Ju-Be Actrois
This was an Indian allotment proved for by the
Treaty with the Potawatmi, Oct. 27, 1832. and to To be recorded Indiana Allotment Patent
Vol. 493 pg. 30
Upper right had corner "Sent to the Hon. John Tipton on the 30th Dec. 1836"
Upper left hand corner 30 - Sec. letter to M Wollom s March 15, 1843 Examined"
The United Stated Of America
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:
Whereas, by the third article of the Treaty made and concluded on the Tippecanoe River, in the
State of Indiana, on the twenty-seventh day of October, one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-two, between Jonathan Jennings, John W. Davis and Marks Crume, Commissioners on the
part of the United States, and the chiefs and warriors of the Potowatomies of the State of
Indiana and Michigan Territory, of the United States agreed to grant by Patent to Ju-Be Actrois
One Section to be selected under the direction of the President of the United States, after the
lands were surveyed, and the boundaries to correspond with the publice surveys; Now Know
Ye, That the President of the United States, having approved of the selection of
Section Twenty Two in Township Thirty two of Range Three, East containing Six hundred and
forty acres in the District of lands subject at LaPorte, Indiana, as being the section
to which Ju-Be Actrois is entitled under the said treaty There is Therefore Granted by The United
States, Unto the said Ju-Be Actrois and to his heirs, and assigns forever.
In testmonty Whereof, I, Andrew Jackso, President of tthe United States, have caused these letters
to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be herunto affixed.
Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the twenty sixth day of October in the year of our
Lord one thousans eight hundred and thirty six and of the Indpendence of the United states the Sixty
By the President Andrew Jackson
By A. H. Donelson, Sec'y
Hudson M. Gailand Recorder
Commisioner of the General Land Office
Recorded Vol. _ Pg._ of Patents under Potowatomie Treaties of 1832
This as a fractional Section consisting of:
Lot 1 | 37.40A 40A |
Lot 2 | 45.45A |
Lot 3 | 32.00A |
Lot 4 | 35.70A |
| 190.55A |
this was 449.45 acres short of what he was to be granted
This was a part of the Ness-waugh-gee & Quash-quas Reservation |