Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Maxinkuckee Christain Church  

1906 - May 31 - Catherine Parker etal to Christian church Maxinkuckee lot in Maxinkuckee 23-32-1 $1

1914 - Nov. 26 It will be remembered by the readers of the Citizen that last pring the Methodist Protestant church at East Washington was destroyed by fire, which left the members without a place of worship until they received permission to use the Christain burch of Maxinkuckee, which was accepted. They at once set about to devise plans for rebuilding the church. It was finally decided to divide their resources for a still greater work and a larger field to work in, and they purchased the Christain Church of Maxinkuckee. Offercers were elected who at once remodeled and rebuilt the Maxinkuckee church, added a furnance and a lighting plant, and dedicated some weeke ago. - Citizen.

An Account found in the Oct 12, 1916 Citizen furnished by D. W. Marks:

The Maxinkuckee Christian Church was built in 1888 and dedicated on Dec. 15

The first baptismal service was performed by W. R. Lowe on Dec. 28. Mrs. D. W. Marks and Mis Edith Brownlee were the candideate>

The charter members consisted of: Eli Parker
Catheirine Parker
Lyman Foss
Minerva Foss
Amelia Smith
L T VanSchoiack
Joseph Merrio
Lucretia Merrio
Samantha Smith
Ann Medbourn
Mary Mdbourn
Ann Medborn
Emerine Brownlee
Eliijah Devore
David Scott
Ruth Devore
Isaac Butler
Sarah Scott
Sarah Butler
Charls Morhan
Frank, Ann Isaac and Mary Personett
Minnie Niccolson
Jane Loweman
James and Racheael Personett
William A. an Lavina Foss.

The members met in a bubsinee capacity on January 12, 1889, and adopted the following preamble

    We, the undersigned members of the body of Christ, do herby plede ourselves to each other and to God and that we will meet together as opportunity presents for the pupose of keeping he ordinance of the Lord'a house; that we take the new testament scriptures as our only rule of failth and practice; that we will be knoen as the Christian Church, of Church of Christ, woshiping at Maxinkuckee, Ind.

The following officers were duly elected:
    ELders - L. T Vanshoiack, Eli Parker, Isaac L. Babcock
    Deacyns - F. N. Walker, Wm. A. Foss, W. E. Hand
    Clerk and Tres. - D. W. Marks.
      W R Lowe, Ch'n.
    Eli Park, Sec'y

The church continues to prosper unti the death of Bro. Ele Parker, when it had a membersip of 140.

This is the record of the church's early history until 10 years ago

Became the Methodist Protestant Church in 1914