Real Estate Transfers Culver & Lake Maxinkuckee 1950-1959
1952 Mar 19
Lawerence L Farrar Daughtery WD to Maudmarie Sidder Duaghtery
Lot 18, 19, 29 in the Daughtery-Farrar addition Lake Maxinkuckee also
Lots 25 & 26 in the Daughtery Farrar Sec add to Lake maxkinkuckee
Lawerence L widower WD to Maudmarie Sidder Duaghtery Lot 6 in the
Daughtery-Farrar addition Lake Maxinkuckee also Lots 25 & 26 in the Daughtery
Farrar Sec add to Lake maxkinkuckee
Clarence D. Behmer and Gertrude A Behmer WD to Chauncey B. Lennen
and Ruth G. Lennen h&w 1/2 pg [sic pt.]; Winfield W. Behmer 1/2 pt 2 tracts in Sec
Clarence D. Behmer and Gertrude A Behmer WD to Winfield W. Behmer
E 55' pr tr Com 155' E 20' S ceb Sec 16-32-1
1952 - Jun 25
Arnold R & Marcile Miller WD to Ermon & Gladys ALlen h&w
tract in OL 6 Toner's add Culver
1952 Jun 25 Earl M and Ruth L Hicks WD to Melvin A & DOrothy L Hanson h&w
Lot 11 Rice's sud Sec 27-32-1; also Lot 22 VanSchoiack's LakeFont Sub 27-32-1
1952 Oct 8
Kenneth P & Catherine M. William WD to Donald Edward & Patricia
Betty Grothaus H&w - tract in SE 1/4 Sec 17-32-1
John D. & Gwendolyn m Hoesel wd to John C. Sr. and Virginia Winn
Glackman h&w Lot 2 Long Point Lake Maxinkuckee 28-32-1
Estella E. Bolen WD to Jerome j. and Elizabeth J Zechiel h&w Lot 30
Samuel Medborn's Add Culver
Shirley C. and Raymond V. Seese WD to Della B. Smith, tract in Sec 21-31-1
near Ferrier's Add Culver
James E. and Anne E. Heffernan WD to Harry H. and Hazel M. Schall h&w Lot 4
Methodist Church Add. Culver
Millard A. Finney WD to Blanch M. Finney SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec 24-32-1
Eva Houghton WB to Harry W. and Pansy M. Dawson h&w E761 Lot 21 Ferrier
Add Culver
Harry and Hazell Schall WD to John D. and Gwendolyn Hoesell h&w - S 63'
Houghton';s Cor Play - Culver.
1953 - Feb 4
Hazel M & Paul M. Thayer to Joseph A. Lenk - track in Sec.
34-32-1 on Lake Maxinkuckee - Union Twp
State Exchange Fin. CO. WD to SHirley L. and Marjorie J. Carter h&w lot 6
Methodist Church Add. Sec 17-31-1
Elizabeth Stuprich WD to Ora and Maybelle B. Reed h&w lot 15 Dillon and
Medbourn add ex N 3' Culver
Ernest R. Zechiel WD to Willard R. =Zechiel lots 1 and 2 Zechiel's Add Culver
Donald and Emma Jean Liniger WD to Donald E. and Patricia B. Grothaus h&w Lot
22 Zechiel's 1st add Culver.
Harry A, abd Eva D. Smeltzer ED to Ted LeMarr and Charlene M. Strand h&w lot 19
Duddleson;s Add Culver.
Clara Mae Dye WD to Thurman W. Condon Lots 13,14,15, and 16 and pt lot 17
Barnguser's Add Culver City.
Ivan M. and Doyln H. Waker WD to Thomas K. and Ruth E. Walker h&w Lot 20
Vandalia Add Culver City
Ivan M. and Doyln H. Waker WD to Thomas K. and Ruth E. Walker h&w Lot 24
Vandalia Add Culver City
Charles E. and Harriet G. Lucas WD to Carl E and Betty J. Lucas h&w LOts 23 and 24
Ferrier's add CUlver
Norton E. Reed WD to Harr A. and Eva D. SMmeltzer h&w S 1/2 W 55' Lot 22 G.
W.Garn's add Culver.
Elbert W. and Edna B. Graham WD to Elizabet Baker Lot 60 Ferrier's Add Culve
Mar Cty Lbr Co. WD to Harry Wallace and Madelyn Jane Dinsmore h&w Lot 6 Hawk Lakr
Add in NW 1.4 Sec. 28-32-1
James L. and Jeanne J. Piersol WD to Mildred Violey Overmyer - Pt Lot 2 L. C.
DIllon's Addition Culver; also 3 tracts in OL 2 L. C. DIllon's Add Culver
Lottie A. Duddleson WD to Jack B. and Catherine Kowatch h&w Lot 4 Dillon and
Medbourn's Add Culve
1953 - Apr 15
State Exchange FInance Co. WD to Donald and Alice Mikesell h&w - Lot 3
Methodist Church Add Culver
Charles and Bett Ann Maull WD to RObert and Bertha May Rust h&w 0 lot
62 and pt Lot Houghton's Cor Plat - Culver extra tract in SE cor of lot 63
Charles L. Farquhar WD to Fred and Anna Strefling h&w Lot 11 Dillion &
Medbourn's Add Culver.
Index ~~
1800's ~~
1900-09 ~~
1910-1919 ~~
1920-1929 ~~
1930-1939 ~~
1940-1949 ~~
1950-1959 ~~