Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Lake View Hotel  

It was the Lake View Club was the first club house built on the lake by men from Plymouth; it is was the Mc Quat Cottage on the east side, address being 2008 East Shore Dr. Being built in 1873. Located on the east bank of of Lake Maxinkuckee on the Louden T. Van Shoiack farm.

1890 - Found in the 1890 Annual Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company report is:
    $730.81 expended on the grounds at Marmont and $ 271.33 expended in repairing the Club House and cottages at same place. pg. 36 Forty-Third annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1890 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

The Lake View was sold to the Vandalia railroad and some have given the date as early as 1890 and as late as 1894/5. But the exact year of sale of the Lake View Club AKA Plymouth Club to the Vandalia Railroad has been found and is recorded as follows:
    1890 - May 1 - Bremen Enquirer - Daniel Walter, the accomodating proprietor.of the Lake View hotel at Marmont,this county, made the Enquirer a business and social call while in town last Saturday. He reports bright prospects for business at thenoted summer resort during the coming season, and has had his house put in goodi trim for the trade.

    1891 Apr 30 Argos Reflector the Plymouth club house and grounds at lake Maxinkuckee has passed into the hands of the Vandalia railroad company by rights of purchase, it may be inferred that the company will continue its efforts to make the lake more popular than ever as a place of resort. It is hoped the company will take some measures to check the Sunday rowdyism that is becoming a prominent feature of its Sunday excursion business

    The Vandalia Company has purchased the Plymouth Club house and grounds at Lake Maxinkuckee. The tract of ground contains eight acres and is the most desirable property at the lake. - Logansport Pharos April 23, 1891

    The T. H. and L. division of the Vandalia will hereafter have much better facilities at Lake Maxinkuckee than in the past, the company having bought out the property of the Plymouth Club at the head of the lake.

    There are fifteen acres in the tract which includes the beautiful bluff so much admired by all visitors. The consideration was $16,000. - Logansport Reporter April 24, 1891

1891 May 9 - It is said thai the Vandalia company will erect a large hotel at Maxinkuckee, on the grounds recently purchased of the Plymouth club - Lganpsort Pharos

1891 - In the Annual Report for 1891 is found:
Included in the expense of conducting transportation the sum of
    $120.71 for repairing club house and cottages at Marmont.
... pgs. 38-40 Fourth-Fourth Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1891 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1892 - Found in the Annual report for 1892 :
    The water tank at Marmont raised to furnish sufficient pressure for the hotel the expense $830.30. pg. 39 Forty-fifth Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Rail Road Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1892 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company'

1893 - Mar 9 - New Hotel at Maxinkuckee

The vandalia railroad company recognizing the necessity of a more commodious hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee over a year ago purchased the old Plymunth club house and grounds, and will this season build a fine hotel.

The building will be a frame structure 34x98 feet, to which will be added the old club house. The flrst floor will consist of a reception room, 28x45; dining room, 30 x 30; office, 23x23; a wash room and four-large bedrooms. On the second floor there will be twelve bed-rooms constructed so as to be thrown into suits of three and four rooms.

The name of the new resort has not yet been decided upon. Frank Lampson, who conducted the Lakeview last year, will taike charge as soon as the new building is completed, which will be some time in May. - - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1893 - Mar 25 - The material for the new Vandalia hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee has been delivered. Building will begin immediately - Logansport Pharos Tribune.

1893 - Apr 27 James McElheney, the plasterer, and a force ot'men went up to Maxinkuckee thii morning, to plaster the new hotel erected by the Vandlia railroad company at this place - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1893 - May 6 The Vandalia's naw summer hotel at Maxinkuckee is ready for the inside finish - Logansport Pharos Tribune

In 1893 the expense of the improvement to the hotel at Marmont is shown below:

Engineer, plans etc. $   103.86
Moving building, foundation etc.      476.00
Piping, water and sewer      230.07
Stairs, platforms, boat house and piers     263.57
Smead Dry Closets (contract)      300.00
Building and painting   5,304.51

The cost of this improvement was charged to Lease account.

pg. 41 Forty-fifth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1893 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1894 - Apr 13 - The Lake View hotel Is also undergoing some extensive repairs. An addition has been made to the dining room, making its seating capacity now about 100. The rooms in the second story are being overhauled and put in first-class shape, and when the repairs now under way are completed it will be in every particular a first-class place to stop. Frank D. Lamson will again have charge of its management this year.-- Logansport Pharos

1894 - Found in the Logansport Daily Reporter pg. 3 dated Aug. 31, 1894 - For the fisihing season the Lake View Hotel will remain open through September. Reduced rates will be given to those desirous of spending a few days at theis popular resort. Address F. D. Lamson, Marmont, Ind.

July 13 1894 (date assumed) as headed "News From Premier of Marmont Herald" published in Citizen on Sep 5, 1928
    The Vandalia will, we understand, build a plank walk from the Lake-view hotel to the depot. Said hotel is undoubtedly one of he very finest in northern Indiana. It occupies a fine location on the north side of the lake and is the nearest resort hotel to the depot.

    The house is a model of beauty and design, and the bon ton element can be accommodated in parexcellent style. The hotel is owned by the Vandalia railroad company, and its manager, Frank D Lampson, takes special pride in catering to the wants of his patron and his genial disposition and thorough attention to business has won for the house the most liberal patronage of the public.

A rarity is the brass key tag form the Lake View Hotel - it reads as follows: Lake View Hotel Marmont, Ind. 8 * If carried away return * unsealed * By mail postage - { 3 } - cents. It pre dates October 25th, 1895 when the town name was offical changed from Marmount to Cluver City or Culver as it is known to day thus the key tag is well over 118 years old.
David Burns dug the key tag up many years ago and is now in the possession of his widow. Amongst this too was some of the plain white china used at the hotel; Indiana Beer bottles of various sizes and colors and a clay pottery jug.

As late as the 1896 it was still be referred to as the "Plymouth Club" as evidence by a quip I found in another newspaper as follows:
    Chesterton Tribune 29 Apr. 1896 - The Northern Indiana Editorial Assoc. will met at Maxinkuckee Lake on Thurs. & Fri. July 10 & 11th 1896 at the Plymouth Club House in annual session. This assoc. includes all of the towns located north of the Wabash river.

In the 20 March 1896 Culver Herald is found:
    Keifer & Whitcomb, the wide-awake gentlemen that conducted the Bay View Hotel last season, has leased the Lakeview Hotel and will conduct the same this year.

And change of management occured again in early summer by this notice found in the Logansport Pharos pg. 3 dated 22, 23, 24 & 25, Jun. 1896, & August 24, 26, & 31, 1896 and also the Logansport Reporter Tuesday June 30 1896 and also the SOu tbent Tribune Jun 22.
    "The Lake View", Lake Maxinkucekee - This hotel will re-open on strickly first-class basis, July 1st. New management, improved service, appointments thoroughly modern. Accomodations will be reserved upon appriciation to C. S. Moody, Manager, Lake View Hotel, Marmont, Ind.

1896 - Jun 25, 26 - The Lake View Lake Maxinkuckee. This hotel will reopen on strictly first class basis, July 1. New management, improved service, appointments thoroughly modern- Accommodations will be served upon application to C. S. Moody, manager, Lake View Hotel, Marmont, Ind. - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1896 Jul 3 - The Lake View Hotel has recently been repainted and thoroughly reneovated throughout, and is now one of the most complete hotels at this lovely summer resort. This house was opened to receive guests on the first of the present month, and one would naturally assume that they were gregarious by nature from the way they flocked to this popular caravansary.

1896 Jul 6 - W E. Bruggeman, who was a clerk In Supt. Hatch's office, has taken a position as clerk in the Lake View hotel, Maxinkuckee - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1896 - Aug 15 - Will Bruggeman, of this city, who Is a clerk at the Lake View hotel, at Lake Maxinkuckee, is spending a short, time in the city.

1896 - sept 4 - Lake View Hotel,
    On Friday evening C. S. Moody, manager 0f Lake View Hotel, gave his guests and immediate friends around the Lake a very select dancing party. Excellent music was furnished from Logansport

    Hon. W. R. McKeen has been spending a few days at the lake a guest of the above house
    Mrs B. R. Laughlin, of St. Louis, brother 0f Mrs. E. B. Morgan, is sojourning at the Lake View. Mr. H. C. Yocum and daughter, of St. Louis, re spending a few days at the lake.

    On Tuesday all the guests of Lake View Hotel and cottages joined together in a grand picnic at the Perue Club House. Mr. Moody furnished the dinner in addition to a liberal amount of delicacies furnished by some of the party. A glorious outing was enjoyed, all returning in time for supper. Culver City Herald

    Several prominent families departed for their homes this week after having spent a delightful summer at the lake as guests of the above house.

1896 - Sept. 7 Logansport Reporter - Will Bruggeman, who has been employed as clerk at the Maxinkuckee Lake View hotel during the summer will return to Logansport the latter part of next week when the hotel will be closed for the season - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1896- Sep 22- Will Bruggaman has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee where he has been acting as chief clerk at the Lake View hotel during the summer - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1897 - April 2 - C. W. Finch, of Logansport, boss carpenter of the Vandalia R. R., compnay, was in town this week looking at the cottages and hotel belonging to said company, taking note of needed repairs... C. J. Kiefer, of Indianapolis, accompanined by officers of the Vandalia R. R., wais in town Tuesday looking at the Lake View hotel. We understand from good authority that Mr. Kiefer will be the landlord of the Lake View this season.

1897 - May 31 - Logansport Reporter - "The Lake View," Lake Maxinkuckee - Tbe New This hotel reopens on strictly first-class basis, June 7th. management, improved service, appointments thoroughly modern. Accommodations will be reserved upon application to J. B. Schofield, manager, Lake View Culver, Ind; This also ran in the same paper June 1,2,4,5,& 7 1897.

1897 - Jun 1- John R. Weaver, night clerk at the Johnston,will go to Maxinkuckee tomorrow, where he has accepted a similar position at the Lake View hotel Logansport Pharos Tribune

1897 - JUn 2 - Chas. P. Moore, formerly clerk at the Niles house, Niles, Mich., will fill the place at tbe Johnson house as night clerk made vacant by John F. Weaver. Mr. W. will take a position as clerk at the Lake "View at Maxinkuckee Logansport Pharos Tribune

1897 - Fifty Years Ago (1897)- John R. Weaver, night clerk of the Johnston, will lea ve tomorrow for Lakw Maxinkuckee where he has accepted a similar postion at the Lake View Hotel - Loganpsort Pharos Tribune Jun 2 1947.

1897 - June 11 - The Lake View hotel opened last Mondey with J . B. Schofield, manager and J . T. Weaver, clerk... “The Lake View,” Lake Maxinkuckee. This hotel opened on strictly first class basis, June yth. New mangement, improved service, appointments thoroughly modern. Accommodations will be served upon application to J . B. Schofield, Manager, Lake View Hotel, Culver, Ind. - Culver Herald

On the 1898 Plat Map (wall version) the lot is listed as "T.H. & I. RR [Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad] Lake View Club".

Also by the looks of the pictures - extensive remodeling and expansion of the Plymouth Clubhouse or Lake View Club was done after the railroad had purchased the property.

Found in the The Clay-worker, Volumes 28-30 T. A. Randall & Company, 1898 - Brick trade pg. 6 1898 - LAKE VIEW HOTEL. Maxinkuckee (Culver), Ind., will reopen on June 20th, 1888. forservice and thoroughly modem appointments Family accomodationas a specialty. Rates reasonable. Address J. B. Schofleld, Manager, Culver- Ind. The Summer season, with improved Logansport Pharos Tribune

1898 - jun 16 - Maxinkuckee Marriage. At the Lake View hotel, Lake Maxinkuckee, last evening, the landlord's daughter, Miss Bessie Schofield, was united In marriage to Mr. Raymond Pence, of Indianapolis. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs, Harry Case, of this city Logansport Pharos Tribune

1898 - Aug 20 - It is reported that the railroad hotel property at Lake Maxinkuckee is pay ing better this year than it has in any other since its erection. The house is full and on Saturdays cots are pressed into service for the use of Sunday visitors. Logansport Pharos Tribune

Mrs. Schofield and daughter, who ran the Lake View Hotel at Lake Maxinkuckee, are in the city enroute to Indianapolis - pg. 4 Sep. 24, 1898

1898 - Found in the 1898 Annual report is:
    ...The loss in operating the Lake View Hotel at Culver was $824.89, a decrease of $ 57 Fifieth Annual Report of the of the President and Directors of the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending November 30 1898 By Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company

1899 - May 19 - The Lake View Hotel will open June first. This magnificent hostlery is being newly papered, and the wood work artistically painted upon the inside. A gentleman from Terre Haute will have charge of the house this season

1899 - June 2 - After being thoroughly overhauled aud renovated, the Lake View Hotel, is now opeq and ready for busiuess. W. J. Graham of Terre Haute is manager aud is a genial gentlemam and a thorough hotel man.

1900 - May 18 - Graham, the hotel man, registered at the Park Cafe Tuesday evening. He will open the Lake View Hotel June 1st

1900 - Jan 26 - We understand that the Vandalia R. R. Company will erect a large addition to the Lake View Hotel this spring, and also make a vasr amount of improvements at the lake. The Large water tank will, it is saidm be moved upon the hill near the hotel, which will be used for watering the grounds etc. By this move no trains will take water at Culver, but at Plymouth. Parties are triming the trees in the railroad park in a scientific manner, which will look very beautiful im the Spring - Culver 1900 - Aug 10 - Needs to Be Enlarged
    Mr. Graham, manager of the Lake View Hotel, reports that he has been wholly unable to accommodate the people who have applied for quarters at this famous hostelry this season.

    This is evidence that the Vandalia railroad compauy will have; to build an addition to the present house or move the old one and erect a more modern hotel.

    A 200 room house could be easily filled during tho season and we believe a 500 room house containing all the modern improvements, and conducted on first class principles, would receive all the patronage it could care for.

    The time is at hand when large, up to date hotels must be provided, as year after year the wealthy class of large cities are coming to Culver and bringing their friends to spend their vacation on the ehore8 of Lake Maxinkuckee

    This class of resorters care nothing for expense, so long as their wishes are gratified.

    Where the Lake View now stands is an ideal site for one of these ideal hotels, and we hope that the powers that be will grasp the situation

This is a section referring to the Lake View Hotel from the 1900 topographical map by J. T. Scovell
1903 - May 21 - Lake View Opens. - R. W. McCoy, of St. Lewis, was in town last week looking after the repairs being done on the Lake View hotel. Mr. McCoy will manage the Lake View for the season and will open up about May 25th or 26th, so as to be able to accomodate the public during commencement at the academy.

1903 - Found in the Fifth annual report was:
    Paving sidewalks at Culver............. $72.20
    New ice houses at hotel at Culver...... 669.07
    Hotel and cottages at Culver repaired.. 618.89
Fifth Annual Report of The Terre Haute & Logansport Railway Company For Year Ending December 31, 19O3. Terre Haute & Logansport Railway 8

1904 - June 2 - New improvements are being made to the Lake View Hotel, which when ocmpleted will add very materially to the appearance of the place and the comfort of the guests.

1904 - Sep. 1 - It is said on good authority that the Lake View property will be considerably improved for the coming season. The Hotel will be moved west on the highter bluff and englarged to three times its capacity. Five new cottages will be built where the Hotel now stands.

1905 - June 8 the new Lake View Hotel was dedicated dedicated to the general public. Another account says steps were being take in 1906 to build a new hotel but this was found in the Logansport Daily Pharos pg. 8 dated Jul 7 1905
    Lake Maxinkuckee
    Some Inklings Concerning This Beautiful Sheet of Fresh Water
    Fast Becoming Favorite Resort
    Logansporters and Others Have cottages There
    The new Lake View hotel constructed by the Vandalia railroad, was opened and dedicated to the general public June 8 and is a neat and modern structure.

    No pains have been spared by the Vandalia to beautify the grounds surrounding the depot.

    Sodding has been done, cement walks are put down, flowers and trees have been planted, and a regular gardner is engaged to look after the grounds and keep them in order...

1905 - Sep 28 - The Lake View Hotel closed last Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. McCoy returned to their home in St. Louis. The season has been a very profitable one and it is said that the Pennsylvania Company will build a large hotel in the spring - - - The Logansport. Division of the Vandalia Railroad is a thing of the past. The railroad will hereafter be known as a part of the Pennsylvania system west of Pittsburg.

1905 - Dec 14 - The Pennsylvania railroad company will improve its hotel property in time for next season’s business. A new hotel containing two hundred rooms and modern in its equipment, is said to be assured

But in January 1906 it was told that there were intentions of the Vandalia Railroad officals to build a new hotel:
    Steps are being taken by the Vandalia railroad company to erect one of the finest hotels in this part of the state. It is to occupy the present site of the Lake View and is to contain 150 rooms. - Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 12, 1906
another account says the hotel was re-built a year earlier - as found in the Logansport Daily Pharos pg. 8 dated Jul 7 1905
    Lake Maxinkuckee
    Some Inklings Concerning This beautiful Sheet of Fresh Water
    Fast Becoming Favorite Resort
    Logansporters and Others Have cottages There
    The new Lake View hotel constructed by the Vandalia railroad, was opened and dedicated to the general public June 8 and is a neat and modern structure. No pains have been spared by the Vandalia to beuatify the grounds surrounding the depot. Sodding has been done, cement walks are put down, flowers and trees have been planted, and a reg ular gardner is engaged to look afte the grounds and keep them in order...

1906 - The Vandalia will open the Lake View hotel at Culver today for for the season. - pg. 3 June 7 1906 Logansport Daily Journal

1906 - Ju 7 - ... The Lake View House, owned and operated by the railroad, has been entirely rejuvenated with paint and paper as well as the adjoining cottages . The hous will open on June 8 under the management of Capt. R. S. McCoy, one of the Pennsylvania's popular dining car conductors running between Terrer Huate and St. Louis. Capt. McCoy has been in cahrge of the hoterl for several season and ins an ideal host. - Citizen

1907 - Apr 4 - Railroad officials were here on Moday looking over the Lake View Hotel property. The impression left by them was that no enlargement of the hotel will be made this year.

1907 - W. McCoy, manager
    1908 - Sep. 24 - Close of the Lake View.

    The Lake View closed on Saturday, and Capt. McCoy and his family have returned to Ft. Wayne where Capt. McCoy will again have charge of the Pennsylvania’s hotel.

    The Lake View season did not equal last year’s. The August business was as good, but July and September fell short, notwithstanding the almost uninterrupted warm weather.

    Financial conditions undoubtedly reduced the number of pleasnre-seekers who usually stay at the hotel for a considerable time, and another factor has been the change in the method of taking an outing. More people own motor cars and spend their vacation touring, remaining a day or two at the lake and then moving on.

    Fewer parents accompanied the cadets entering the academy this year than ever before. The cadets average older than for some time past.

1909 Jan 21 - The Ice Harvest...The Vandalia was a gang of eight men here who began yesterday to fill the Lake View hotel's ice house. This will take nearly a week.

1909 Feb 25 - Belated Ice Harvest - A gang of men under I. washburn, Vandalia section forman, began cutting 5 inch ice on Little lake last Sunday for the Lake View hotel's ice house which holds upward of 300 ton.

1909 - April 22 – The old boat house in the hollow east of the Lake View was taken down last week, loaded upon a car and shipped out of town…

The location of the hotel can be found here from various years and in relation to the location of the Jungle and Palmer House also.

1911 Apr. 20 - The Lake View Hotel will not be managed this summer by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company as in the past seasons.

1911 - May 11 - John P. Walter has leased the Lake View for the season of 1911 and expects to have it open for guests the first week in June.

Part of the original 4 page lease dated 12 Dec. 1911 till 15 Oct. 1913, by the Vandalia Railroad Co. to John P. Walter of Culver and C. A. Shorb [Charles A. Shorb] of Warsaw, Indiana of the Lake View Hotel and 5 cottages at Culver, Lake Maxinkuckee, Indiana. Attached is a complete inventory of the personal items and the rent is stated at $125.00 per season.

1913 - OCTOBER 30, 1918— Parties were in town Saturday looking at: the Lake View Hotel with the idea of buying it off the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The company offers to sell the building and adjacent cottages , and to give a 99-year lease on the land Railroads seldom part with the title to land.

1914 - Apr 16 - C . A. Shorb is here this week getting the Lakeview in readiness for opening May 28. A gang of railroad men is lining the kitchen with matched boards and doing a little painting and repair work

Here is a 1914 ad for the Lake View Hotel appearing in the CMA Vedette

1914 - Sep The Lake View closes this week. Manager Shorb reports a prosperous season.
    1914 - Sep 10 - The Vandalia railroad has placed the Lake View properly and Vandalia park on the market

1914 - Dec 3 - -A carelessly-thrown cigar stub set fire to leaves bunked against the Lake View hotel Sunday afternoon, and in a short time the siding was on fire. A bucket or two of water prevented further damnge.

1914 - Dec. 31 - C. A. Shorb of Warsaw is here superintending the filling of the Lake View's ice house.

1914 - Dec 31 - Notice of Dissolurion. - The firm of Walter & Shord, manager of the Lake View hotel, is hereby dissolved. C. A. Shorb.

1915 - JUNE 3 — The Lake View Hotel was opened for the season on Tuesday. C. A. Shorb of Elkhart is the manager this year

1917 - The Lakeview Hotel at Culver opens today. Logansport Pharos-Reporter FRIDAY, JUNE 1,1917

1919. Jul 9 - The Lake View Hotel Not Sold To Academy
    A rumor which has receided considerable circulation, stated that the Culver interests had bought the Lak View Hotel property, that it was their intention to replace the present wooden structure with a large modern hous, and to build a number of cottages . It is a regret that the rumor must be denied, bu K. K. Culver is the authority for the statement that no such plan has been under consideration. The only basis for the report is the Mr. Culver had been informed that the property could be bought for $15,000 and as this would be a bargain too good to lose he set inquiries on foot which resulted in being informed that the Pennsylvania Railroad company wanted $25,000 for the property. No further action has been taken

View of the Lakeview Hotel from Vandalia Park.

The Lake View opens tomorrow for the season - 2 June 1920 Culver citizen.

1921 - Jun 1 - The Lake View Hotel will open tomorrow with Charles Schorb in charge.

1921 - Sep. 7 - The Lake View Hotel discontinued its dining room service this week. A few guests are retaining rooms for a few days. Landlord Shorb and his family will remain here a month yet to enjoy the fall weather.

The 1922 Plat map gives a clear detail of this area. On both the 1908 and 1922 it is is called the "Lake View Club Grounds"

Besides the hotel and park areas there were 47 individual lots for cabins or camping tents.

It is said that by 1922 the Lake View had mereged with the Jungle Hotel Another source says that - While the Outland's owned it the meals for this hotel were served out of the Jungle Hotel kitchen. but this account has been found:
    1922 - Mar 8 - Something is looked for this week in the negotiations which Mr. and Mrs. Outland are making with the Pennsylvania railroad companty for the pruchase of the Lake View Property.

    1922 - Mar 15 - The Lake View Summer Hotel Sold to V. F. and H. M. Outland of "The Jungle"
      The long mooted question of the transfer of the Lake View hotel from the Pennsylvania Railroad company ro private owneship has been settled by the purchase of the property by V. F. and H. M. Outland of the Jungle

      AMong the improvements projected by the new proprietors this season are new bathroosm, and toilets a general renovating and repainting of the property. Other improvements will follow in due course. One of the conveniences called for in the contract, to be supplied later, is a concrete viaduct and a permanent drive over the railroad from the turn in the Bunker Hill pavement diectly east to the hotel.

      The house will be open for the season just before Easter. All meals will be served at the Jungle which by the way is to be opened this week. The dining room of the the Lake View will be used exclusively as a dance ahll and as an auditorium for conventions and similar large gatherings.

      The Lake View was built in the late '70's by a club of Plymouth people and occupied by them as a club house for several years when was bought by the Pennsylvania Railroad {sic Vandalia}
    It was sold by the Vandalia Railroad in March of 1922 to V. F. and H. M. Outland owners of the Jungle Hotel but before they had full possession of it 2 cottages caught fire and another was destroyed to contain the fire to the area. The Vandalia Railroad re-built these cottages for the new owners.

1922 - May 3 - Univited Hotel Visitors
    The Lake View hoterl has recently been annoyed with a series of small thefts - of articles taken from rooms which disappeared mysteriously.

    An incident developed the other night which if it doesn't solve the mystery of the theft, it reveals another unlawful use of the Hotel property

    Two young men roomers were sitting in the dusk by the fading embers of a grate fire when they heard steps stealthily approaching along the corridor. The a key was inserted in the lock and while they prepared to give the visitors a surprise some noise frightened the parties in the corridor and they fled.

    Turning on the lights two men and two women were seen to be "beating it". Ther were followed into the grounfs where they were lost sight of, but Mr. Outland, who joined the chase thinks he identifies the nocturnal invaders of his premises as reidents of Culver

    Later developements may follow.

    Meantime Mr. Outland says that he has a lady's white silf handkerchief dropped by one of the fugitives.

1922 May 16 - Lake View cottages Burned in Blaze of Mysterious Orgin
    Two of the cottages on the Lake View Hotel grounds were mysteriously burned down Sunday afternoon and a third was wrecked to prevent the further spread of fire.
    When the fire department reached the grounds the first cottage east of the hotel was nearly half consumed. With no watter supplr avaiable except the contents of the chemical tanks of the truck it was impossible to do any effective work

    Every effort was made to save the adjoining cottagem but this too, was son on fire and burned down.

    With the assistance of the corps of cadets from the academy, who were present bu special premission in full force, the third cottage was torn to pieces.. This left a gap sufficiently wide to stop the flames from comuunicating with the fourth cottage

    None of the cottages was occupied and the furniture was practically all saved.

    The fire was discovered by caretakers of the hotel. It started underneath the floor of the cottage where there were som shingles and refuse and probably some dired leaves which had blown there. There was a light breeze from the northwest and the drift was away from the hotel.

    Whether incendiarism or the careless toss of a cigar or cigaret stub is responsible for the fire may be discovered later.

    The title to the property is still in the Pennsylvania Railroad company which carries the insurance. The loss to Outlands is chiefly in cancellation of reservations for the summer guests.

    However the railroad has announced its intention to rebuild and the replacements will be of modern character.

    The Outlands, who occupy the property on a two year lease with a buying iption are contemplating the erection of a modern hotel on the east of the present old structure. The new cottages to be erected will be so constructed that thy can be moved.

    The fire company and property owners as well, are impressed with need of apparature that will pump water from the lake. There is a large amount of propery, in the corporation as well as around the lake, which the chemical machine is inadequate to protect. The matter is under discussion and steps are in contemplation to meet this need.

1925 - January 28 - V. F. Outland was in town last week, turning back the Lakeview Hotel property to the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Mr. Outland's option on the property expired January. 1.

Site location on the north shore of Lake Maxinkuckee and its relation to the location of the Jungle Hotel and Palmer Hotel can be found on this plat map of 1922

This was found about the Lake View:

    A transaction was completed last Saturday whereby E. R. Culver and B. B. Culver purchased the buildings and property known as the Palmer House of J. P. Walter. The Culvers then announced that they would erect a new and modern hotel that would equal any resort hotel in Indiana. It is estimated unofficially that this will require an expenditure of between a quarter to half a million dollars.

    The transaction is not that of the Culver Military academy but is a private investment of E. R. and B. B. Culver. These men feel that Lake Maxinkuckee should have hotel accommodations that are in keeping with the beauty of the lake and would attract the desirable class for which this lake is noted. While no definite plans have been announced for the new structure, it is safe to assume that no expense will be spared to make it known thruout the United States and make Lake Maxinkuckee a mecca for resorters and vacationists.

    Start Next Spring

    No improvement will be started until next spring as C. A. Shorb and Son have a lease that will not expire until the end of the year. Then it will be necessary to wait for suitable weather. It is probable that it will take a year to eighteen months to complete the structure. The deal Saturday night included 252 feet of lake front, and land where the garage help quarters, and boat houses are located.

    This announcement is regarded as the most important and significant to the Culver community since the school was founded. It makes a host of other meetings, which officers desire to hold them out of noise and confusion of a large city. The possibilities thus opened are unlimited.

    The building of this structure will aid the smaller and less expensive hotels at Culver also as more people will be attracted to the lake and will seek places with lower rates than the new hotel will charge.

    It will probably be some time before plans for the new building are completed as Messrs Culver intend to visit the leading hostelries and vacation centers of the nation and profit by their examples. And in the meantime it can be assured that the building and grounds will be constructed in the typical complete and thoro manner of the Culver family, which markes all their undertakings. - The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 20, 1928

It sat on the bluff above the lake in the area known as "the Indian Trails" now being owned by the Culver Military Academy.

In April 1929 it was acquired by the Culver Family. here is the announcement:

    The Culver Military Academy has announced that they have purchased the real estate facing Lake Maxinkuckee known as the Lake View Hotel property. This gives the academy a solid stretch from the Palmer House to the boat house. - - The News-Sentinel, Thursday, May 2, 1929

Before it could be utilized as an Academy-owned hotel, burned on 15 November 1929. The remaining buildings and tent frames were razed shortly thereafter.

The remaining buildings and tent frames were razed shortly thereafter. Academy trustees showed no interest in developing the tract after the hotel burnt and allowed it to return to nature.

A request was made by the Lake Maxinkuckee Fish and Game Club in 1933 for ground to use as a fish a hatchery. Thus the academy sat two acres aside west of the inn for the purpose of the hatchery. The hatchery was financed and funded by the Lake Maxinkuckee Fish and Game Club. They established three ponds and they were from Academy Road to the lake.

The fish hatcheries were located on the very easterly end of the Indian Trails - as these pictures depicts. The 1922 plat map above shows the drive way for the Jungle Hotel. The aerial view of the fish hatcheries shows the - drive way again to the - on the very east edge of the Indian Trails; but no buildings on it.

The uppermost pond was used for fingerlings, and as the fish grew they were released into the middle pond, and then finally a bit more larger into the third pond before finally being released into the lake. The hatchery became operational by the late spring and remained until a new hatchery was constructed next to the old American Legion Post on Indiana 10 [the legion property is now or was owned by Mc Carty's]. June (Garn) Napier Sirus remembers as a child with her brothers, sisters and neighborhood friends going to hatcheries on the Indian Trails and catching the turtles etc. and playing in the area.

br> This article was found about the construction of the hatcheries:

    Culver, Ind., Mar. 18. - The Culver fish hatchery, being built by the Maxinkuckee Fish and Game club, is moving rapidly along so that citizens can already get an idea of what the project will look like when finished.
    A fine flowing well has been finished and it is planned to drill one or two more at once. Two of the ponds will be completed next week. Attention will then be turned to improving and beautifying the grounds.

    The club is in need of immediate financial assistance as the response of volunteer labor has been greater than contributions of money. But there is considerable of the project that cannot be handled except by the expenditure of money and the club's treasury has been drained by the work done so far.

    Water will be turned into the ponds the middle of April and fish will be placed in the ponds at once. The fish will spawn about the middle of May and will be kept in the hatchery until along in September when the fingerlings will have reached a length varying from two to six inches. Then they will be ready for placing in larger bodies of water.

    An official of the State Conservation Department looked over the hatchery Monday and declared the prospects indicated a hatchery as good as any in the state.

    An invitation has been issued by the Culver Military Academy for all workers on the hatchery to be guests of the Academy at dinner Friday noon of this week at the Canteen as a special treat in recognition of the work these men are doing. - The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 18, 1933

At one time there were three trails: LOWER trail wound around the edge of the lake from the town park to the Academy grounds there were several free flowing wells along the trail one could stop and get a drink of water at. By the mid 1970's it had started to completely disappear because of the erosion of the waves on a windy day, and the ice of the winter breaking up and hitting the shore line. MIDDLE trail was accessed from the lower trail were it converged with the lower trail near both ends. It is on this trail that at one time you could see the partial foundation of the Lake View Hotel property the remains is cement and stone left from a stone wall. UPPER trail was made by the Academy and has been black topped and is used the academy students as a walk way between campus and town about mid way one could access the middle trail from the Upper trail. And off the upper trail just a ways one could find the basement area of probably one on the main buildings, the fill that was placed in the basement over the cement floor has settled over the years. These probably were in reality the old sidewalks or paths through the Lake View grounds.

Also further back from this point by what David Burns said is the 50 foot cement turntable for the Vandalia train engines. And one could find it if they dug far enough under silt and dirt that covered it over the years. It took 10 boys on each end to turn the engine around and they were paid 5 cents apiece for this task; and from what he told he performed this task many a time as well as other boys of the community. It is also known that he dug up remains of the white hotel china and bottles that were buried from the hotel and club in this genral locality. This area is probably what is referred to as Bunker Hill - David Burns always called it that and said that it was named such as the Vandalia Trains filled up there. In an interview that Jeff Kenney and I was on with George Franz on 9 June 2007 he related that the railroad had underground storage area for their water tanks and possibly other railroad equipment that was needed for the area - where Papa's is today - something that I have never heard David ever mention and thus the real meaning of the name origin 'Bunker Hill'!

The hillside has several artisian wells on it.

A 1930's aerial view of the former Lake View grounds.
In 1931 the Culver Reality and Investment Company was established by Bretram and Edwin II Culver. Through this they bought up the north shore property of the lake between the Culver Town Park and the original acreage H. H. Culver had bought and the academy sat on. This was done to stop speculators from buying it up and decreasing the outside development by other on the area around the academy. All that could not be bought up at the time was the railroad right-a-way. Thus this property became part of Culver Military/Culver Educational Foundation.

This was done sometime in the 1980's with arrangement being made by James F. Dickie II, a trustee of the Culver Educational Foundation. The delinquent property taxes on the railroad right-a-way was paid up in full and the property was transferred to the Culver Educational Foundation; also waiving all responsibility to the railroad for any clean-up that was required as they had already salvaged the ties and rails from along the right-a-way.