Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Simon P. Sheerin  

Sep 2 1896 - Hon. S. P. Sheerin has purchased a lot between tbe two hotels at Lake Maxinkuckee and will erect a cottage thereon

Oct 16 1896 - Architect Rhodes is preparing plans for a $1,500 cottage to be erected at Lake Maxinkuckee by Hon. S. P. Sheerin. - Logansport Pharos Tribune

1896 - Oct 23 - An architect is preparing plans for a $1,500 cottage to be erected at the Lake by Hon. S. Sheerin, of Logansport

1896 - Dec 18 - Geo. T. Paulison, contactor and bulder, of Indianapolis, has the foundation laid for the Sheerin cottage near the Palmer house. This when completed will be one of the finest cottages on the lake, and will occupy a most desirable location. A large gang of men and teams have been at work over two months placing the grounds in an excellent condtion for the buildings.

a beautiful Cottage

    S. P. Sheerin, of Logansport, was in town this week looking after puting the finishing touches upon his beautiful cottage and grounds. The cottage was especially planned by his wife, and everv room in the same with the exception of kitchen, fronts upon the lake. The interior is finished with exquisite taste, and will be modern in every partic ular. Shade trees of the finest variety have been systamaticallv set upon the grounds, while in the proper place a large variety of fruit trees have been set. Also a fine selection of small fruits of ever description. The location of the cottage is immence, having one of the very best views of the lake. Mr. Sheerin and family will occupy their cottage about the middle of June. Years ago Sheerin was editor of the Logansport Pharos, and through his sagasious management the paper proved to be a paying investment. He was also clerk of the supreme court for several years - 30 APril 1897

1897 - May 14 - The household goods for the Sheerin cottage arrived Wednesday

1897 - Jun 25 C. C. Davis has just completed two excellent tublar wells for S. P. Sheerin and one for R. Kreuzberger. The latter was placed in Kreuzberger park aud the former at the Sheerin cottage near the Palmer House. Those at the cottage are flowing wells, aud so powerful does the water gush forth, that could it be utilized it would furnish water for any fire department in the county. Mr. Davis thoroughly understands his business and anyone desiring his services will receive perfect satisfaction

1897 -- July 8 S. P. Sheerin has in his possession a handsome black walnut extension table which was presented to him by the proprietors of.the Fifth Avenue hotel, of New York. This table was in use at said hotel 27 years, and is especially valuable owing to the fact that Blaine, Sherman, Grant and hundreds of the nation’s notables have been served at this table. The table is highly prized by Mr. Sheerin, because of the gift, and its historic prestige. It can be seen at the Sheerin cottage near the Palmer House.

1898 - Sep 9 - S. P. Sheerin and family left for their home in Indianapolis Monday. Harry Davis has charge of their cottage and grounds and will be engaged all fall in grading the grounds.

1900 - Sep 9 - Alice, the one year and 8 month’s old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Sheerin, died Aug. 31 at their cottage near the Palmer House. After the body was prepared by Undertaker Easterday, it was shiped to Indianapolis for burial. The family has the sympathy of a large circle of friends at the lake.

1905 - Aug 24 - The late S. P. Sheerin left property valued at $298,877.14. Logansport Chronicle.

Simon P. Sheerin  

It is doubtful if Indiana has a citizen within her boundaries who can more fitly be designated as a Man of Progress than the subject of this sketch. He is the son of Thomas and Mary (Carbery) Sheerin, and was born in Dublin, Ireland, February 14, 1846. His father was a manufacturer in Dublin, and his mother was the daughter of John J. Carbery, a civil engineer.

His father was an Irish revolutionist and was identified with the revolutionary effort in Ireland in 1848.

The parents of S. P. Sheerin left Ireland for the United States in 1849 and landed at New Orleans. Later his father was requested to leave that city upon suspicion that the was an abolitionist. Such was doubtless the case. If he had visited a slave pen and witnesses a slave auction, and other scenes calc ulated to horrify his Irish so ul, he could scarcely have refrained from giving vent to his indignation.

It is not surprising that Mr. Thomas Sheerin abandoned Ireland, after the revolution of 1848, to find a home in the United States. Nor is it surprising that upon reaching New Orleans he did not fall in love with the abominations of chattel slavery, or that he left the "Sunny south" for a northern residence, finally locating in the city of Dayton, Ohio, where Simon obtained his early education in the public schools, supplemented by a course in a commercial college. With this educational equipment, young Sheerin matriculated in a blacksmith's shop, mastered its curric ulum in due time, after which, in 1866, when twenty years of age moved to Logansport, Ind., where, for four years he worked at his trade. But while engaged at the forge and the anvil. Mr. Sheerin was not neglectf ul of education. He was a student of books and of affairs. He possessed quick perceptions and was endowed with a f ull share of will-power and self-reliance - essentials of progress and success - indeed, without which, as a general proposition, advancement in any field of endeavor is rarely, if ever secured.

In 1870 Mr. Sheerin was elected recorder of Cass county, Indiana. After serving one term as recorder, he was re-elected in 1874, and during this incumbency of the office, began a literary career by writing for the press. His capabilities as a newspaper writer were at once recognized. He liked the arena where ideas clash and where friction polishes and sharpens thought.

In 1875 Mr. Sheerin became editor and part proprietor of the Logansport Pharos, one of the most important Democratic publications in Indiana. It was in all regards a happy alliance. Mr. Sheerin at once strode to the front rank of Indiana's editors. Familiar with state and national politics, and being profoundly versed in Democratic principles and policy, he handled a trenchant pen, which made him a valued exponent of Jeffersonian Democracy. He had the genius, the enthusiasm and th wit for which his race is renowned, and under his management the Pharos won merited distinction.

The career of Mr. Sheerin was always along an ascending grade. In 1880 he retired form the Pharos, and in 1882 was elected clerk of the supreme court of Indiana, a position which he filled satisfactorily to the Democratic party and the people, regardless of party name, but declined a renomination to the honorable office in 1886, to engage in important private enterprises.

As a Democrat, no member of the Democratic party of Indiana has won a more eviable position. He was a member of the state executive committee in the years 1884, '86 and '88, a position requiring the best material the party could command.

In 1888, at the Democratic national convention, held at St. Louis, Mr. Sheerin was elected a member of the national Democratic committee, and the same year, in Washington, was elected secretary of the national committee, and was re-elected a member and secretary of the committee in 1892, and was the secretary of the national Democratic convention in 1892. Mr. Sheerin severed his connection with the Democratic national committee because of the divergent views on the money question, but his fealty to the party has known no change. He is of the type of Democrats which defeat does not demoralizes. He is the embodiment of poise, the same in storm and shine, serene and inflexible, he believes in the ultimate triumph of the principles of his party, which he advocates with his pen, and, when opportunity offers, defends upon the platform.

During recent years Mr. Sheerin has been identified with may large enterprises, notably those connected with natural gas and telephones. He is director of the Marion Trust company; is president of the New Long Distance Telephone company, and vice-president of the New Telephone company. Mr. Sheerin is a member of the board of trade, of the Commercial club, of the Dutch house, and of the University club.

In 1883, Mr. Sheerin married Mary Agnes Doherty, daughter of Daniel E. Doherty of Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Sheerin is a graduate of St. Mary's of the Woods, and of the union seven children have been born - three boys and four girls. The home residence is at 1010 North Pennsy> lvania street Indianapolis, where the parents, surrounded by their children, enjoy the blessings and refinements of c ulture and of a happy home.

It will be observed that Mr. Sheerin, from his boyhood to the present, has been a Man of Progress. He has had high ideals and noble ambitions. Industry and probity have been the chief factors in his steady advance, until his position in the ranks of men of unsullied character us such as to reflect the highest credit upon himself and add to the renown of the state if Indiana.

Men of progress, Indiana : a selected list of biographical sketches and portraits of the leaders in business, professional and official life: together with brief notes on the history and character of Indiana Indianapolis: Indianapolis Sentinel Co., 1899, pg. 570-1

Simon Patrick Sheerin Born Feb 14, 1846 Dublin, Ireland. Death July 20 1905 Chicago, Cook county Burial Holy Cross Cemetery son of Thomas Sheerin and Mary Carberry
    Death Invades Convention Hall
      Cuts Short Address of Simon P. Sheerin to Telephone Men.

      Meeting in Auditorium

      As Indianapolis Politican Replies to Speech of Welcome He Falls to Floor

      WHile responding to the address of welcome to the delegates of the convention of the National Interstate Telephone Association, which had been delevidered by city prosecutor Taylor yesterday morning, Simon P. Sheerin of Indianapolis anded before a physcian reached him... Mr. Sheerin, as he walked tp the speaker's table, explained that, unlike, Mr. Taylor. hr was unable to speak without notes. Hi then began to read his speech, but hardly had closed the introductory paragraph when his utterness bcame confused. His face grew dark and he turned to the chairman, J. D. Powers of Louisville, Ky. with the remark:
        "Colonel,I feel an attack. I don't believe,I can finish.
      Dies Almost as he falls

      Mr. Powers arose to assist him. As he tottered for a moment and closed his eyes. the chairman, who had one arm in a sling, reached out to hold him, but he slipped to the floor with a crash. Several members spran to their feet and hurried to Mr. Sheerin, but it was a[[arent that he died almost as he fell

      Messenger's were sent for a doctor, but both of the auditorium house physicians were out, and the hotel management spent some time trying to find them.

      It was a half an hour before friends of Mr. Sheerin succeeded in bringing Dr. Alfred A. Watson and Dr. J. Mitchell Taylor to the hall. Their efforts at causing artifical respWerations were useless

      Father Peter J. O'Callaghan of St. Mary's church arrived too lake for the administration of extreme unction.

      Mr. Sheerin was accompained by his son, S. P. Sheerin Jr. He was in the hall ath the time of his father's attack and was with him when he died. He at once took charge of the body, which was sent to Indianapolis last night.

      Born in Ireland in 1846

      Mr. Sheerin was born in Dublin, Ireland, Feb 14, 1846.

      His father was a manufactured and an Irish revolutionis, and came to the United States in 1840, setteling in Dayton, O., where the boy was given a public shool education, supplemented by course in a commercial college.

      In 1866 he romove to Logansport, Ind., where he worked as a blacksmith, devoting his spare hours to the study of books and business.

      He was twice elected recorder of Cass county, and in 1875 be became editor and part owner of of the Logansport Pharos, a democratic paper.

      He retired in 1880, and two yeats later was elected clerk of the Supreme Court if Indiana.

      He was a member of the state democratic executive committee for six years, and in 1884, was elected a member of the national committee which later cjose him as secretary. He was president of the Long Distanct Telephone company of Indiana

      He is survived by a widow and eight children. The family is at the summer home at Lake. Maxinkuckee, Ind.

      Mr. Sheerin had not been in good health during the last week, and although he is said to have suffered an attack similar to this one four years ago, he attributed his indispotision to over work.

      Social Program Given up

      Because of the death all social features of the convention have been stricken off the program, and only business matter of vital importance will be transacted.

      Yesterday the session adjourned immediately aferhis death, and all exhibits were closrd for the day - - Chicago Tribune Jun 21, 1906

    S. P. Sherrin Drops Dead a Chicago
      Well-known Indiana Man Expires While Speaking at Telephone Concention

      In the Auditorium Hotel

      Son was Near When Father was Seized with Apoplexy - Body will be Sent to Indianapolis

      (special to the Indianapolis News)
      Chicago Jun 20 - Simon P. Sheerin, of Indianapolis, widely known in business and political circles died suddenly of apoplexy today at the Auditorium while addressing the National Interstate Independent Telephone convenetion.

      Thomas Sheerin, a son, was present when his father expired.

      The ody will be sent to Indianapolis tonight.

      Mr. Sheerin had been in Chicago several days and had atteded several committee meeting prior to the convention. He was apparently in good health when he arose to speak today,

      Fell to the Floor

      The opening session of the convention at 10 o'clock a.m. had been in progress less than fifteen minutes when Mr. Sheerin arose to speak in respons to Mayor Dunne's address of welcome, in the presence of several hundred telephone men gathered in the convention room of the hotel.

      He had spoken about two minutes when he complained to the chairman, Col. J. D. Ppowers, of Louisville, of feeling ill. Alomst at the same moment he turned deathly pale, dropped the manuscript he held in his hand, and heavily fell to the floor with a groan and expired.

      Adjourned in Disorder

      The incident caused a profound sensation among the delegates and the meeting was broke up in disorder. Mr. McMarty and another physician were summoned. They stated that Mr. Sherrin's demise had been almost instantaneous.

      Thomas Sheerin, son of the stricken man, was at his father's side almost at the moment he was seized with the fatal illness and tenderly strove to aid in bringing his father back to consciouness.

      Mrs Sherrin was immediatley notified by telephone of her husband's death.

      Mr. Sheerin's body was taken in charge by undertaker Boyleton and will be prepared for shipment to Indianapolis tonight.

      Out of respect to Mr. Sheerin, who was a leader in independent telephone circles, the convention temporarily adjourned, the sad incident casting a gloom over the assembalage.

      Mr. Sherrin was president of the Indianapolis Telephone Company and the New-Long Distance Telephone Compnay of Indianapolis.

      Funeral Friday

      Although funeral arrangement have not been definitely decidedon, it is planned to have the services take place at the Sheerin homes in Indianapolis, Friday morning. A number of Mr. Sheerin's colleagues in the independent telephone company will attend the funeral, some of them preparing to accompany the body, which will be shipped over the Monon road.

      Resolutions of Respect

      After the announcement wasmade that Mr. Sheerin was dead, the executive committee held a meeting at which a commmittee on resolutions and a nominating committee were named.It was decided that only business of the most urgent should be transacted by the convention. This afternoon resolutions touvhing the death of Mr. SHeerin were adopted. Election of officers Wedensday will constitute the sole remaining business of the convention. All scoial features, including the banquet which had been arranged for Thursday evening, have nee abandoned.

      Simon P. Sheerin's Life.

      Known in Business and Politics for Affability and Gentleness

      Simon P. Sheerin, whose, agreeable personallity made him beloved to the thousands who knew him, was born in Dublin, Ireland February 14, 1846.

      His father Thomas Sheerin, was engaged as a manufacturer in Ireland and was an ardent revolutionist in the cause of his country. He and his wife, with their children, left Ireland for the United Statesin 1849, landing in New Orleans. Later the family settled at Dayton, O., where Simon obtained his early education in the public schools, supplemental by a commercial college.

      He then entered a shop where he learned blacksmithing, and in 1866 moved to Logansport, Ind., where he worked at his trade for four years. During this period it was noted that the young blacksmith was a great reader of goodbooks and a diligent student of affairs. He was constantly growing in favor and becamea leaderamong young men of Logansport. In 1870 he was elected on the Democratic ticket recorder of Cass county and re-elected in 1874.

      ' In 1875, he found means to show that he possessed decided business and literary ability, as the editor and part owner of the Logansport Pharos, one of the leading Democratic papers of Indiana. In 1880 heretired from the Pharos, and in 1882 was elected clerk of the Sumpreme Court of Indiana, a postion in which his connections and painstaking care and his graciousness in office were so marked that in 1886 he again received offer of the nomination to that office. He declined, however, to engage in private business, though still keeping place as a leader to his party.

      Leader in Democratic Affairs.

      He was a member of the Democratic State executive committee in 1884 1886, and 1888. IN 1888, at the convenetion held in St. Louis, he was elected a member ofo the national Democratic committee, and the same year in Washington, was elected secretary of the national committee. In 1892 he was re-elected a member of the committee and also secretary, where he was noted for the gentleness and address with which he toned down some of the acedbities of that memorable campaign.

      Accompanined by his wife Mr. Sheerin made an extended tour of Europe last year, leaving here in April and returning in September. Several weeks of this time was spent in Ireland, and Mr. Sheerin, always a close observer, and with the faculty of getting near to people, gave through the columns of the News after his return a graphic and delightful report of the people and things that he had seen in the Emerald Isle.

      His health had been greatly improved by this journey, an conotinued apparently good until a short time ago, when the close confinement to his business interests began to have its effect. He complained of not feeling at all like himself and said that he would have to rest a little.

      Family of Eight Children

      His wife and several of his children he had settled for the summer at their cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee. Their children, eight in number: are: Thomas D., who was graduated two weeks ago, from Prudue University; Sarah, who was graduated a few days ago at a Washington convent school; Mary and Monica who have been attending school at Georgetwon, D. C.; and four younger children: Doherty, Simon, Rush, and Helen.

      A few days ago he returned from the East with the three daughters, who had been attending school there, and last Frdiay took them to his summer cottahe to join the other members of the family.

      He left Maxinkuckee at noon yesterday for Chicago to attend the national meeting of the Indpendent Telephone Association, and took with him his son Thomas. There also with him attending the meeting Secretary H. H. Sale of Indianapolis Telephone Company, and Louis Hollweg, vice-president of the company.

      During recent years Mrs. Sheerin has been identified with many large enterprises, notably those connected with natural gas and telephones. At the time of his death he was president of the New Long Distance Telephone COmpany and the Indianapolis Tellephone COmpany, a member of the Board of Trade, Commercial Club, the German HOuse and the University Club. He was a prominent and faithful member of the church of S. S. Perer and Paul. His wife, to whom he was married in 1883, was Mary Agnes Doherty, daughter of Daniel Doherty of Louisville. - Indianapols News June 20 1905

    Body of S. P. Sheerin Brought to Indianapolis
      Funeral Will be Held Tommorrow Morning at 9 o'clockk - Arrangements to Be Completed Today

      The body of SImon P. SHeerin was brought here from Chicago yesterd by Mr. SHeerin's son H. B. Hale, and was immediately taken to the late Sheerin home, 1101 North Pennsylvania Street.

      The funeral will be jeld from the S. S. Peter and Paul Catholic Cathedral tommorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Bishop Chatard and Rev. Joseph Chartrand will conduct the services

      The burial, which will take place to the Holy Cross Cemetery, will be private

      The pall bearers had not been selected last night, but by this morning all funeral arrangements will have been completed.

      Undertakers Renthan & Blackwell will have charge of the funeral.

      Mrs. Sheerin received the news of her husband's death while she was at Lake Maxinkuckee and immediately started for home.

      She and her children arrived here Tuesday night.

      Relatives from Louisville reached her yesterday. - Jun 22 1905 Indianapolis Star

    married Aug 14, 1883 Jefferson county Kentucky Mary Anges Doherty birth Apr 27 1860 Madison county Indiana death Mar 13 1930 Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Ales-Cote d'Azure France daughter of Daniel E. Doherty. 3 sons & 4 daughters.

      Thomas Desales Sheerin born Aug. 25, 1884 Jane Mather Ogle daughter of Alfred McCartney Ogle, and Laura Halstead McKenzie

      Sarah "Sadie" Marie Sheerin born (Aug) Jul 9 1885 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana Death Jun 15 1966 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana married Horace Lawrence Durborow

      Mary A / Sr. Mary Margaret Sheerin born Nov 7 1887 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana Death Sep 12 1977 Washington Distric of Columbia

      Monica J / Julia Monica Sheerin born May 4 1889 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana Death Oct 12 1967 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana married Walter William Kuhn

      Daniel Doherty "Dohr" Sheerin born (Mar) Jun 27 1890 Logansport, Cass county, Indiana death Jan 27 1953 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana married Dorothy Josephine Madden

      Simon Patrick Sheerin born Jan 20 1895 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana Death Jan 26 1895 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana

      Simon Patrick Sheerin Jr. Birth Jan 12 1896 Logansport cass county Indiana Death Jul 30 1912 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana per death certificate

      Charles Joseph Sheerin Birth Dec 22 1898 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana Death Dec 25 1898 3 days old Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana per WPA Index

      Alice Sheerin born Feb 22 1898 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana Death Aug 13 1900 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana

      Ruth Adelaide Sheerin born Feb 22, 1900 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana Death Sep 14 1978 Zionsville, Boone county Indiana marrie Henry S. Severin

      Helen Marie Sheerin June 23, 1901 Indianapolis, Marion county, Indiana; Death Dec 20 1989 Bethseda Montgmoery county Maryland married Charles Weller McCarthy

    Indianapolis City Directory, 1889. Indianapolis, IN: R.L. Polk and Co., 1889 & 1890

    Name: S P Sheerin; C H Ankeny
    State: IN
    Occupation: president; secretary
    Business Name: Indiana Piping and Construction Co
    Location 2: r 1 and 2 Ph£nix Block

    Name: Simon P Sheerin
    City: Indianapolis
    State: IN
    Year: 1889
    Business Name: S P Sheerin & Co
    Location 2: 79 W North

    Name: Simon P Sheerin
    City: Indianapolis
    State: IN
    Occupation: Brokers and Appraisers of Realty
    Year: 1889
    Business Name: Sheerin S P & Co
    Location 2: r 1 and 2 Phoenix Block northwest corner Market and Delaware

    Name: Simon P Sheerin; Charles J Doherty
    Location 1: 27-29-31 Thorpe block
    City: Indianapolis
    State: IN
    Occupation: Investment Bankers
    Year: 1890
    Business Name: Sheerin, Doherty & Co

    Name: Simon P Sheerin
    City: Indianapolis
    State: IN
    Year: 1890
    Business Name: Sheerin, Doherty & Co
    Location 2: b Grand Hotel

    1900; Census Place: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana; Roll: 388; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0055;
    Household Members: Name Age
    Samuel P Sheerin 54
    Mary A Sheerin 40 Apr 1860 wife
    Thomas Sheerin 14 Jul 1885 son
    Sadie Sheerin 14 Aug 1885 Indiana daughter
    Mary Sheerin 13 Nov 1886 Indiana daughter
    Monica 11 May 1889 daughter
    Daraty Sheerin 10 Mar 1890 Indiana son
    Simon Sheerin 4 Feb 1896 Indiana Son
    Alice Sheerin 1 Feb 1898 Indiana Daughter
    Ruth Sheerin 3/12 Feb 1900 Indiana daughter
    Mary Sheerin 25 1875 German Servant
    Nellie Sheerin 16 1884 Indiana Nurse

    Year: 1910; Census Place: Indianapolis Ward 8, Marion, Indiana; Roll: T624_368; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0144
    Household Members: Name Age
    Mary V Sheerin 49 [48]
    Thomas D Sheerin 26
    Daniel D Sheerin 19
    Sarah Sheerin 23
    Mary A Sheerin 22
    Monica J Sheerin 20
    Simon P Sheerin 14
    Ruth A Sheerin 10
    Helen M Sheerin 8
    Nora Hoskins 31 Servant
    Ruth Barnett 15 Servant
    Albert Willis 55 Servant
    Margaret Otz 18 Maid

    Year: 1920; Census Place: Indianapolis Ward 8, Marion, Indiana; Roll: T625_453; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 142;
    Household Members: Name Age
    Mary Sheerin 59
    Ruth Sheerin 19
    Helen Sheerin 18
    Mary Murphy 45
    Helen Murphy 18

    Year: 1930; Census Place: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana; Roll: 609; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 342
    Household Members: Name Age
    Ruth A Sheerin 30 [ b. 22 Feb 1900]
    Helen M Sheerin sister

      Samuel Patrick Sheerin Birth 14 FEB 1846 in Dublin, Ireland Death 20 JUN 1905 cook county Illinois burial Holy Cross and Saint Joseph Cemetery Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana son of Thomas Sheerin " Mary Carberry

        S. P. Sheerin, Well Known at the Lake, Stricken at Chicago. S. P. Sheerin, of Indianapolis, died of apoplexy while delivering an address before the executive ! committee of the independent telephone companies, at. Chicago, lhe was one of Indiana’s most prominent men and was well known at the lake where he spont his leisure time during the summer. 22 Jun 1905 Culver Citizen

      married Mary Agnes Doherty Birth 27 APR 1860 in Madison, Indiana Death 13 MAR 1930 daughter of Daniel E. Doherty of Louisville, Ky Burial: Holy Cross and Saint Joseph Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indian

      They Had:
        1- Mary Alice Sheerin Birth FEB 1898 Indiana aka Mother Margaret Mary Sheerin, Georgetown Visitation Convent, Washington DC

        2 - Sara S Sadie' Sheerin b. Jul. 9, 1886 Death: Jul. 15, 1966 Indiana Burial: Highland Cemetery Williamsport Warren County Indiana m. 4 May 1917 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana H. Lawrence Durborow or Durborow Birth: Sep. 11, 1883 Warren Co., Ind Death: Oct. 15, 1939 Burial: Highland Cemetery Williamsport Warren County Indiana son of Wm. Boyer Durborow and Mary Lawrence
          Lawrence Durborow, 65, head of an advertising company in New York City, died at the Mills Bros. hospital in that city Sunday.

          He was a native of Williamsport and lived there until yound manhood. After graduating from Indiana University, he went east. Before going to New York he was associated with a publishing house in Boston. His wife survives, but no children.

          The body was cremated Monday and the ashes were brought to Williamsport. They were taken to Hamilton funeral home where funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 3. Burial in Highland cemetery

        3 - Julia Monica Sheerin Birth: 4 May 1889 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana Death: Oct. 12, 1967 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana burial: OCT 14,1967 Burial: Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion married 9 Sep 1916 Marion, Indiana Walter Walter W. Kuhn, Sr. Birth 7 Oct 1889 Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana Death: Feb. 18, 1977 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana burial: FEB 19,1977 Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indianson of William Frederick Kuhn and Anna Walden

        4 - Ruth Adelaide Sheerin Birth 22 FEB 1900 Indianapolis, Indiana Death Sep 1978 burial: SEP 16,1978 Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana Plot: Sec: 2KK, Lot: A-9 married Henry S Severin Jr BORN: 14 Nov 1898 Indianapolis, Indiana Death: 1981 burial: OCT 28,1981 Crown Hill Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indian Plot: Sec: 2KK, Lot: A-9

        5 - Helen Marie Sheerin Name: Birth: 23 Jun 1901 Indianapolis - Indiana Death: 20 Dec 1989 - Bethesda, Montgomery, Maryland Burial: Arlington National Cemetery Arlington Arlington County Virginia Marriage: 4 Jan 1963 Col Charles Weller McCarthy Birth 19 NOV 1902 Prescott, Ontario Death 07 MAY 1981 Bethesda, Maryland Burial: Arlington National Cemetery Arlington Arlington County Virginia

        6 - Thomas Desales Sheerin Birth 25 Aug 1884 in Indiana Death 5 Mar 1950 in Indianapolis, Hamilton, Indiana married may 1915 Marion county, Indiana Name: Jane Mather Ogle Birth: 11 Aug 1884 - Hamilton, Indiana, Death: Dec 1949 - Indianapolis, Hamilton, Indiana daughter of Alfred McCartney Ogle, Laura Halstead McKenzie

        7 - Simon Patrick Sheerin, Jr Birth: Feb. 4, 1896 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana, Death: 1912 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana Burial: Holy Cross and Saint Joseph Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana

        8 - Daniel Doherty "Dohr" Sheerin Birth: 1890 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana, Death: Jan. 27, 1953 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana Burial: Holy Cross and Saint Joseph Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana
          Doherty Sheerin, 62 years old, nationally known for his work in connection with Alcoholics Anonymous, died yesterday in St. Vincent's Hospital after a long illness.

          Mr. Sheerin, a native of Logansport, had served as vice-president of the Thomas D. Sheerin Company, Inc. since the death of his brother, Thomas D. Sheerin, in 1950.

          Mr. Sheerin, formerly had been associated with the old Motor Shop, American Appliance Company, Triumph Lamp Works, and (print unreadable here for remainder of paragraph, microfiche copy distorted)

          He achieved national recognition in 1940 when he brought the Alcoholics Anonymous movement to Indiana and devoted the major part of his time to its successful development in the state.

          Credited with aiding thousands of "problem" drinkers, Mr. Sheerin served on the board of the Indian Home, a sanitarium maintained here by the organization. A graduate of Purdue University in 1913, Mr. Sheerin was a member of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity and Iron Key. He also was active in the St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church.

          Funeral Services will be held at 9:30 am tomorrow in Kirby Mortuary and at 10 am in St. Joan of Arc Church. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. The family requests that flowers be omitted.

          Survivors besides the widow, Mrs. Dorothy Madden Sheerin, include three daughters, Mrs. Donald D. Pritchard, Mrs. James E Rocap Jr., and Miss Dorothy Sheerin, all of Indianapolis; two sons, Simon P., and Daniel Doherty Sheerin Jr., both of Indianapolis; five sisters, Mother Margaret Mary Sheerin, Georgetown Visitation Convent, Washington DC, Mrs. Lawrence Durborow, NY, and Mrs. Walter W. Kuhn, Mrs. Henry Severin, and Miss Helen M. Sheerin, all of Indianapolis, and six grandchildren
        married Dorothy Josephine Madden Birth: unknown Death: 1971

        Burial: Holy Cross and Saint Joseph Cemetery Indianapolis Marion County Indiana