One Township's Yesterdays Chapter XXVII
FRANCIS EDWARDS, the pioneer, was a native of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and at an early day settled on a farm in Miami County,
Not long after the first permanent settlements were made in Marshall County, he removed to this section, selecting for his
new home a wooded tract of 73 acres in Union Township, upon which he built a log house and started improvements which his son,
Stephen, completed.
FRANCIS EDWARDS married ELIZABETH HOOVER, a native of Maryland, but who was reared near Marion, Indiana.
There were eleven children. Stephen, the tenth child, came to Union Township as a pioneer, like his father; received his education in
the district log schoolhouse nearest to his home, and remained always on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee, never leaving the old
homestead to reside. His farm in time embraced 104 acres. The father, Francis, passed the balance of his life there, and died at the
age of seventy-three.
Stephen was born in Miami County in 1844, and in 1871 married Nancy SAVAGE, a native of Ohio, whose parents also pioneered in Marshall