James W. Riggens
We have With us Today....
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. Justice of the Peace. J. W. Riggens is rapping for order in his
court with Abraham Lincioln iving him direct back.
Judge Riggens has held the office for 22 years and was afmitted to the Marshall County
Bar Assoication in ember 1916, being recommend and introduced by the present circuit
court judge, John W. Kitch.
"J. W." was born in Etna Green, Ind. and moved to Culver from PLymouth in 1903, when
he became head barber at the Academy, a post he hild for 25 years.
After opening his own shop opposite the depot for one year he opened a real estate and
law office.
He cemembers serving as constable here, but it was so l ong ago he can't remember the date.
Judge Riggens has quite a military record - he served nine month in the Spanish-Ammerican War.
He was junior vice-commander of that veterans organization in Indiana. In 1916, organized and
was captain of the local Liberty Guards during the World War, captain in the Federal Bureau of
Investigation with 18 men under him, recommended for rank of major at the time of the
Armistice, and helped organize and was an officer in the Pymouth company of the Indiana
National Guard.
The judge has an unsual record also as a Mason, having been a member of the local lodge for
32 years and serving one term as Worshipful Master.