staff officers of Culver academy and were for that reason excused from drill. They, however,
left the grounds without permission, and securing a sailboat went out on the lake. Directly opposite the
Indiana club house, the boat was caught in a squall and capsized.
A special coach was sent up from Terre Haute, carrying H. H. Culver , of St. Louis, son of the founder of
Culver academy, Dr. Morehead the boy's father and Frank Ryan an undertaker.
Herbert Moorehead was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Moorehead, of Terre Haute, and Russell
Berner was the only son of Dr. G. W. Berner, of Norwalk. Both were well-known and prominent young
men and their parents are grief stricken over the loss of their sons. Military funerals services were held
over the remains of both before they were shipped to their homes
Culver Citizen - 1902 - - "Mrs. Dr. SELFRIDGE of Jasonville, Ind., a guest at the Arlington, went
out upon the lake [Lake Maxinkuckee] accompanied by her three year old son. The little lad stood
up in the boat and fell headlong into the water. The frightened mother sprang overboard to the
rescue of her little son and grabbing the rope trailing from the boat was rescued by other guests
at the Arlington. The mother's nerves had been at such tension from fright that after being brought
ashore she was prostrated for several hours."
Mother's Brave Act,
Saved Her Child from Drowning at
Maxinkuckee Lake
Mrs. Selferidge, wife of Dr. Selfridge of Jasonville, is a guest at the Arlington Hotel, Culver . Entering a
boat with her three year old child, Sunday, she rowed out in Maxinkuckee lake. The little of in some
way fell in. Calling for assistance the child's mother sprung overboard, clasped her son in her arms, and
clung to an anchor rope which was trailing form [from] the boat, until some of the other guests, who
had witnessed the accident from the pier, were able to aid her in reaching the shore. - pg. 1 17 Jul
1902 Logansport Dailey Reporter
Culver Citizen - 1903 August 13 –-- Seven drunks while out boat riding last Sunday upset their boat
about a half mile out from the boat house. They were rescued. A peculiar feature of the affair is they
were as drunk after the experience as before…
3 Sept 1903 - Culver Citizen
Mrs. Mary Castleman
Drowned in Lake Maxinkuckee
The community was startled last Thursday morning by the shocking news that Mrs. Mary Castleman, wife
of J. H. Castleman had drowned the night before...Becoming greatly alarmed a thorough search was
instituted resulting in the discovery of her apparently lifeless body under the pier near Kreuzberger's
Park about 10 p.m.....
Monday, March 28, 1904 Rochester Sentinel
By taking a shot gun by the muzzle and attempting to pull it over a seat in a boat at Lake Maxinkuckee
Saturday afternoon, Clyde COMBS accidentally discharged the gun and the load tore a large hole in his
abdomen, from the effects of which he died four hours later.
Combs and a boy were out on the lake and when struck by the discharge he was knocked out of the
boat backwards. The boy was successful in getting him in and rowing to shore, a buggy came along
shortly afterwards and Combs walked to it and climbed in unassisted and was taken to a doctor’s office
in Culver . The wound was there dressed and he was removed to his home where he died about seven
o’clock. He was conscious the greater part of the four hours he lived after the accident and told his family
and father of the accident.
Clyde Combs is the son of James COMBS, the grist mill man at Leiters, and lived at Culver where he
operated a mill for his father. He was twenty years of age and leaves a wife and three month old baby.
The funeral was held at Leiters this afternoon at two o’clock
1906 - Jan 5 - ICE AT MAXINKUCKEE. Culver Citizen: "The ice on the lake is at present an uncertain
quanity and rather treacherous. A large number of young people availed themselves of the opportunity
last Sunday and went skating. Luckily no serious accident occurred. J. F. Cromley was fishing near the
edge of the ice when a large cake became detached and began drifting to the center of the lake. He
was very much frightened, although in no great danger. A boat was secured and a resucue made in
short order. - Logansport Daily Pharos
1906, June 15
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Keller Barely Escape Drowning in Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Keller have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, where they spent several
days fishing this week and where on Monday they had a thrilling escape from drowning in
the lake. Their rescue was almost miraculous, as the accident happened in mid-lake, about
a mile from shore, where the water was fully fifteen feet deep.
Mr. and Mrs. Keller had launched out in a small boat and were engaged in angling, Mrs. Keller
occupying a seat on a small stool in one end of the 'boat, while Mr. Keller sat in, the other.
Their boat was standing still and when Mrs. Keller started to turn aroxmd on her seat she
suddenly lost her balance and before her husband could reach her the boat gave a sudden
lurch and she fell headlong into the lake.
In an instant Mr. Keller leaped into the water to rescue his wife and in so doing the boat was
upset, but remained inverted on top of the water. He was obliged to dive down after Mrs.
Keller and succeeded in bringing her to the surface and with great difficulty managed to help
her on top of the inverted boat, while he held on to keep himself above water.
In this position they attracted the attention of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pittman, who were also
out on the lake in a small boat about a half mile distant from the Kellers. With all his might
Mr. Pittman rowed to the assistance of the Kellers and reaching their boat Mrs. Keller was
transferred from the inverted boat to the one occupied by the Pittmans. The transfer was
made not without great danger, but by exercising the proper care it was successfully
accomplished. With Mrs. Keller, safely located and with Mr. Keller holding on, the party moved
on to shore. The rescue was witnessed by quite a number of people on the lake front and
the rescuers were roundly complimented and the rescued received congrat ulations on their
fortunate escape. - - Logansport Dail Pharos.
1906 - July - The issue of 12 July 1906 records the near drowning of - Gordan Leaf, age 6
who fell from the Peerless in front of the Lake View Hotel in about 30 to 40 feet of water.
George Schaler hearing the boys cries went to the rescue and on the second attempt found
the unconscious boy who had been in the water for six to seven minutes. Gen. Gignillant and
others worked for hours to resuscitate the boy and succeeded.
1906 - July 31 - LOCAL BOY NEARLY DROWNED Will Kelley, aged 17, son of John F Kelley, east
Market street, had a narrow escape from drowning at Lake Maxinkuckee Saturday afternoon. He
was rescued, by a 14-year-old boy after he had disappeared twice. He was attacked with cramps. -
Logansport Daily Pharos
1907 - Aug 7 -
Down to His Death
1908 - Death By Drowning
Freddie Asper Goes
Down to a Watery Grave While Skating on the Lake.
July 1909 -
James Leroy Justice hurt in swimming
accident - paralyzed for life.
1914 - Jul 9 - Colored Waiter Drowned
Joe Collier, a colored waiter at the Lake View hotel, drowned ib an attack of cramps, while awimming
in the lake with Arlington Saunders, another waiter, on Friday afternoon.
He started to cross from the sailboat pier to the depot pier and had gone hardly 20 feet when Saunders,
hearing his cries for help, swam to him in time to see him-sink to the bottom of the lake. Saunders made
several attempts to rescue him, but failed.
Murel Ganger then plunged, all dressed, into the water to help him, but his clothing was so heavy and
the weight of Collier's body so great that he could not move it.
By this time Sam Belt had come with a row boat and the three managed to get the body aboard and
rowed to tbe pier where they had worked over it only a few minutes when Major Greiner and Walter
Hand arrived with the academy pulmotor. This was used for a long time, but without success.Life bad
evidently passed from the body before it was taken from the lake.
The body waa shipped to Washington, Ind., where Collier's parents live, on Saturday evening by Undertaker
Easterday. - Culver Citizen Jul 9, 1914
1916 July - Drowned in Maxinkuckee Lake. Chester Sarber, 19, drowned while bathing in eight
feet of water at Maxinkuckee lake. He was employed in the bake shop of Culver Military academy.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow - - Goshen Daily Democrat, Saturday, July 22,
1916, Goshen, Indiana
1923 - July 11 — One man was drowned and two narrowly escaped when a boat
was capsized on Lake Maxinkuckee last Sunday morning. Joseph Laskowski, alias
Joseph Smith
1925 - Jungle Hotel
1926 - Sep 11 - Seek Body of Canoeist In Maxinkuckee -
John Maloney
1927 -
Buffington Drowns and Harry Medbourn saved himself by clinging to the boat,
1927 - August 17 – Midshipman rescued from lake.
Saturday, August 27, 1927 - Rochester Sentinel ---Brooding over ill health from which she had
suffered for the past 18 months is believed to have been the cause of Mrs. Otto ALEXANDER,
aged 48, of Culver committing suicide by drowning in Lake Maxinkuckee, during the early
hours of Friday morning. The body clad only in a night gown was recovered shortly after six
a.m. Friday by her son, who with other members of the family had instigated a search for the
missing woman.
The woman's husband, who is employed at Culver in the Ewald meat market, had remained at
her bedside until 3:30 Friday morning when he fell asleep and some time between that period
and six o'clock, Mrs. Alexander, who had been considered as being unable to leave her bed, had
walked from her home to the West shore of the lake and ended her life by drowning.
Mrs. Alexander had been a sufferer of a nervous disorder and but two days prior to her rash act
had consulted an insurance agency concerning a policy on her life, which of course was not taken
out on account of her physical condition.
Besides the husband, seven children survive. Funeral arrangements have not as yet been announced
pending the decision of Coroner R. E. JOHNSON'S inquest, which is being conducted today.
14 June 1933 -
Raymond T. Burton,
age 25, was the first drowning victim this year in Lake Maxinkuckee. His body was recovered with
some efforts last Wed., after he and a companion went for a swim off the Lake View Hotel pier on
the north shore of the lake. Burton was a member of the orchestra of musician Jack Crawford, "the
Clown Prince of Jazz" from Los Angles.
1933 - Jul 19 — Storm claimed
Mrs. Miller's life endangered
A sudden wind storm on Lake Maxinkuckee Friday night caused the death of Mrs. Arthur Millerof Rochester,
who suffered a heart attack when the waves overturned the rowboat in which she was a passenger.
At least ten boats were overturned by the large waves and only the alertness of the Academy personnel saved the
situation on the lake from being a greater tragedy.
1934 - JUNE 20, 1034 — Arthur Kemple was presented the Hero Medal for rescuing a playmate,
Sam Strang Jr., from probable drowning last winter when he fell through the ice. - 30 Jun 1934
1938 - Feb 7 Fishermand Drowned at Maxinkuckee
Peru Man Perishes Sunday When He Plunges Through Ice in Five Feet of Water
Peru, Ind. - WIlliam Mallot , 43, world war veteran, and former Wabash shop employee, of 114 East
Warren stree was drowned in the icy waters of Little Lake Macinkuvcke, Marshall county, Sunday afternoon
ar 1 o'oclock when he fell through the ice as he and two companions were returning to shore after fishining
though the ice....
1939 -
Accidental Drowning
while fishing
1943 - July 14 -
Two Men Drowned I
Lake Sunday; Search For Bodies C ntinue.
1944 sep. 13 -
Benjamin Harrison Burch, 56, drowned in Lake Maxinkuckee on Sept. 10 when his feet
became entangled in the anchor rope to his rowboat
1945 Dec 13 - Rochester Sentinel ----
David Judge Hughes
- Plymouth, Dec. 13. (INS) - Funeral services were planned today for David Judge
HUGHES, five-year-old son of Mrs.
Charles E. HUGHES, of Culver , who drowned Wednesday afternoon.
The child broke through the ice of Lake Maxinkuckee. The body was found after the
Tuesday, January 22, 1946 Rochester Sentinel - John Milton MILNER, age 49, owner of
the Culver Sheet Metal Wokers [Workers], was stricken with a heart attack Sunday
afternoon at 3:30 while fishing through the ice on Lake Maxinkuckee. Norman DUDDLESON,
who was ice skating, discovered Mr. Milner and summoned Dr. K. K. KRANING, of Kewanna,
another fisherman on the lake. Dr. Kraning administered first aid to Mr. Milner but later
pronounced him dead. He was carried to the shore by Donald MIKESELL and Ford
He was born in Darling, Brown county, Indiana, and when a child lived in Indianapolis, going
to Culver in 1919. Mr. Milner served in the Air Corps during World War I . He was a member
of the Culver Masonic Lodge.
Surviving are his wife Iva [MILNER]; a daughter, Mrs. Charles CLIFTON, of Culver ; a son, Dan
MILNER], at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George MILNER, of Harbor Springs, Mich., and
a half-sister, Mrs. Salina MALONE, of San Francisco.
1946 - July 17 - Young Boy Drowns In Lake; Two Local Men have Narrow Escape. - -
The first drowning in Lake Maxinkuckee this summer occurred Wednesday morning
July 10, when RObert ELlis Findling 16 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard F.
F. FIndling of Hammond fell of he pier in front of an East Side cottage owened by
His dgrandparents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Bransky of Chicago...
Walter Magee and his son-iin-law William Warren had a narrow escape from drowning
Thursday evening when the canoe in which they were riding was capzied by a large
wave in front of the Robinson cottage on Long Point...
Monday, January 13, 1947 - Rochester Sentinel ---- Stella Simmons, Betty Smith, Winston Turner
and Paul Robertson -
Culver , Ind., Jan. 13. -
Four children
drowned Saturday night in Lake Maxinkuckee after falling through a hole in the ice....
through the ice 0n the Dr. Norris lagoon on the southeast corner of the lake, three men
narrowly escaped drowning on Sunday afternoon when the three inch coating of ice gave way.
O. S. Matchett of Culver was the...
1952 - July 9 – The first drowning in Lake Maxinkuckee since 1947 occurred July 4 when the
body of
Curtis Blanton,
of Louellen, Ky., was found in three feet of water at the town beach
1954 - aug 18 - A tragic drowning late Thursday afternoon snuffed out the young life of Jay
Alber Michels, nearly 3, son of Pittsburgh Steel excutive Norman Ccharles Michels and Mrs. Michels,
summer tenants of the Spencer cottage at 1660 East Shore Drive.
1956 -
Ice Boat Death
Monday, June 25, 1956 Rochester Sentinel --- Cecil Slusser - Two drownings but a few
moments apart occurred Sunday afternoon in lakes in this vicinity. The victims were Cecil
SLUSSER, 19, of near Logansport ..
Slusser was drowned in Lake Maxinkuckee when the boat in which he and four friends were
riding was upset when it hit the wake made by a high-powered motor boat. A nearby fishing
boat was able to rescue all but Slusser....
1957 - July 17 Lake Maxinkuckee's first: drowning of the year occurred shortly after midnight
last Thursday when Army Sgt. 1/c Jack G. Bates, age 35, lost his life during a swimming party
at the Town Park public beach.
Army Officer Dies in Lake Maxkinkuckee
Body of Sgt. Jack Bates, 36, Found Near Peir By FIreman After Night Swimming Party
Culver, Ind. - Sgt. Jack G. Bates, 36, a member of the Army Reserve Officers Training Copr
detachment at Culver Military Academy, died in Lake Maxkinkuckee off the Culver Town Beach
while swimming Friday
Bates, who formerly resided at Dearborn, Mich., was one of a group from the of ROTC
swimming in the early morning hours.
Other members of the group told authorities, Bates apparently swam away from them. They
said they were not concerned until the left the water and noticed that Bates was no longer
in the party.
THey summoned the Culver volunteer fire department and the body was found just off the
end of the swimming pier at the beach. Dr. Marshall Stine of Bremen, Marshall county coroner, i
nvestgated. Death was believed due to drowning.
An assistant motor sergeant at the academy, Bates was transferred to Culver last April from Fort
Riley, Kans. He resided in Culver. Survivors include the widow, who resides in Dearborn.
Donald Mikesell, Culver town marshall resfused to descilose details of the tragedy after it occures,
saying the he was acting at the request of Capt. Matthew Wallace, commanding officer of the
academy's army detachement.
The body of the victim was taken to the Easterday furnerl home.
1958 - July 9 – John Jewell, 41 of Wabash drowns in Lake near Academy’s swimming pier…
1958 - August 6 – Bob May escapes from burning motor boat…
1960's late - 1970's - ?Mc Kee dau. of Vern Mc Kee of Culver boating accident.
M. Hill writes:
I would like to give you a bit of information on one of your articles in the section of Lake Maxinkuckee
drownings and accidents. I am talking about the boating accident you refer to in the late 1960's/early
1970's with the name of ??? McKee. The victim in the accident was Janice McKee. I went to school
with Janice. She was water skiing with some other people and she was hit by the boat motor. It
damaged her leg so severely that she had to have it amputated. Janice later wore an artificial leg and
continued on with her life. Hope this helps.
1964 - Oct. 7 Sailboat Capsizes
two men rescued
1979 - August 2 - Woman Saved From Drowning - Culver Mrs. Danuta Nelson, 29, of Bourbon
was swimming at the Culver Beach at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday about 20 yards east of the raft when
she called for assistance Rushing to help were lifeguards Robin Wiggin and Kim May, who brought
her back to the beach and administered first aid (treated for fainting) until the arrival of the
Emergency Medical Technicians.
1979 - Sep 6 - Indy Man Drowns In Lake Maxinkuckee
Culver - Daniel McShane. 21 of 3814 Washington Blvd. Indianapolis, drowned about midnight Tuesday
near Long Point at Lake Maxinkuckee He was visiting the area when the accident occurred.
Mr. McShane was manager of a restaunt in the Indianapolis area. The Bonine Funeral Home. Culver,
was in charge of arrangements to have the body shipped to the Feeney - Kirby Funeral Home in
July 1980, Sunday - Culver Citizen issues 28 July 1980 Andre Guyton drowns in lake
1990 -
Selestine Ware Drowns
23 Dec 2003 - Thomas Perkins, 17, and Brandon Robinson, 18, both of Rochester, are
still missing after canoeing in
Lake Maxinkuckee - -
2004 - Fisherman
Falls Through Ice
10 Aug 2005 - Academy single engine piper
warrior nose dives into lake. Drowning was Brent Bauman, 24 of Niwat, Co. and Peter Mueller, 14 of
Tampa, Fl.
2006 -
Miller struck by boat on Lake
2009 - Culver man dies after
ice boat accident
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Lake Maxinkuckee drowning victim identified
July 14, 2013 Plymouth Pilot
By Jeff Kenney
A large crowd gathered as rescue workers searched for 22 year old Valentin Sirghi, who had been
under water for some time at the Culver beach.
Culver EMS, fire, and area police responded to a call after 7 p.m. Sunday evening from the town
beach in Culver where 22-year-old Valentin Sirghi, of Plymouth had reportedly been under the
water for some 30 minutes.
A friend of the male, also 22, reported the two had been swimming near the buoy line on the
east end of the swimming area and were returning to shore when he noticed his friend went
Rescue workers, members of the Marshall County dive team, and even some nearby swimmers
searched the area for several minutes before recovering the man from under the water around
8 p.m. He was taken by stretcher to a waiting amb ulance and hospital-bound as a large crowd
applauded the efforts of the workers. Sirghi was pronounced dead at St. Joseph Regional Medical
Center in Plymouth at around 8:30 p.m. Exactly what caused Sirghi to drown is unknown, but an
autopsy will be performed by the Marshall County Coroner.
The Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources is leading the investigation.
2013 - Jul 16 - Coroner releases official cause of death in Plymouth man's drowning
CULVER – The Marshall County coroner’s office has confirmed a young Plymouth man pulled from
the water of Lake Maxinkuckee in Culver Sunday night died of asphyxiation due to drowning.
Coroner Bill Cleavenger says the victim was Valentin Sirghi, 22, of Plymouth.
Final toxicology results will not be available until later this week, and no further information is
expected to be released until then.
The investigation is being held by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
The DNR said Sirghi was pulled from the water around 8 p.m. and was pronounced dead at
the hospital in Plymouth a half-hour later.
2014 - Jul 4 - Missing Person Culver Beach (Marshall)
Division of Law Enforcement
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Division of Law Enforcement
9822 North Turkey Creek Road
Syracuse, IN 46567
For immediate release: July 4, 2014
Update: Missing Person Culver Beach (Marshall)
(Culver) Indiana Conservation Officers are searching Lake Maxinkuckee for a missing 27 year old male.
The subject was last seen swimming at the Culver Public Beach. Indiana Conservation Officer Divers
have been sent to assist in the search. Conservation Officers are also using “side scan sonar” to scan
the area he was last seen.
The Marshall County Sheriff's Department, Culver Police/Fire/EMS, and other local agencies are
assisting in the search.
UPDATE: The missing person has been recovered from Lake Maxinkuckee. Indiana Conservation Officers
and the Marshall County Coroner will be conducting the investigation.
Culver, IN - Friday 11:30 p.m. UPDATE: The Indiana DNR issued the following updated news release
concerning an apparent drowning in Lake Maxinkuckee:
Indiana Conservation Officers with the help of Marshall County Sheriff’s Department and Culver Fire,
Police, and EMS recovered the body of Jose Cruz Lizcano-Fernandez (28, Logansport, IN)
approximately 15 feet outside of the swim area at Culver Public Beach in about 5 feet of water.
Jose was missing for about four-five hours before family members noticed he was gone. When friends
searched for Jose they located his shoes at the water’s edge then notified police just before 9:00pm.
Indiana Conservation Officers and other emergency personnel responded with divers and sonar. In about
thirty minutes Jose was found.
Indiana Conservation Officers will be conducting an investigation into the cause of the incident and an
autopsy will be performed as directed by the Marshall County Coroner.
Indiana Conservation Officers cannot stress enough the importance of swimming with a buddy and
wearing a life jacket. Please use caution when recreating around the water during the holiday weekend
2016 - April 12 (Tuesday) - CULVER - Authorities are investigating the death of a fisherman on a Culver lake.
A construction worker on shore called 911 Tuesday afternoon after seeing a man overboard.
Investigators say 86-year-old Richard Corl was fishing on Lake Maxinkuckee when, for an
unknown reason, he entered the water. Rescue crews recovered Corl from the water and
he was transported to Plymouth Hospital where he was pronounced dead. Right now Indiana
Conservation Officers believe his death was accidental.
86-year-old's drowning death in Lake Maxinkuckee investigated
CULVER - The drowning death last week of an 86-year-old fisherman on Lake Maxinkuckee is
being investigated by Indiana Conservation officers.
Marshal! County Dispatch received a 911 call about a man overboard at approximately 12:30
p.m. on Tuesday, April 12. An on-shore construction worker dialed 911 after observing the
man overboard. Richard Con, age 86, of Bremen, had been fishing off the east shore of the
lake around three-quarters of a mile south of Culver Academies property, according to Culver
fire chief Terry Wakefield. Cori entered the water for an unknown reason. Corlwas reportedly
not wearing a life vest at the time.
Culver firefighters Tim McCarthy and Taylor Simpson recovered Coni from the water and
transported him to an awaiting ambulance on shore. Culver EMS transported him to the St.
Joseph Regional Medical Center in Plymouth, where he was pronounced dead.
The death was initially categorized by Indiana Conservation officers as accidental.
Also assisting were the Culver Police Department, Marshall County Sheriff's Department,
Marshall County Coroner's Office, Marshall County Central Dispatch and Culver Academies.