Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Maxinkuckee Landing

1958 Lake Directory was listed as 1370 Maxinkuckee Lane

The East side Historic District - the official recording of this is: Also known as Lake Maxinkuckee Historic District - - Roughly, E Shore Also known as Lake Maxinkuckee Historic District - - Roughly, E Shore Dr. from W. 18th Rd., to the E turn of IN 117, including Maxinkuckee Country Club, Culver. But a map I found expands it further north of the landing.

There is another one of this label "Boat Landing".

Access to lake going west and 18th Rd. going east from St. Rd. 117 about 1866 Richard Jesse Bright built a boat house in the area

1887 - the branch store of Parker & Wyse

1882 - Oriole, a saloon and lunch stand located in the immediate vicinity of the Maxenkuckee landing

    Maxinkuckee is a small village one-half mile east of the east central part of the lake, but has never been regularly laid out as a town, as it should have been, but, like Uniontown, has the merits of the lake as summer resort have become better known, it is growing into more importance, but owing to the lay of the country and the location of the public highways it will never rival Uniontown, at least not until it gets a railroad, but should the "east side" get one, what is now rough, rugged and inconvenient would at once become romantic and desirable andthe village would move down to the lake in a hurry

1896 July 3 - “ We are tenting on the old camp ground.” Call and see us, and go away smiling for you will be well pleased with our fine line of candies, cigars, bananas, ice cream, &c. Also first class barber work done, and our side line is keeping on hand lots of minnows. We are here to accomdate you. Give us a call.
    A. B. Personett,
    H. C. Felts,
    Maxenkuckee landing.

Here is a section refering to the Maxinkuckee Landing area from the 1900 topographical map by J. T. Scovell

1897 - December 30 - the issue of the Culver Herald dated 31 Dec 1897 - told of the fire that destroyed several buildings at Maxinkuckee Landing. One being a building that housed the grocery and confectioanry store operated by Frank Fernandez and the butcher shop which was next door. - Argos Reflector

1898 - Aug 26 - A. B. Personette, who was in business at the Maxenkuckee landing, has closed his shop and will go to Indianapolis for the winter

1900 - Jun 22 - Hollister & Co., have purchased the Fernandez stock of groceries on the east side, and have opened up at the old stand with an excellent line of choice groceries, confectionery, etc. The firm will cater to the lake trade and guarantee satisfaction in every instance

Note - for now this is a guess as that this was the original Bigely store that burned as mentioned below

1901 - Oct 11 - A. E. Barnes , ad

1904 - Nov 1 - Frank Easterday has purchased the store at Maxinkuckee Landing Mr. Easterday has experience in the merchantile business, is honest and energetic and predict for him success in his new venture.

1907 - Jun 27 - HIll & Co. have opened their store at Maxinkuckee landing and are prepared to fill orders for light groceries, ice cream, candies, cigars, refreshments, aand a full line of fireworks. Stock all new and fresh and guaranteed first quality.

Captain Lee R. Finney , who owned the East Side May and the Carol, had his headquarters at the landing. He was the one that I knew in my youth and admired so much. In a small building on the lot of my father, Guy Bigley, had his shop, office and living quarters. He hired Dick Louden to run the East Side May and Eddie Boberg to take telephone messages and to keep the books. Captain Finney always ran the Carol as it was the fastest launch.

The Bigley cottage was on the lake front and bears the address of 1346 E. Shore Lane & the Store sat on the the corner of the Landing road and St. Rd. 117 and is represented by an empty lot today and possibly bore or bears the address of 1352 E. Shore Lane.

The issue of 10 Sep 1908 tell of the fire that destoryed the building owned by Thomas Bigley; the store at the time was under the managment of William Smead. plans were under way to to move the structure so that the Bigley Brothers could make room to erect a brick structure.

1913 - Sep 25 - The J. H. Petro Grocery and market at Maxinkuckee landing is being moved to Lapaz where the Petros will engage in the same line of business.

1946 - Feb 27 - Mack's Minnow Market

Skip Higgins writes:
    First, let me explain that my first Maxinkuckee experiences began in about 1950. My grandparents rented a home on the east shore, near the general store and its flowing well or spring. They were walking distance north of it. I think you have a webpage entitled Maxinkuckee Landing that discusses the area.

    They were only there until about 1952. He had been the general manager for L.O. Gates Chevrolet in South Bend and he left Gates to open his own Chevy store on E. Jefferson St. in Culver . It was called Thoner and Sons Chevrolet. The business failed after only a short time, but the little white buildings in downtown (two, on the south side of the street) were there for many more years. He operated the business with his two sons Bob and Bill, who were fresh out of the Army and needed work. Bob still lives in South Bend and Bill is in Maryland. My mother, their sister, died in 1996 in Bloomington where my dad still lives at the age of 90.

    As early as 1964, when I served as a Woodcraft Camp counselor, the house was gone. It was torn down and the property was serving as an asphalt parking lot in 1964. It wasn't the lakefront house. It was behind the lakefront house. Do you have any recollection of it? To me, a youngster, it seemed big and nice. It had a foundation built of lake stones, which provided substance for the house in many places. I think there was constantly flowing water in the house, but I'm not sure. My recollection is that the house was owned by an Indianapolis family at the time my grandparents were there, but I don't know that for sure. I know the Rocaps owned the general store property, and tore it down as your webpage says, but I don't know if they were the landlords of my grandparents or not.

1355 [1352] East Shore Dr - ?-2007 - Empty Lot East Side of Road - Manor Associates Inc./James E. Rocap Jr. But over the years it was: Vans Market; R & J Market and Apartments and finally the Manor Market

18th B. Rd.

17001 - Aug. 2006 - Herbert L & Evelyn M. Crabb
Aug-Sep. 2006 - Evelyn M Crabb & Dale I Crabb JT/RS
Sep 2006 - 2009 - Dale I Crabb

17078 - Sept 1986 - Warren Bailey & Diane I. Davies
    Jun. 1998 - Stephen G. Fox
    1987 1991, 1993 - James F. Moore
    Jun 1998-2009 - James F & Clare H Trustee Rev Living Trust

16781 [16787] - Norman R. Baxter - Baxter family
    2004- 2006 - Mrs. Norman R. Baxter
    2007 - Not listed

Up the road was the Allegheny House at 16921 18th B. Rd.

and just a short ways up the road iTo the east on 18b is Maxinkuckee Village