Movie Theater Index
Everet Hosel
James A. Baker
Dan Bickel
Their were many movie theaters in Culver over the years at different locations - and at times more than one
was in operation at a given time. this page will be an attempt to list some of them - even if just found mentioned
in quips from the 'do you remember...' column that appeared weekly in the Culver Citizen.
Home Theater -
113 N Main
Culver Theater - 1921-1929 -
612 Lakes Shore Dr.
Palms Theatre (was the Palace 1934=1940 -
612 Lakes Shore Dr.
The El Rancho (was the Palms) 1940-1983-
612 Lakes Shore Dr.
Lakeside Cinema -
612 Lakes Shore Dr.
Uptown Cinema (was the Lakeside) -
612 Lakes Shore Dr.
Liberty Theater -
413 Lakeshore Dr.
Palace Theater / Hayes Theatre -1931-1934 -
612 Lakes Shore Dr.
Star Theater 116 N. Main br>
Pearl Theater -
525 Laks shore Dr.
Gem Theater - some
1930 ads
place this theater in Plymouth! Quips of the theater is made in several issues but
no place was stated
1932 -? - 15 At the Gem Theater next Sunday, Lionel Barrymore and Nancy Carroll in
"Broken Lullaby." Admission, adults 25 cents.
News Quips of other theaters, some bearing no names:
1913 - Billy Link was mentioned as well known "showman" and that he had plans
of erecting a 2 story building which would use a drug store on the ground floor and
a theater on the end floor with a capacity of seating 700 people. It is unknown if
his adventure got off the ground or not.
1915 - Apr 29 - Harvey Kamp of Chicago has rented the
Bradley bowling alley building
and will fit it up for a theatre in which moves and vaudeville will be given
1922 - Spet 20 - The Links Wiill Go West
The impossiblitly of making three theaters pay in Culver, the agitation for Sunday closing, and
the expitation of his lease next March has detemined Billy Link to pull out.
He and Mrs Link are making arrangements to spend the winter in Colorado or California.
The Liberty theater will probably remain open for some time as the Links do not excpect to leave
before Nov. 1, but Billy has informed his patrons that no more big pictures will be shown with the
consequent loss which their expensiveness entales.
1925 - Sep 25 - JOhn Osborn has taken over the management of the new up-town picture house
though Mont FOss remains as operator
1930 - Jul 9 - Billy Link, former resident and manager of theaters here is, now appearing in
a recent, movie "Mammy" which stars Al Jolson
1940 - sep 4 - The free moving picture show on E. Jefferson stree will be resumed
Sept. 17 according to Rev. John walton, it the schools open the preceeding day.
Movies about Culver - using Culver as background
Little Savages - The Movie, -
Tabloid of production