NOTE these are as found under "Real Estate Transfers" or quips in Culver Citizen, Argos
Reflector and the Plymouth Newspapers - date is the issue they appeared in at the time
and they could not be accurate but are a means for researching
1921 Apr 24 - Lake Maxinkuckee - for Sale, over 3,000 feet frontage to the
highest bidder Box 103 Peru, Ind.
1921 Aug 27 - For sale Three 40 foot lots at Lake Maxinkuckee, at
Arlington station. See of address S. E. Allen, Route 2 Culver,
Aprlington Station
1922 Oct 25 The Keen agency reports the sale of the D. C. Jenkins property at the
south end of the lake to S. E. Medborn for $5,000
1923 May 16 Sale of Long Point Property - The property owned for many years by
E. W, Johsnon of Terre Haute has been sold for $5000 to Wm. Brieux of Logansport