Inside cover, Map of township
Title Page
Maxinkuckee Lake - Jerome Burnett
The Arrival (picture)
History of Lake Maxinkuckee
State Geologist Report
Fish Commissioner's report
Behold beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee (picture)
Orthography of Makinkuckee Lake
First Settlers About the Lake
Indian Reservations
Where the lake and forest meet (picture)
Chief Nees-Wau-Gee
Chief Quash-Qua
Chief Au-ben-nau-be
Chief Pau-Koo-Shuck
Only Treaty made on the lake
A launch starting a vovage (picture
A scene from the lake road (picture)
A view on the east shore (picture)
Removal of the Indiana
The first white settlers
Row and Sail boats
the peerles (picture)
sunset on the lake (picture)
Literature of the lake
Poetry of the Lake
The Hoosier Poet's Tribute to Maxinkuckee
Culver Military Academy(the north shore) (Picture)
Fish and Fishing in Lake Maxinkuckee
The Maxinkuckee Lake Association
Club Houses and Hotels
White caps (picture)
The Aubbeenaubbe Yacht Club
Sailing on the lake (picture)
A beautiful forest Path on the east shore (picture)
Members of Lake Maxinkuckee Association , 1905