Maxinkuckee Village

It is located to the east of the area called
"Maxinkcuckee Landing" on 18b road about one-half mile. The area once known as
Maxinkuckee Village is located just north of the east shore of Lake Maxinkuckee, on
18B Road, beginning approximately where 18B intersects East Shore Drive and extending
about a mile to the southern jog of Queen Road.
The Maxinkuckee Village was never officially a town of its own, but it once was a relatively
thriving village, with its own school, church, and several stores. Description found in the
Weekly Republican Plymouth) dated 2 May 1872
Maxinkuckee, Ind., is a beautiful village situated on the east bamk of Macinkuckee Lake. The
inhabitants claims to have all that is necessary to render life a blessing. They fin that whisky is
non-essential, and have therefor completely done awar with it; but have a No. 1 store, saw and
Grist Mill, Wagon and Blacksmoth shop Shoe Shop and Hotel, Physician, Odd Fellows Lodge, good
schools, much babies, plenty of Wheat Bread, and some Gospel.
1858 -
`Post office established about 1858
1859 - May 26 - Uniontown... About 2 miles from this place, on the opposite side
of the Lake, is a small village which perhaps, is called Maxinkuckee, though I
of this I am not certain. Here are 2 Steam Saw Mills. - Weekly Republican Plymouth,
1872 - May 2 - Masinkuckee, Ind., is a beautiful village, situated on the east bank
of Maxinkuckee Lake. The inhabitants claim to have all that is necessary to render
life a blessing. They find that whisky is nonessential, and have therefore completely
done away with it; but have a
No. 1 Store,
Saw and Grist Mill,
Wagon and blacksmith Shop.
Shoe Shop and
Odd Fellows Lodge,
good Schools,
much babies, plenty of Wheat Bread, and some Gospel.
1873 - May 29 - Maxinkuckee Items
Messer P. Cline & Bro. are putting up a saw mill three miles east of this place.
1880 - Jul 29 - Around the Lake The beautiful Maxinkuckee
....Leaving Argos by the "south road," you drive through a sandy and swampy country, largely
covered with huckleberry bushes and scrub oak, with here and there a paitch of corn and
wheat, and occasionally a house or two to break the monotony.
A drive of nine miles brings you to the village of Maxinkuckee or as it is now called,
Frizzletown), which lies on the hill about a quarter of a mile from the lake...
In fact, Maxinkuckee was originally the "town" on the shores of the lake, rather than the
town we know of as Culver today. Had it not been for the arrival of the Vandalia rail line,
Maxinkuckee might have grownup to be the more populous of the two communities. With the
arrival of the railroad, however, the small village on the east shore was eventually
overshadowed by the town of Marmont, later Culver.
The area today it is still a small community unto itself, but with none of the industry that
once defined it. Perhaps the last vestige of bygone days was Bigley's apple orchard and store
on what is today 18B road, but these ended operations in the 1990s.
The essay below, written in the early part of the 20th century found in the History of Marshall
county, Indiana, 1908, Daniel McDonald: The essay gives a picture of
the village closer to its heyday...
"The village of Maxinkuckee is situated half a mile East of Lake Maxinkuckee, from which it
derives its name.
From this village on the high bluff on which it is built is obtained the finest view of the
beautiful lake any where around the twelve miles of its charming shore line. It has never been
regularly platted and laid out as a town.
It had two streets. The one that divides the place and runs north and south is called Washington
Street, and the one running East and West is called Lake Street.
On the North side of Lake Street, about half-way from the village to the lake, was the wigwam of
the good Indian Chief, Neeswaugee, which is about opposite the residence of Peter Spangler.
The street should have been called “Nees-wau-gee Avenue” to perpetuate the memory of the first
owner o all the land east and north of the street.
The village contains a store, blacksmith shop, a Church, and a lodge of Odd Fellows, and contains
a population of 150.
For many years it had a Post Office, but with the coming of rural free delivery system it was
discontinued and the people now receive their mail by free delivery.
Also the Railroad influenced it. There were plans that might have brought the Railroad around the
East side of the Lake but instead it wen around the West side and the town of Marmont (Culver
1894). The town of Marmont prospered and grew but Maxinkuckee stayed the same. The Post Office
went to Marmont (Culver).
At the village of Maxinkuckee the first Post Office was established about the year 1858. It was
discontinued February 1, 1902. It was in the old general store, kept by Parker and Wise, and s
tood on the North side of the street, opposite the present general store (1934). One corner of
the store was reserved for the Post Office business, George Spangler recalls, “and when mail came
in, it was put in a wooden bucket. The store at mail time would be well filled with people ‘round
about, and the Postmaster as he shouted out the names in a voice that could be heard from one end
to the other, would throw, hurl, or fire the mail matter at the addresses. His aim was true; he
seldom pitched a bad one and could qualify for most any baseball team. At the receiving end, the
catchers were nearly all adept, too.”
Nees-wau-gee Indian village is on the Bigley farm, on the north side of Maxinkuckee Road, just
opposite the Spangler Allegany House." Images of the Maxinkuckee Village
1860 - the Census lists Maxinkuckee Post Office starting page 171 ending page 173
1193 1203 Harris, Roben Farmer
1194 1204 Thompson, George Farmer
1195 1205 Duff, A Laborer
1196 1206 Owens, Syniar Farmer
1196 1206 Owens, W W Farmer
1197 1207 Vorces [Vories], David B Farmer
1198 1208 Nichols, Ebenezer Male Farmer
1199 1209 Mosher, Jeremiah Male
1200 1210 Sedia, Dan Farmer
1201 1211 Thompson, Wm Farmer
1202 1212 Densworth, Wm Farmer
1203 1213 Tiles, Curad
1204 1214 Holson, Thomas
1205 1215 Morris , Wm
1206 1216 Morris, I N Farmer
1207 1217 Duff, John Farmer
1870 - the Census for Union Township seems to all be thorugh Argos Post Office
(which is atually Green township) even for town of Uniontown or Marmont.
1872 |
1872 - May 2 - Maxinkuckee, In., is a beutifful village, situated on the east bank of
Mxinkuckee Lake. The inhabitants claime to have all that is necessary to render life a blessing.
They find that whisky is non-essential, and therefore completley done wawy with it;
but have a
No. 1 School
Sae and Grist Mill,
Wagon and Blacksmith Shop
Shoe shop,
Odd Fellows Lodge,
good schools, much babies, plenty of wheat and bread, and som gospel. - The Weekly Republican
Plymouth, Ind.
1880 |
As identified in the 1880 census, the Village of Maxinkuckee had 13 households:
Bigley, Thomas family. Farmer. Mother, Amelia Smith living with family.
Wise, Jonathan family. Retail merchant (in partnership with Parker)
Parker, Eli family. Farmer & Merchant
Benedict, Aaron family. Farmer & Miller (saw/grist)
Stevens, Oliver P. family. Physician. Son, Adin, was a teacher
South, William family. Farm laborer
Hissong, Samuel family. House carpenter
Hay, Susan family. Housekeeper, included two boarders
Foss, William family. Shoemaker
Edwards, Edward family. Hotel keeper, included five hired hands for hotel
Spangler, Peter family. Farmer, included Abraham Bogardus and William Easterday (farm laborer)
Miles, John C. family. Farmer
Miles, Daniel family. Farmer
1882 - May 4 - A telephone line will be built from here [Argos] to Maxinkuckee this
summer, and will be coonected with the exchange here [Argos] - Agros Reclector
1883 - May 26 - On Thursday morning the general store of William E> Leonard, of Maxinkuckee,
and the saloon of James DOrsey were fired by an incendiary.
Before aid could be had
both buildings and their conotents were destroyed. Leonard loses about $3,000, insured in the Royal,
of England; Frinklin FIre , of Indianapolis and other companies for nealry that amount. Dorsey'
loss is about $1,500; no Insurance - Indianapolis Journal
1883 - Oct 18 - The Indianapolis Journal is publishing from day to day a list of the pensioners
for the State of Indiana...The list for Marshall county, which appeared in the Bourbon Mirror last
week... Maxinkuckee - William Leonard, Henry Smith, Aziral Kilpatrick, James L. Mosher each 4;
Catherine Wise, Lavina McMilliam, Amelia Smith each 8; J. J. Smith 10; ELizabeth Snyder 20... -
Argos Reflector.
1887 - Jun 7 - Dan Bough, the incomparable house painter, is engaged on an all summer's job at
Maxinkuckee. There is considerable building being done there this season, and it it keeps on at
the same rater for several years, the famous inland watering place will bevome a thriving town -
Argos Reflector
1888 - Dec. 6 - There will be a dedication of the new Disciples Church at Maxinkuckee next
1889 - Jun 6 - ...the citizens of Green township are now engaged in grading and graveling their
roads extending from the township line westward for five or six miles, and they are becoming
entused on the subject of gravel rads as far west as Maxinkuckee and the day is not far distant
when it will be posssible to drive from the Lake to Argos over a soilid road bed... - Agros
1890 - Jul 17 - Maxinkuckee mail
Postmaster Wallace has arranged to have mail pouched direct to tho Maxinkuckee office from the railway
postal-cars, instead of through the Marmont office which has been the usual custom.
The mail will be taken across tho lake by messenger and distributed immediately at tbe Maxinkuckee office.
This will enable Indianapolis visitors at the lake to receive their mail much sooner than heretofore.
Postmaster Wallace will also put on a pouch to leave Indianapolis at 5:15 P. M. for Maxinkuckee. which will
arriveat the lake at 9:47 P.M. Mail for this pouch should be poste'd not later than 4:30 P. m.
Thus there will be two mails a day from this city to the Maxinkuckee resort. - Indianapolis Journal
1897 - May 27 - Frenandex is packing his stock for removel to Maxinkuckee where he will cater
to the wants of visitors to the famous lake resort - Argos Reflector
1897 - Dec 9 - That Electric Railroad. Matters Progressing Fairly - - Maxinkuckee Stirred
Up - - Want it to come their way. - - Maxinkuckee citizens are fully awake to the opportunity
offered them to become a center of attraction and prominence through the building of the
electric railroad around their way, and are going to give Culver a hard fight for it. A
committee of their citizens include Dr. Caple, Jas. South, Harvey Morris, "Doc" Lake, -- Barnes
and C. J. Loudon.... - Argos Reflector
1898 |
1898 - D of S Ch. [believe the abbreivations should be D of C which
would be Disciple of Christ Church but more research is needed
Could this be the
Maxinkuckee Christain
Church? |
1900 - Census was divided into Union township with no Post Office distinction
and Culver Wards 1-3
1902 - Feb 1 - The Maxinkuckee post office was discontinued being merged into the
Culver Post
Office; most of its patrrons being served by rural free delivery from that office.
1902 - Aug 7 - Maxinkuckee is not a back number, but is an up-to-date little rural route town,
four mercantile establishments
blacksmith shop
good school and churches
telephone line, etc.
We can also boast of the daily passing by of the traction engine and the automobile, two vechiles
that make the same kind of horse scaring noise. Surley we are progressing toward having the
finest summer resort in the union. - Argos Reflector
1903 - Oct 1, 22 - For Sale or Rent - A six room cottage, wood house, barn, good well, cistern,
water in kitchen and every convenience, in the village of Maxinkuckee, Ind. Call and See me. -
John C. Miles
1906 - May 24 - Catherine Parker etal w d to
Christain Church Maxinkuckee
lot in Maxinkucke se q of nw q sec 23-32-1, $1
In 1908 mention is made of its name also being "Frizzle Town" in an article on Robert
Rural Mail Carrier
on the North:
Amelia Smith 80A
W. Wilson
Fred Thompson
N. Thompson
G. A. Peeples
Francis M. Parker 119A
On the south:
Thos J. Bigley 76.30A
A Z Caple
Store / I.O.O.F. <,br>
G. A. Peeples 2 lots
A T Bebedict
O. P. Stevens
H. Looring
M. R. Cline
A. E Stevens
I A South
C. E. Hilbrary
John Hatcher
John Hatcher 78.50A
George Peoples 77.12A
Here is another version of the 1908 map which labels the building
in between N. T. Thompson and A. Overmyer as belong to
Eli Parker |
1908 - Jul 23 - The contract for the
new school building
at Maxinkuckee has been let to Fred Thompsn for $2,559 - Argos Reflector
Lee Anson Overmyer
in front of his general store, opened in 1912 in the village of Maxinkuckee on the east side
of the lake. Anson also operated a "huckster wagon," possibly visible in the garage behind him,
from which he sold goods around the lake. |
1912 - Nov 28 - Maxinkuckee Is Fire-Swept
Fire on Wednesday morning at Maxinkuckee destroyed three buildings, a
stock of merchandise, the paraphernalia of the Odd Fellows and a
quanity of household goods.
It was a little before 2 o'clock when Mrs. Fred Thompson was arroused
by a noise which she thought was made by a nouse in the room, and on
getting up doscovered the Odd Fellows building was in flames. The noise
she hears was made by glass falling on the cement walk.
The first story of the frame building was occupied by Warner & Cravv with
a stock of general merchandise which they purchashed from M. F. Walsh about
sixe weels ago.The store seemed to be all on fire as seen from the front.
The Thompson telephone was used to call up Culver and the neighbors around
Withing a short time the lines went down. When Fred Thompson reached the store
there was time to save the lodge property in the second story if help had
The fire spread to a one-story building, also owned by the Odd Fellows, and used
as a stock room by Warner & Crabb. In former days this building was the post office.
The third building burned was owned by George Peeples. it was unoccupied except as
storehouse for furniture belonging to James Brugh of Plymout. A few years ago it was
the late Dr. A. Z.Caple's office.
Nathan Thompson's residence across the street was badly blistered.
Mr. Brugh;s furniture was saved.
The Odd Fellows carried $1,450 unsurance on their building and $350 on lodge property.
Warner & Crabb had #2,200 on stock and fixtures. How much of this will be paid by
the company remains for the decision of the adjuster. The firm has no inventory as the
policy requires.
There was no insurance on the Peeples building.
The loss is estimated at about $150. ALl of the policies are in the American
represented by W. O. Osborn.
The orgin of the fire is regarded as accidental, but whether it was started bt
a cigar stub carelessly thrown down or by rats or mice igniting a match no one can
There was no fire in the store when the store was closed for the night.
Maxinkuckee and Maxinkuckee Landing have been unfortunate in the matter of fires.
A Maxinkuckee the old Odd Fellows building was burned in 1903 or 1904. it was 40X90
with a 30X30 addition and was built and owned by Eli Parker who sold it to the Odd
Fellows in 1899.
At the landing there have been two or three salooms and a large store building
burned. - - Cizizen
1913 - Feb 13 - Notice to Builders - The
Maxinkuckee Lodge I.O.O.F. No.
353 proposes to erect a new building.
1914- Oct 15 - The Maxinkuckee Methodist Protestant church will be dedicated next Sunday...
1917 - Mar 29 - Fred Thompson has gone to Chicago to wreak a frame building that he will
ship to Culver. T he material will be used to construct a bungalow in Maxinkuckee ot in
Vandalia Park - Citizen
1922 Plat Map
On North:
Thomas J. Bigley
W. Wilson
Meth. Church
A Overmyer
Francis M. Parker acreage not stated
On south side:
C. G. Bigley
L. Wilson
T Louden
Ellen Home
Harry & Emma C. Hissong
P. E. Stevens
G. D. & Ida Wolley
Thos. Whittaker
C. E Hibray
John Hacker
F. M. Parker 75.12A; Acreage not states; 23.91
John Hacker 78.50A |
The 1922 map labels both churches in 1922 the one is labeled
meth. church and sits on the property owned by N. Thompson in 1908 and the
other is labeled simply "church" but the 1898 plat map labels it as as "D of S Ch"
A 1935 photo of the Methodist church. |
A general store was located diagonally across from the
1908 school
(Queen & 18th B) on the south and was operated by Eli Parker and John Wise. Anson
Overmyer was the next owner. An the IOOF (Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge) held their
meetings on the second floor of the building and had access by an iron stairway on the east,
outside of the building. It eventually was torn down and is only represented by a bare lot
This is the "chruch" as labeled on the 1922 map (not the methodist);
the 1898 plat map label's it as "D of S Ch"
1930 May 14 - Peter Spangler gave an interview
At the age of 91, Peter Spangler gave an interview about his life on May 14, 1930,
three years before his death. He always wore a full beard, was a carpenter and
moved houses and barns.
He helped to construct many of the buildings for Culver Military Academy as a brick
As he said, "Four stores formed the town, the lake was surrounded by swamp, including
where the town of Culver and the Academy are now located."
He declared at that time the village of Maxinkuckee was more promising than other
nearby communities as it had industrial prospects in the form of two saw mills.
church (16564 18B Road) was discontinued in the mid-1960's
Rev William C.R. Sheridan retired in 1987 and moved to a Culver area known as Maxinkuckee.
He and Rudith remodeled the former country church into a comfortable home preserving
most of the church features |
School today. Built in 1908. It closed in 1936. At the corner of 18B and Queen Road
on what was a part of "Bigley's Orchard" and owned for years by them. The property is now
is now owned by another |
Bigley's Orchard - –
which operated from 1929 to 2000 and won recognition from the state of Indiana as a Hoosier
Homestead farm in 1978. John borrowed $1,000 in 1929 and built a new house on 18B Road |
An early picture of the Bigley Homestead

 as a whole |
 area to village |
the village |
The area today as platted. The village plat remains basically the same as it was in 1922 |
16600 18B RD American Four Square c. 1925
1964 - House being moved From Frank Hale Site
[1290 E Shor Dr.]
The roadside dwelling, located on the property known as the Frank Hale property,
East Shore Drive was moved this week to a new location. It is being moved to a
lot just west of the Maxinkuckee Church by Cleo Wynn.
It is understood that extensive remodeling and additions will be built after the
dwelling is placed on a new foundation.
There is a grassroots project established to restore/preserve the remainder of Maxinkuckee Village and its
history -
"Maxinkuckee Preservation" by Kurt West