1894 Incorporation Map of Marmont
The Town of Marmont was incorporated on the 5th day of July 1894; there seems to be another
version of this map; this map is of a finer and
clear details than the other map above presents.
Lakeview Grounds
R. R. Grounds
Toners Addition
Vandalia Addition 1844 & 1851 (north part)
Streets noted are Scott St., Toner Ave. Cass St and Washington St; north parts of Main, Plymouth and Lake Streets.
Vandalia Addition was platted in 1844 - it was plated and laid out by Bayless L. Dickson,who owned farm bordering
Northwest side of Lake Maxinkuckee, officially filed, on June 8, a 26-acre plat for a village, -- and became Union Town
or Uniontown for the township it was within. Dickson's log cabin only dwelling on town plat which roughly extends
today (Culver ) from Mill Street, south to a bit north of Lake Shore Drive; from Lakeview-Plymouth Streets, east to
Slate Street, west. Here is the original description of Uniontown as found:
Original Plat of Uniontown
now Marmont, Indiana
Uniontown is pleasantly situated in the S.W.1-4 of Sec. 16-Tp. 32 N. R. 1 E. It is laid out in such a manner that it
presents to the eye a view of Lake Maxenkuckee and is surrounded with as good a country as can be found in
Northern Indiana. It has the advantage of three State, and two County roads running through it. The lots are all
77 feet in width by 82 1/2 in 'breadth'. The streets are all 66 feet in width. The alleys are 16 1-2.
Platted June 8' 1844 by Bayless L. Dickson Proprietor.
Lots number from 1 to 51 inclusive.
Records Plat Book page 10.
Deed Record D page 66.
replatted in 1851 and latter was re-named Uniontown by later maps.
1851 - Union Town resurveyed and transferred by Bayliss Dickson to his brother-in-law, Thomas K. Houghton, Upon request of Dr.
G.A. Durr name of town changed from Union Town to Marmont, in honor of famed French General. Surveyed town became
Houghton original plat. - There were Eight streets in Marmont, - - Jefferson, Madison, Cass, Scott, Plymouth, Lake, Washington, Main.
A re-survey of the village was made on 24 April 1851 (but was not recorded until 1857) and its names was changed to Marmont, Dr.
Gustuvus A. Durr was the instrumental party in this name change.
On the 9th of June 1857 Thomas K. Houghton filed a certificate and
became the owner of Union Town.:
Resurvey and new Plat
of Uniontown (now) Marmont
Uniontown resurveyed April 24' 1851 by Thomas K. Houghton, Proprietor, as follows: - 'Uniontown is situated in the S. E. [sic
S.W.] corner of 16-32-1.E. Marshall County, Indiana, the S.E. corner of said section is the commencing point to the town plat; the
streets are all of a width being 66 ft. the alleys are 16 1-2 ft.; the lots are 66 feet in front and 99 feet back, so planned by
the original survey. All lines running North and South bear N. O degrees 10 min E. and those that run E and W. bear S. 89 degrees
E. The magnetic variation at this date is 5 degrees 10 min. E. This survey made and acknowledged by Thos. K. Houghton
Proprietory April 24' 1851.
Recorded Plat Book 1 pg. 44.
Recd. for record June 9' 1857.
Lots run from 1 to 66 inclusive.
Thus in 7 years Uniontown had expanded in size by 15 lots.
This is the area that
now comprises Union town today
Vandalia Addition 1844 & 1851 (entire)
Streets noted are: Scott , Cass, Washington, Madison, Main, PLymouth, and Lake St
Note cropped down to present day Mill St. at lower edge. |
Barnhseils Additon
Garns Addition
No streets are noted by name. |
Henry & Laura A. Barnhisel deeded 50 acres to Madus E. Garn and Benjamin F. Garn it is assumed that a part of this
was platted off into the Garns Addition as follows
July 15. 1895 - And be it also remembered that the committe viz T.B. Harris, J. H. Castleman and E. E. Geislman who were
appointed to examine the properiety of acceptin the Garns addition to the town of Marmont, reported favorably a motion
was made and duly seconded that said addition be and constitue a part of the imcorporated Town of Marmont, as the plat
shows, and to be known as the Garns Addition NOTE this could be the other Garn's listed above but think this is correct.
Also of historic note is possibly:
One seems to clearly show and I might be wrong what is known as the David and Charlotte Hawk farm is
annotaded on the map (the circled area);
plat maps of this era carried annotaed black squares to indicate structures famr houses, barns, churches and schools. There
seems to be another version of this
map in which these 2 squares or ink blots are missing. Which do you believe to be accurate is now the question.
- Apr 23 1891 Laura A & Henry Barhhisel to David Hawk
- April 30 1902 - David & Catherine Hawk to William H. & Dora O Wilson
- Dec 8 1902 - William H. & Dora O Wilson to Ezra E. Hawkins ...
Thiis appears to be a depiction of the Holt ices houses which was in the area of South Street and
the area commonly refered to as "The Hole" for many years . It is known that the ice houses existed
in 1891 and that - Armstrong, Sam Medbourn and Sterling Holt were the proprietors. Mention of
ice harvesting has dated back into the 1887 by newspaper accounts found.
Description of Contour and Plat
The courses and distance of the Corporate Lines of the proposed
Incorporation of the town of Marmont, Marshall Co. Indiana are as follows:
Commencing at a point where the north and south center section line intersects the U. S. Meander Line of Maxinkuckee Lake in section 16, township, 32, Range 1, East
thence north on center section line nine chains and sixty links, thence west eighteen chains and eighty three links (18.83 CH). thence south two chains (2.00 CH) thence
west two chains and fifty links (2.50 CH), thence south four chains and four links (4.04 CH), thence west sixteen chains (16.00 CH), thence south fourteen chains and fifty
two links (14.52 CH), thence west three chains and seventy 75 links (3.75 CH), thence east one chain (1.00 CH) thence south fourteen chains and seventy links (14.70 CH),
thence eats fifteen chains and fifteen links (15.15 CH) to U. S. Meander Line of Maxinkuckee Lake, thence in a northwesterly direction following over and upon the
meander line to the section line between sections 16 and 21, T. 32, N. R. 1 E. thence in a northwesterly direction following over and upon the meander line to the place
of beginning
This tract of land contains 96.73 Acres more or less and is located in the southwest corner of Swc. 16, the south east corner of Sec. 17 and the northeast corner of Sec. 20
and the northwest corner of sec. 21, all in T.32.N.R.1, E.
Surveyor's Affidavit
State of Indiana, Marshall Co. SS:
John C. Butler, swears athat at the time he made this survey and maps, to which this affidavit is attached, of the territory intended to be embraced within the
corporate limits of the town of Marmont in said county and state, he was deputy County Surveyor of Marshall County, Ind., that he was and is a practical surveyor,
that the survey shown on this plat is true ancd correct that the courses and distances shown on this plat were measured and marked by an actual surney of the
ground and that this plat and contour are accurate and correct in general and in details
John ___, Dep Sur Marshall Co.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on the ___ day of __ 189_