Maxinkuckee Highland Subdivision area
Section 16 History 1835-1922
Part of the area above Academy Drive between Std. Rd. 10, Lake Shore Dr. (St. Rd. 17) and State Street
is labeled as Maxinkuckee Highland Subdivision on the plat maps. Just how far its carried north and west is
1956 Plat map Section 16
Mildred Dillon 126A & 92A
Ida Dillon 48A
Leonard Hoffman 19A
unlabeled 5A
unlabeled 9A
The way it was before 1957-1958. In the background is a view of the
Dillion property on the south side of State Road 10 where the Culver Storage Units,
the now empty motorcycle shop and the
Ten Spot, now empty also is. The houses on the horizon is college Avenue homes. |
1961 Plat map Section 16
Mildred Dillon 126A & 92A
(Dillon Property)
Ida Dillon 48A
L. H. (Leonard Hoffman) 19A
unlabeled 5A
unlabeled 9A
By the orginal plans the photo to the left represents what was going to be the
sudivision "Maxinkuckee Highlands as found:
1961- Jan 18 - The commissioners gave preliminary approval to plans for a new subdivision,
known as Maxinkuckee Highlands, and located in the area bounded by Indiana 10, Old 17,
Academy Road and State Street The Thirty-acre plot could contain about nintey residential
lots, as well as a small business district. The area is being developed by Maxinkuckee
Developers, Inc. a local firm.
As depicted in plat maps of the 1960's |
 1963 |
1968 |
In the 1968 the squares rectangles represents buildings - these are
Winkler's automotive shop,
Culver Animal clinic.
The "L" shape is the
Town and country package storethat sits on the corner of 1910 and 17 They were the first buildings
built between Academy Road, Lakeshore Drive, State Street, State Road 10 and School Street.
An Ad for house in Maxinkuckee Higlands, Apr. 26, 1961 |
1964 - Apr 22 - Town Board Topics...
Harry Edgington and
Charles Edgington,
respresenting the developers of Maxinkuckee Highlands, which is a new housing development located north
of Academy Road (aka Indiana Avenue) and west of Old 17 and bounded on the north by State Road 10 and
17. proposed that this area be annexed into the corporate limits of Culver.
It was brought out that in doing so the City of Culver would be required to furnish waterlines, sewer
facilities and sewage accomodations.
The area in question consists of about 28 acres.
The developers were informed that the Town of CUlver could not furnish these services due to conditions and
contract regulations of the present articles which involver the existing bonded indebtedness of the present
water and sewage department.
Water pressure for the area was discussed which would present a problem, since the area is on very high
ground and a long disttance from the water tower, which lessens the water pressure to the point that it
would be indadequate.
Mr. McFeely stated that to give adequate pressure to that area a booster pump arrangement would have to
be placed on the water line into the area. This would cost approximately $600.
The final agreement reached was that the area would be annexed with these provisions: the developers
provide water, sewer and sewage lines and the city would install a water pressure booster. Thes conditions
must also be approved by the planning commission.
By the May 6, 1964 citizen the area was annexed in accordingly
An agreement betwen the owners of Maxinkuckee Highlands addition was signed by the board.
The area will be annexed into the Town of Culver under these conditions: The owners are to
lay all storm and sewage and water lines in the addition. Sewers are to be large enough to
adequately take care of surface water and seweage.
Ad appearing Oct 4, 1961 |
1965 - Maxinkuckee Homes Inc. received Parents magazine Citation of Merit |
 1972 |
 1978 |
From plat maps as labled underneath |
It was the hopes of the developers to expand the housing subdivison further north but it fully
did not happen. Most of the land lay as undeveloped farm land into the 1980's and slowly evovled
into more of a buisness disrict. As idicated by the following plat map
1981 Plat map Section 16
Culver Educational foudantion 112.2A
Arthur Dillion Jr. 88.4Aetal -
Leonard Hoffman
Lutheran Trinity Church
2 unnamed subdivisions
Maxinkuckee Highlands (1st & 2nd)
unlabeled northwest corner 5.95A - George Hopple (1959)
Now divided down as:3.88A , 0.86A,1.21A
The to be built eventually in the ensuing years were
Park n Shop (1978),
Maxinkuckee Home Supply (1979),
Plaza Apartments (1979),
Bills furniture(1981)
Dariy Queen (1983),
Senior Citizen Apartments (1990),
Monterey Bank (1993)
storage units (1988-2011) adding more
buildings in ensuing years),
Anchors Away
Family Dollar (2006).
It was broke down into three subdivisons :
Maxinkuckee Highlands which consistes of
Anchors Away
Dariy Queen now Teghtmeyer Ace Hardware and
and Family Dollar.
The others are Maxinkuckee Highlands 1st Addition of
806 Academy Dr.,
820 Academy Dr. &
7 houses 618, 610, 618, 624, 708, 712 Academy Dr. & 615 State St. and Maxinkuckee Highlands
2nd Addition 5 house - 622, 625 & 628 State St; 625, 629 N. Forest Place
Of the 90 homes hoped to be built only 12 were and 19 Condominium (1999-2002).