Maxinkuckee Playhouse Index
194_-1950 -
Maxinkuckee Vacation Club - Winifred Grace Legg
1950 - Mar 15 -
Purchased East Shore Lane Property
1950 - May 10 -
for Summer season
1950 - June 27-Jul 2 -
open Premiere Season "Blithes Spirit"
1950 - Jul 5-9 -
2nd Production
"Ah, Wilderness"
1950 - Jul 12 - Martin Tahse and Paul Rutledge, managers of the Playhouse, made a direct appeal to patrons this
week to correct an erroneouf impression which has been circulating. They said: "We here at the the Playhouse
understand that word has been goign around that we have an "angel" who writes checks for all of our
expenses. Thies is not true. Our only income is from ticket sales, program advertisements, and sales at the snack
bar. From the outset it has been our sole hope to bring to the people of the Maxinkuckee area, a high level of
dramatic entertainement, entertainment which would reflect credit not only to ourselves but to the community at-large.
We hope that no one will think us bragging when we say that we are a bit proud of efforst to date. The Maxinkuckee
Playhouse is incorporated as a non-proofit edcuational corporation. A few patrons have joined to help our
group attain our goal. For their help we are extremely grateful. We go not have any "Angel" and we any contribution no
matter what the amount.
1950 - The Maxinkuckee
Players list.
1950 - Jul 12 -
1950 - Jull 19 - Glass Menagerie
1950 - Aug. 2 -
"Our Town"
1950 - AUg 9 -
"Born Yesterday"
1950 - Aug 16 -
"All My Sons"
1950 - Aug.23 -
Season Closing Sep 3- "Portrait in Black"
1950 -
The "Macs"
1955 -
6th Season
1955 -
New Theater
1961 - Maxinkuckee Playhouse
Is Leaving
Today is