John London

The Preemption Act of 1841 permitted "squatters" who were living on federal government owned
land to purchase up to 160 acres (65 ha) at a very low price (not less than $1.25 per acre, or
$3.09 per hectare) before the land was to be offered for sale to the general public
Pre emption Certificate 1411
The United States of America
To All Whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:
Whereas John London, of Marshall County Indiana has deposited in the General
Land Office of the United States, a Certificate of the Register of the Land
Office at Winamac whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the
said John London according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th
April, 1820, entitled "Act making further provision for the sale of the Public
Lands", for
the West half of the North East quarter and the East half of the South West
quarter of section twenty two, in Townhsip thirty two, North, of Range 2 East,
of the Second Principal Meredian in the District of lands Subject to Sale at
Winamac Indiana Containing one hundred and sixty acres
according to the offical plat of the survey of the said Lands, returned to the
General Land office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased
by the said John London.
Now Know Ye, that the United States of America, in consideration of the Premises,
and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in such case made and provded,
Have Given and Granted, and by these presents Do Give and Grant, unto the said
John London and to his heirs, the said tract above described: To Have and To Hold
the same, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances
of whatsoever nature, there unto belonging, unto the said John London and to his
heirs and assigns forever.
In Testimony Whereof, I, James K. Polk President of the United States of America,
have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office
to be here unto affixed.
Given under my hand, at the city of Washington, the first day of July in the Year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five and of the Independance of the
United States the Sixty ninth.
By the President: James K. Polk
By I Knox Malkey, Sec'y
S. H. Laughlin Recorder of the General Land Office.