Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Lake View Club  

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The Lake View Club was the first club house built on the lake by men from Plymouth; it is was the Mc Quat Cottage on the east side, address being 2008 East Shore Dr. Being built in 1873 and has been razed and replaced with a new modern and larger cottage; located on the east bank of of Lake Maxinkuckee on the Louden T. Van Shoiack farm.

    Attention was first attracted to the lake as a summer resort by the erection of a clubhouse by a few residents of Plymouth on the east shore of the lake on grounds leased of L. T. Vanschoiack. the same now being owned by Mrs. McOuat, of Indianapolis.

    This was in 1875. The lease was to run five years. The club house was a story and a half frame building, with sleeping apartments above, and parlor, dining room and kitchen below. It became quite a popular place of resort, and many times during the hot summer months as many as fifty persons were entertained at one time. The officers of the club were
      Joseph Westervelt, president; ;
      William W. Hill, treasurer, and
      C. H. Reeve, secretary.
    - History of Marshall County Indiana (1908) Daniel Mc Donald pg. 99
He also mentions of this same group:

Boating and Fishing Club

This club was organized by several Plymouth people at Maxinkuckee lake, June 15, 1875, the following being the names of the members:
    Joseph Westervelt, president;
    John R. Losey, treasurer;
    Charles H. Reeve, secretary;
    Jerry Blain,
    W. N. Bailey,
    C. R. Cooper,
    H. G. Thayer [Henry George Thayer],
    William M. Kendall,
    William W. Hill ,
    C. C. Buck,
    C. E. Toan,
    Horace Corbin,
    U. S. Dodge,
    T. A. Eorton,
    Daniel Mc Donald,
    Hiram V. Reed,
    M. W. Simons,
    Platt Mc Donald,
    A. C. Capron,
    N. H. Oglesbee

1 The club leased a piece of lake front on the east shore from L. T. Van Schoiack, on which a clubhouse was erected which was occupied for five years. It is now owned by Mrs. Mc Uat[Mc Quat], of Indianapolis, and was the first place of summer resort on the lake. - History of Marshall County Indiana (1908) Daniel Mc Donald pg. 236

In 1878 a number of those who had been instrumental in organizing this club, wishing to have something permanent and more elaborate and comfortable, purchased fifteen acres of eligible lake front on the north bank, and

erected a large two-story frame building, lathed and plastered, containing a large reception and dancing room, and other conveniences.
Also 6 cottages were built for guests [another says there were two cottages and six wooden-floored tents that along what became known as the Indian Trail].
The main building - the rooms consisted of: dining, kitchen, reception rooms downstairs with 8 rooms for the families. It was in existence for about eighteen years - Altogether there were eight families who comprised the Lake View Club.

The club was furnished with a fine sailing yacht, and five sailboats and as many row- boats were owned by the individual members.

The organization was named "The Lake View Club," and was composed of the following members, all residents of Plymouth: William W. Hill, Nathan H. Oglesbee, Henry C. Thayer, Chester C. Buck, Joseph Westervelt, Charles E. Toan, Horace Corbin and Daniel McDonald. - History of Marshall County Indiana (1908) Daniel Mc Donald pg. 100

Daniel Mc Donald in his book "An Early History of Lake Maxinkuckee" again gives the ones as forming the Lake View Club in 1878 as:
    W. W. Hill,
    N. H. Oglesbee,
    H. G. Thayer,
    C. C. Buck,
    C. E. Toan,
    Horace Corbin,
    Daniel Mc Donald and also
    Joseph Westevelt

1880 - Jul 29 - Lakeview Culb
    Then a little to the south, until we cast anchor opposite "Lake View" the castle of contentment, belonging to the good people of Plymouth.

    Landing, we are cordially greeted by Commadore Hill, of the yacht "Arrow," who with his crew, consisting of yachtsmen Thayer, McDonald and Oglesbee, escort us to the "Lake View," up two flights of stairs, some thirty or forty feet above the bosom of the lake.


    is situated on the ncrthern shore, on a handsome bluff, and commands view of the entire lake. The club owns some fifteen acres.

    The house is two stories with double verandas both front and rear, giving delightful views both on lake and land.

    It is occupied only for the benefit of the families of its members and invited guests.

    The house is the best built one on the lake and com plete,- the grounds and improvements costing the club over $3,000.

    The club owns six boats, the "Elephant," the "Arrow." the "Anna,' and the "Kittie Mack."

    The members of the club are Messrs.
      Wm. Hill,
      Jos. Westervelt,
      N. H. Oglesbee,
      Horace Corbin,
      H. G. Thayer,
      Daniel McDonald,
      Chas. S. and Chester O Buck.

      The meimbers of this club are especially attentive to all visitors to the lake. Making our adieus (and with many thanks) we again take sail, this time for a long one.

In the Logansport Journal pg. 3 dated May 15, 1886 - Messrs. Buck and Toan, H. Corbin, H. G. Thayer and W. W. Hill have the plans drawn for cottages which they propose to erect on their individual lots on Lake View Club grounds as soon as possible.

1887 - Jul 18 - In an article entitled "A Wedding Reception at Maxinkuckee" the reception being for the Hon. Daniel McDonald & his bride in the South Bend Tribune is found a brief history and description of the club grounds:
    The club is the oldest of several which have summer resorts at Maxinkuckee and its members summered there years and years ago, when this beautiful sheet of water was almost unknown outside Marshall county.

    Years ago its members bough 15 acres of ground bordering on the north shore of the lake and built a large club house containing sleeping rooms in the second story and an immense reception and dining room on the first floor.

    Lake View club house is conceded by the hundreds who have cottahes all aroung this lake, to command the best views of th lake.

    It is but four minutes walk to the depot sheltered by a natural grove and always favored with a refreshing breeze.
    In connection with the club house most of th emembers have cozy cottages along the avenue which fronts the lake. All are but one story in height except Mrs. Thayer's.

    HIs is commodious enough for a regular dwelling house and is ornamented with a porch large enough for a dancing party.

    The flowing wells which can be had almost anywhere aourn Maxinkuckee by driving a pipe from 40 to 60 feet in the earth are numerous.

    Mr. McDonald, whose cottage is just below the hillt from Mr. Thayer's has a beutiful fountain with a two inch stream, was has his neighbor Mr. Hill.

    Mr. Thayer by means of a hydraulic ram has a movable sprinkling fountain and a constant supply of water at the corner of his porch.

    Indeed these Plymouth families my be said to enjoy camping life with all the comforts and conveniences of a city home.

    Once a day a steamboat which is fitted up as a complete grocery, visits them and all of the other 150 or more cottages around the lake, and the ladied buy everything that can be had in a first-class grocery in South Benad or elsewhere.

In the Logansport Pharos dated 2 May 1886 pg. 3 under the heading of 'Maxenkuckee' is found:
    Messrs. Buck, Toan, Thayer, and Corbin of Plymouth, have their cottages at Lake View well under way.

In the Logansport Journal pg. 4 dated 10 Jul. 1886 under the heading of 'At Lake Maxinkuckee' is found:
    Judge and Mrs. Siddall, of Richmond, Ind., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Toan at Lake View for the summer.

    Hon. H. Thayer struck a two-inch flowing well in front of his mansion on the Plymouth club grounds, Thursday afternoon. He will have a fountain in front of his plazza, supplied by a hydraulic ram.

    The Lake View club stuck a two-inch flowing well in front of their club house on Monday afternoon. This is the fourth flowing well on the grounds, and the fifth on the North side. Others in contemplation will be sunk soon.

In 1886 from the 15th Annual Report to the Governor was an articleon Maxinkuckee by W. H. Thompson and S. E. Lee
    First, at the Plymouth Club House, and the surrounding cottages of the members of the club, there are four wells. The well in front of the Club House runs a ram which supplies the house with water. This, like the other three wells, is bored about eight feet above the surface of the lake, and will flow to an additional hight of eight feet when confined.

    The members having wells near their cottages are Messrs. H. G. Phayer [Thayer], McDonald and Hill. Mr. Phayer [Thayer] utilizes the energy of his well in working a ram, while the much stronger flow at that of Mr. McDonald, wastes its force in a beautiful fountain. This flow, when unconfined, rises in a two-inch stream ten inches above the top of the pipe, which is itself eleven feet above the surface of the lake.

    These four wells are all bored to about fifty feet, and each passes through the same strata of clay, sand and gravel. The bank of the lake upon which the Plymouth Club House stands is about forty feet high, and at the foot of this bank are a great number of springs.

    Mr. McDonald informed us that he had counted twenty-four within a few yards.

By Mc Donald in his book "An Early History of Lake Maxinkuckee":
    After the summer resorters began to come to the lake in the '80s, and especially after the completion of the Vandalia railroad their receptions and dances during the seasons were considered the finest given about the lake and were always largely attended.

    The club did much to popularize the lake and bring it into general notoriety, and in its dissolution left pleasant memories among the many who enjoyed its hospitality.

Of the group it is said:
    Within a few years each of these members, except Mr. Westervelt, erected comfortable cottages in which they made their homes during the summer seasons, all taking their meals at the club house.

    In 1890, owing to business reverses of some of the members, it became necessary to disband the club and dispose of the property, which was done, the Vandalia railroad company purchasing it for $16,000. - History of Marshall County Indiana (1908) Daniel Mc Donald pg. 100

Taken summer of 1880 Lakeview Club House On upper veranda (north) Seated Mrs. C. C. Buck, H. G. Thayer, Standing Mrs. C. E. Toan and babe Marjorie.C. C. Buck and another gentlemen in standing in the grove of trees with a tent in background; to the right there are possible other people at the edge of the building. Photo was a series taken by Frank M. Lacy, Photo grapher, Vance Block, Indianapols
By 1905 the wives of Horace Corbin, C. C. Buck, Joseph Westervelt and N. H. Oglesbee were deceased.

Lake View Club members and wives left to right: Capt. Ed Morris, Mr. Toan, Mrs. Corbin, Walter Oglesbee, Jessie Toan, Ed Corbin, Mrs. C. C. Buck, Judge Corbin, Mrs. Toan, Mrs. Mary E. Thayer, Mrs. Westervelt, Kittie Mc Donald, C. C buck and Joseph Westervelt.
C. C. Buck & Joseph Westervelt sitting on porch of Plymouth Club.
C. C. Buck is to be the man in the chair in the center of the picture. He was a banker and hardware dealer. His firm failed in the depression of 1893.

The caption on the above photo from the Marshall County Historical Museum describes it as being a location on the west side of Lake Maxinkuckee "near the Plymouth Club House" in the late 1800s. This could be the Capt. Morris Boat house area below is an enlarged secton of the one postcard of the Morris boat house - compare the resembelance of the front porch. Or I would hazard as guess that this is in front of one of the cottages built by one of the Lakeview Club members. It could also possibly be the bath house that sat on the very east end of the park.(clicking image will produce a large one)

1890 - Mar 13 - D. Mc Donald offers for sale his cottage and club house interest at Lake Maxinkuckee. - Argos Reflector

1890 –Aug 28 – Phraros tribune – It is understood that St. Louis people are figuring for the purchase of the Plymouth club house, Maxinkuckee, with the intention of establishing a new colony

The Lake View was sold to the Vandalia railroad and some have given the date as early as 1890 and as late as 1894/5. But the exact year of sale of the Lake View Club AKA Plymouth Club to the Vandalia Railroad has been found and is recorded as follows:
    1891 Apr 30 Argos Reflector the Plymouth club house and grounds at lake Maxinkuckee has passed into the hands of the Vandalia railroad company by rights of purchase, it may be inferred that the company will continue its efforts to make the lake more popular than ever as a place of resort. It is hoped the company will take some measures to check the Sunday rowdyism that is becoming a prominent feature of its Sunday excursion business

    The Vandalia Company has purchased the Plymouth Club house and grounds at Lake Maxinkuckee. The tract of ground contains eight acres and is the most desirable property at the lake. - Logansport Pharos April 23, 1891

    The T. H. and L. division of the Vandalia will hereafter have much better facilities at Lake Maxinkuckee than in the past, the company having bought out the property of the Plymouth Club at the head of the lake.

    There are fifteen acres in the tract which includes the beautiful bluff so much admired by all visitors. The consideration was $16,000. - Logansport Reporter April 24, 1891

1890 - Found in the 1890 Annual report is:
    $730.81 expended on the grounds at Marmont and $ 271.33 expended in repairing the Club House and cottages at same place. pg. 36 Forty-Third annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1890 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

The Vandalia Railroad mention of it in reports as "club house and cottages " until 1892 when Lake View Hotel is used in the annual reports.