Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1898 Plat Map of Lake    

This is map is given as being 1898 BUT I believe because of the section of the Vanschoik property it is a MUCH LATER date at least AFTER 1908 as the farm land is labeled J. Vanshoiak; and the lake front propert has been sub-divided off and sold Van Schoiak Subdivisions

Union Township

Lake Maxinkuckee

North Section 16 - 500.90 Acres Town

North Lake Maxinkuckee - Sections 16 & 15

Here is some interesting facts stated about the orginial property owners of the north side of the lake:

    Zina and Emma Duddleson...

    The grandfather of Zina was a Civil War veteran and a farmer. His later years were lived in the Argos vicinity.

    The great-grandfather originally owned the Thomas Houghton farm to the Maxinkuckee Lake on the west side of Burr Oak Road. The land now occupied by the Vandalia Park, was part of this farm and was given to Dr. Durr in payment for medical services. The consideration was $50., as great-grandfather Duddleson considered it of little farming value... History of Marshall County Indiana Sesquicentennial 1836 - 1986 -, Taylor Publishing Co., 1986, Publication # 357 of 1422, Marshall County Historical Society pg. 153 - Marcella White.

This is now the business district of Lakeshore Dr. (originally Toner Ave) and spans from State Street )present Culver Fire station) to Papas and the motel (Inn). It lies across from Lake Maxinkuckee and the Town Park and up and around the corner to include an area formerly known as 'Bunker Hill' where the water tower now stands.

1898 - Incorporated limits of Culver Kreuzberger's was directly west of the depot and probably within the second colored square.

1898 - 1898 - Incorporated limits of Culver
    Eli Parker had 27A in 1880 which was probably acquired by Albert D. Toner some which became the holdings of the Vandalia railroad and became known as Vandalia Park. It is not known if the Eli Parker homestead pictured left was within Marmont now Culver or Maxinkuckee Village as Eli Parker owned property both places. More than likely the homestead was on the east side of the lake around and in Maxinkuckee village shown to the right.

1882 Aug - Al Toner
    ...Al Toner, one of Kewanna's influential citizens, is that sure of the road being Built that he purchased twenty-six acres of land at Lake Maxinkuckee probably for speculative purposes. The land purchased is on the present site where it is thought the depot will be located. The citizens of Marmont are not behind in agitating the benefits to be derived from the building of the road, and will, it is understood, aid in its construction by giving liberally of their wealth...

1898 - Depot - [T. H. I RR = Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad]

    The Original depot is east of the present depot and was located within the area that is the parking lot for the park; by pictures it sat directly across of what if now Bennett's and Osborn's and the pavillions that are in the park were on the west and east sidies of the small depot.

1898 - J. J. Bryant

Section. 15 - 504.76 acres North/East Academy

Lake View Hotel - Academy

1898 - T.H. & I. RR [Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad] Lake View Hotel

I. N. Morris 185A Area - The Forgotten cottages

NOTE: Some time in the late 1920's and early 1930's as the Culver Reality and Investment Company [which was established in 1932 for this purpose] in behalf of the Academy to protect the Academy from future encroachment from the west (the town of Culver).

And this is when all the properties west of the originial Academy [acreage of 98 acres] and all the property east of the Culver town park [the "Indian Trails" AKA Lake View Hotel and other private land holdings was bought up.

And by the below photo taken after 1922 of the academy campus shows most of the cottages that existed are not there any longer. Possible evident in the lower right is one that would be on the Jungle Hotel property and over to the left is visible the Palmer House and possible one in the trees to the right of the Palmer House.

Morris Lake front Lots

This is the area I have dubbed as the "Forgotten cottages " which included the Palmer House, some of the names are hard to decipher on the map. They are listed below:

1898 - L. C. Dillon [Lewis Cass Dillon] had 2 plat's of land 79.70 & 75.60 behind the cottage lots & E Morris lot 21,49A

1898 - 1898 - E Morris Ed Morris and 21.49A behind the Platted Lake front lots under his name

1898 - Lot 1 - E .Morris [Ed Morris ]

1898 - Lot 2 No name

1898 - Lot 3 1898 - M. W. Simmons
    Millard W. Simons and wife to Bass & McDonald, lots 10 and 11, Morris Lake Front, warranty deed; $ 1,000 - 1896 - 10 Jul 1896

1898 - Lot 4 - 1898 - A. M. Lauer

1898 - Lot 5 - Albretcht
    1897 - Jul 8 - Mr. W. H. Albrecht and family, of Terre Haute, are occupants of their cottage near the Palmer

1898 - Lot 6 - 1898 - A. Herz [Adolph Hertz]

1898 - Lot 7 - 1898 - Palmer House - J. W. Palmer
    1875/6 - Built by J. W. Palmer of Plymouth.

    1898 - May - Palmer House - F. D. Lamson, who also operated the Ross Hotel in Plymouth

1898 - Lot 8 - 1898 - N. Schurman

1898 - Lot 9 - 1898 - O. D. Bohlan [Oscar D. Bohlen]
    1897 - July 8 - 0. D. Bohlen and family, of Indianapolis are now enjoying life at the lake. They can be found at their elegant cottage near the Palmer.

1898 - 1898 - Lot 10 W. E. Kuhn William F. Kuhn]

1898 - Lot 11 No Name
to the left

to the right
1898 - Lot 12 - 1898 - T. Conzeleman "The Roost" [Theolpilus Conzelman]
    1897 - June 6 - Smith & Co , have closed a contract co build a stone wall in front of Conzleman’s cottage, near the academy. They will also lay gravel and cement walks.

    1897 -June 25 - Very extensive improvements have been made upon the cottage known as the “Roost.”

1898 - Lot 13 - 1898 - H. H. Culver
    This could of been either part of the I. N. Morris [Isaac N. Morris] or the A. T. Benedict [Aaron T. Benedict] Farms

    Depending it looks as if lies either near or on the section line by the 1898 plat map, besides running at an angle but I am of the opinion it lies within the Morris land holdings of the past.

    This may be what is touted as the "orginal farm house" that was moved to 301 North Shore Lane.

Section. 15 - 504.76 acres North / East Academy

Culver Military Academy

East Side

Reading North to south.

1898 - H. H. Culver 15.52 - Homstead

H. H. Culver 35.27

1898 - B. McKeen - 686 E Shore Drive

    could this be Benjamin McKeen son-in-law of Joseph Strong and son of William Riley McKeen, president of the Vandalia/Pennsylvania Railroad. All of Terre Haute, Vigo county, Indiana 1908, Jul 16 - B McKeen to Alice O Forgy, lot sec. 15, Union, $120

    1915, June 24 - Alice O. Forgy to Mary L Forman, e of lake in sec. 15, $1200.

    1898 - H. H. Culver

    1898 G. Peeples [George Peeples/Peoples] Lake Lot & on east side of St. Rd. 117 (11.90A (Top lot) bottom lot no Acreage stated.

    1898 - R. O. Vonnegut

    Section 22 - ? acres East East

    Nesswagh-ee Reservation

    1898 - R. O. Vonnegut

    1898 - G. Peeples [George Peeples/Peoples] Lake Lot & & on east side of St. Rd. 117 11.90 A (Top lot) bottom lot no Acreage stated.

    1898- - Clemens Vennegut / Vonnegut

    1898 - 2 lots no name listed Assumed to be the holdings of Clemens Vonnegut - and Hilarity Hill

    C. A. B.; C. J. Keifer

    1898 - O. Stockman [Otto Stechhan]; Indiana Boathouse
      From the 1886 15th Annual Report to the Governor MAXINKUCKEE W. H. Thompson & S. E. Lee

      Mr. Stechorn, near Mr. Culver, has a well fifty feet deep, which has a small flow.

    1898 - W. C. Vajin [Willis C. Vajen]

    1898 - Peru Club

    1898 - Bay View Club

    1898 - A. Brunner

    P Vanvalkenburg

    R, Wheeler

    G Peeples

      Looks to be the same lots possibly Shady Bluff; some pictures possible indicate it was a double single building cottage such as this postcard view.

    O. Miller
      Looks to be the same lots possibly Shady Bluff; some pictures possible indicate it was a double single building cottage such as this postcard view.
    1898 - D. W. & E. Harmon [Daniel W. Marmon & Elizabeth Carpenter Maromon]
      1898 - on east side of St. Rd. 117 - D. & E. Marmon 12.27a

    1898 - M. B. & J. R. Dill (Became a part of the Marmon property)

    1898 - J. & A. Vafen/John Henry Vajen and Alice (Fugate) Vajen
      From the 1886 15th Annual Report to the Governor MAXINKUCKEE W. H. Thompson & S. E. Lee

      The well bored by Hon. J. H. Vajen, at his beautiful place next south of Mr. Dill, was begun at a point eleven feet above the surface of the lake, and showed the following strata:

      Soil and clay 6 ft.
      Sand 3 ft.
      Blue clay 23 ft.
      Total 32 ft.

      Mr. Vajen dug a well several years ago, which, on reaching a depth of eight feet, began to flow a milk-white water of about the consistency of cream, and which deposited a silicious, lime-like marl, and whitened the water of the lake for a distance of thirty feet from the water's edge. In the back part of Mr. Vajen's lot was a low. wet spot, which began to sink when the well began to flow,"and continued to sink until the white flow changed to clear, pure water. Mr. Vajen has utilized the pressure of water from his well, the stream running a ram which supplies his premises with water, and also furnishes the power which revolves the beautiful colored light at the landing pier before his gate.

      High upon the hill beside the Plymouth road, about one hundred yards from the lake, and fully thirty feet above it, gushes out the "Original Spring," as it is known, which pointed the index finger toward the first flowing well. This spring pours out a four-inch stream, and the boring of wells has never diminished the flow.
    and also 1898 - on east side of St. Rd. 117 John H. & Alice Vajen

    Lot with no name or ? easement to lake

    1898 - Strong 1898 - Martin
      heretofore conveyed by Mary B. Strong and Joseph Strong, her husband, to Lewis B. Martin and M. Adeline P. Martin, his wife, by deed bearing date June 23. 1885 and recorded in deed Record 34 page 345

    Lot with no name or ? easement to lake

    1898 - E. Pauker & Co. [Eli Parker & Co. ???]
      1897 - August 6 for Sale:---A very desirable lot right at Maxenkuckee landing. First lot north of grocery store. In close proximity to beautiful cottages and grounds. One of the most attractive lots at the lake. For particulars, address D. C. Parker, Argos, Ind

    1876 - J. C. Miles [John C. Miles] - 158A 1880 - Rector & Thomas ?32A? & 85A
    --> 1898 - E. A. Rector [S. A. Rector] on east side of St. Rd. 22.40A -

      extends from the north end of Martin & Strom to south end of E. Paulen & Co. property

      In 1898 on the very North end of the property on the road is a dewelling - this would be the Rector Hotel

      1880 - Rector & Thomas 85A; shows the land holdings and that they extend below the W. 18th Rd (Maxinkuckee Landing Rd) and the hotel is labeled as 'hotel'

    Maxinkuckee Landing

    The East side Historic District - the official recording of this is: Also known as Lake Maxinkuckee Historic District - - Roughly, E Shore Dr. from W. 18th Rd.,to the E turn of IN 117, including Maxinkuckee Country Club, Culver. But a map I found expands it further north of the landing.

    1898 - Sea Beach - as large lot #1 Lake Access
    as large Lot #2 - Large

    SOmetime after this date it was re-plated into smaller lots.

    1898 - east of St. Rd. 117 M. E. Williams - N. 40a approximate from 18th Road to end of of the M. Maus lakefront property

    Aubeenaubee Creek

    1898 - E. N. Gates

    1898 -- M. Maus

    1898 - no name listed

    H. B. Scott [Hartwell B. Scott ] 2296 E Shore_lane

    1898 - no name listed

    1898 - T. D. Buck

    1898 - J. Mitchell [John Mitchell]

      Judge Mitchell of Peru, who has been spending his summers here at the Lake for more than twenty years was buried last Monday.

      Hon. John Mitchell, an able member of the Peru Bar and for some time Judge of the common please court, was well known to our people and highly respected for his many noble, and manly ttributes. He was one of the oldland marks here, and with eight or ten others spent much of is time at Lake Maxinkuckee fishing But few of the old pioners are left, the men who came here for pleasure and recived it. - 14 January 1904 Culver CItizen

    1898 - N. A. Whitter

    [1898] - A. J. Murdock [Andrew J. Murdock]<

    1898 - I. M. Brackett

    1898 - M. H. Scott [Moses H. Scott]

    1898 - Logansport Settlement

    1898 - J. F. Bartlett - East side of St. Rd. 117 40a approximate extends wideth from the M. Maus lakefront property to Logansport Settlementlakefront property

    1898 - Jamison [Ovid Butler Jamison] & Judah [John Mantle Judah]

    1898 - H. E. Schroyer

    1898 - No Name / H. C. Adams [ Henry C. "Harry" Adams]

    1898 - Rice & Vaughn [Sidney A. Vaughn]

    Section 27 - 264.35 acres

    Aub-be-naub-ee's Reservation
    1898 - E. B. Mc Out [Eugenia Buford Mc Quat]

    1898 - Wm. Van Shoiack Plat

    Other VanSchoiak properties view
      1898 East of St. Rd. 117 J. T. Van Schoiak - 45.70a, 59.98a, 80a - from Logansport Settlement lakefront property to M. H. Smart property

      1898 - W. Van Shoiak - Sub-Lot at the northwest edge of the 59.98A parcel extending the wideth of the J.A. Maxwell lakefront property to the middle of the D. E. Burford lakefront property

    The L. T. Van Schoiak homestead

    1898 - J. A. Maxwell

    1898 - G. Schull ??Gustav A. Schnull - he was brother to the Vonnegut wives ??

    1898 - T. Day

    Lot no name listed

    1898 - D. E. Burford

    Lot no name listed

    1898 - A. M. Ogle [Alfred M. Ogle]

    1898 - J. A. Ronthaler [Ronihasler]

    1898 - M. C. Gilland

    1898 - J. M. Dosser

    1898 - M. H. Smart

    1898 - E. Ward [Charles E Ward]

    1898 - J. M. Dosser (Dresser) 2276 East Shore Lane

    1898 - 2296 East Shore dr. Wm. Daggitt

    1898 - Not stated

    1898 - C E. Daggitt

    1898 - Not stated - assumed to be Edwards

    1898 - East of Rd/lane- S. E. Edwards 32.73A & 40a Stephen E. Edward - Non Lake front >

    1895 -1898 - W. J. Wood [William Jacob Wood/Jacob Wood]

    1898 - H. R. Norris 67.44A & 5.04A - Maple Grove Farm, Also known as Maple Grove Hotel & Maple Grove Boarding House [Harvey R. Norris]

    Section 34 - 264.35 acres East/South

    Reading from the West to East

    1898 - J. Farrar   24.78A & 13.30A [Josiah Farrar]

    1898 - T. Mc Donald [Thomas Mc Donald]

    1898 - S. Overmyer 32.89A & 40A; [Schulyer C. Overmyer]
      1906 Sept 27 - Washington Overmyer and William Kline, neighboring farmers southeast of the lake, purchased of Schuyler Overmyer during the summer a lont on the bayou on the south end of the lake, on which they have erected a large and commodius club house ofr recreation and fishing purposes with a stable for their horses, and last week sank a driven well to the depth of 51 feet where they stuck a fine flow of water.

    1898 - D. Easterday 38.30A & 47.38A [Daniel Easterday]

    Section 21 - 155.32 acres West

    Reading from North (town outlet area) to South (S. Shore Dr):

    I have Not found anything as yet for Jefferson St to South Street to the large part of this is colored in black squares indicating incorportated as part of Culver.

      1898 - N. Gould [section in 1880 reads 38.83A & part is plated as part of Culver in 1898

      1898 - M. Grubbs 10A ; - West of the Outlet; it looks the 10A goes to lake.

      1898 B Easterday [Benjamin Easterday] - 38.40A - West of the Outlet; it looks the 10A goes to lake.

      1898 - M. R. Smith ?32A? [Milo R. Smith]
      Long Point view from south

      1898 - Rochester Club

        Was abandoned in 1895. The club was said to have been still standing 1905 when converted to a double cottage.

        In 1878-9 .... About the same time several Rochester people formed a club and erected a clubhouse on Long point, on the west

      1898 - Long Point Lot - appears to be undeveloped at this point

      1898 - South Long Point - appears to be undeveloped at this point

      1898 - J. Green - in back of Rochester Club, Long Point and South Long Point lots

      1898 - Knapp - Arlington Hotel & Annex

      Section 28 - 316.73 Acres South/West

      1898 - J. G. & J. Green 55.40A [James Green]

      1898 T.H. & J. - Arlington Flag Stop for the Arlington Hotel & Annex

      1898 - L. D. could this be one of the Louis Duenweg cottages

      1898 - H. J. Murry 26.08A [John H. Murry]

      1898 - Thomas Houghton 86.64A

      1898 - N. Walley - 40A In back of the above Houghton property and to the south