Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Robert's Park Camp  

Was established sometime before the summer of 1880

1879 - Jul 18 - Lake Maxinkuckee -

    Persons desiring to join Roberts Park excursion to Lake Maxinkcukee are requested to report at once. Fare for the round trip, including board, $9.00. Procure tickets of the following persons: W. C. Heiskell, 6 1.2 E. Market; A. Pruner, U. S revenue office; H, C. Newcomb, Jr., corner Georgia and and Pennsylvania streets, committee of arrangements - Indianapolis News.

We do know that it was in existence during the Summer of 1880 as it is listed in a set of photos taken as "Views of Lake Maxinkuckee". Frank M. Lacey, Photographer, Vance block, Indianapolis, Indiana.. This included steroscopic views as well as 8 by 10's. By the card list there were 3 steroscopic views of Robert's Park and a 8 by 10 of Robert's Park Bathing Group.

The first real clue as to of its location has finally surfaced -
    Below this comes the cottages of the majority of Indianapolis lake dwellers. First is "Hilarity Hill", occupied by Messrs Koehne, Kiefer and others; the coms the cottages of Otto Stechhan, Willis C. Vajen, the Peru club-house, the Bay View house, headquarters for the Robert Park people; Mr. Miller of Peru; Mrs. B. B. F. Peirce.
Thw above comes from "A Popular Indiana Resort" and article that appeared on Sunday July 26, 1887 of the Indianapolis Journal

Found is Roberts Park M. E. Church in Indianapolis corer of Delware and Vermont ddress being 401 N Delaware. After the congregation divided into two groups in 1842, one group established Roberts Chapel at Market and Pennsylvania Streets in 1843. The Roberts Park church originates from the first Methodist congregation organized in Indianapolis in 1822 Its members initially worshipped in a log structure on Maryland Street that was also used as a schoolhouse. The congregation's first church building, called Wesley Chapel, was a brick structure completed in 1829 at the southwest corner of Governor's Circle, which later became known as Monument Circle.

This came up while "Googling" 'Robert's Park' after finding the above ad for the excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee. Also came up with oituaries with "Robert's Park M. E. Church" in them tho I did have not invesitageted further into these many of the surnames are prominent among the cottagers on the east side.

This contradicts one persons theory that:
    It has been assumed that this in some where in this general area or in the area known as "Farrar's Wood's"

which is on the south shore of the lake.

Camping on Lake Maxinkuckee, Culver,Ind. No. 5227