Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Section 27 History 1835-1922

pre 1834 - The United States of America received title to all Indian Lands from Virginia by act of the General Assembly 12/20/1783 and by deed-signed by Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe and others 3/1/1784. Indiana occupied the land by treaties. Upon extinction of the treaties the land was surveyed from December 1833 to September 1834.

Section 27 - 264.35 acres - Aub-be-naub-ee's Reservation

Section 27
Section 27 Lot 1 - 49.70A
Section 27 Lot 2 - 34.31A
Sect 27 Lot 3 _.31A
Section 27 Lot 4 - 40A

James F. D. Lanier of Jefferson county, Indiana on 30 June 1837 was issued the certificate #7339 the East half of Section twenty; Fractional Section of Twenty One; Fractional Section of Twenty Seven and Fractional section of Twenty eight containing 793 32/100 acres.
1872 - Section 27
    L. T. VanSchoiack Lot 1 - 49.70A (Res. & Barn noted)
    L. T. VanSchoiack Lot 2 - 60.10A; also 120A non lake front
    F. Edwards - 70.30A (Res. & Barn noted)
    J. Bozarth 68.40A
    L Foss 40 A non lake front

L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak]
J. Kline.

1880 -
L. T. Van Shoiack [Louden T. Van Shoiak] 105.80. The Van Schoiack Farmhouse is incorporated in the present Miller cottage. Part of the Van Schoiack farm was subdivided as "Sea Beach Place"

S. Edwards 78.30A

J. Bozarth 68.40A

1898 Lakefront
    Jamison & Judah
    H. E. Shroyer
    Rice & Vaughn
    E. B. McQuat
    Wm. VanSHoiack Plat
    J. A. Maxwell
    G. Schnull
    T. Day
    D. E. Buford
    A, M, Ogle
    J. A. Ronthaler
    M. C. Gilland
    J. M. Dosser
    M. H. Smart
    E. Ward
    J. M. Dosser
    Wm. Daggitt
    C. E. Daggett
    M j. Wood
    H. R Norris 67.44A
Non Lake front
    J. T. Vanshoiak 45.70A, 59.98A, 80.00A
    W. VanShoiak
    L T V 40A
    S. Edwards 32.73A, 40A
    M. N. Kaley
    S. Foee 36.50A
    C. Curtis.
South Shore
    T. McDonald


Lake Front
    Jamison & Judah
    H. Schroyer
    H. C. Adams
    Rice Vaughn
    A. W.
    E. B. Meout (McQuat)
    large lot
    J. A, Maxwell
    Vanschoiack's SUb. Lots 1-7
    WM. Daggett
    C. E. Daggett
    Vanschoiack's _D Craig
    Lake Access
    C. Edwards
    M. S. Henderson
    S. Edwards
    D. Gardiner W. H. Fulton 4 parcels
    H. Haywood
    W. J. Wood 2 parcels
    H. A. Norris Lot 4 67.94A
Non Lake front
    S. L. Purcell
    Lot 1 Lovina Walker etal 3 parcels & Lot 2 103.48Wm. Van Schoiack
    Lot 3 S. Foss
    W. G. Norris
    A. L. Zechiel etal
    Matilda Scheuerman
South Shore
    T. McDonald

1911 - Sep 7 - The Van Schoiack farm of 207 acres is to be sold on Sept. 16 in whole or in parcels. The property includes 24 lake fronts lots.

1922 Plat Map Lake Side
    Mary S. Judah
    H. Shroyer
    F. D. Ferguson
    Vaughan Est.
    Henry Mordhusrt
    ? (in front of Mordusrt Property on south end)
    VanShoiacks's Add. Lots 1-12
    Wm. VanSchoiack
    B. McQ. (McQuat)
    VanSchoiack's Sub. Lots 1-7
    Mary T. Taylor
    VanShoiack's Sub. No. 3 lots 14-25
    _d J. Craig
    Eva S Sherman
    H. and ? Shafer
    C. E. Edards 12 feet
    N. J. Loodon (Louden) 12 feet
    C. Edwards
    Otis C. Hann
    Otis C. Hann
    M. T. London (Louden)
    Chester Edwards
    CHester Edwards
    Mary T. Taylor
    Isabella Fulton - 4 Parcels

    Wm. J. S. Wood
    H. R. Norris - Lot 4 76.40a
Inland Lots
    Lot 1 H. W. Mordhurst 58. 40a.
    William J. VanShoiack
    Lot 2 Marvin T. Louden Chester Edwards 2a, 10a
    George R. and Louise VanShoiack 95.90
    Cornelia Edwards 32.83a
    Thos Monesmith
    Lots 3
    Geo. N. & Effie Crabb 33.50a
    W. G. Norris
    Emma Norris
    H. R. Norris - Lot 4 76.40a
    Wm. J Curtis
S. Shore
    D. McDonald

Section History Index