Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana


Mentions of Local restaurants over the years

1903 - Dec 24 - Green & Medbourn's restaurtant will be opened to the public on Friday. They have one of the best appointed places of business in town and we predict a successful buisness career

1904 - Feb 18 - A new restaurant has been started up stairs in the Bower building by Charles Bowers and Samuel Rugg

1904 Mar 10 - James Lohr has purchased the Medbourn & Green restaurant, removed the target range and bthroom, and is making arrangements to run a first class restaurant. He will serve lunch at all h ours and warm meals.

1904 - Mar 10 - Having moved from South Bend the undersigned will offer at private slae his household goods at Kreuzbergers building ooposite the Bradley restaurant, of Friday, March 11, from 1 to 4 p.m. - John W. Mebourn

1904 - Mar 17 -The Place Restaurant - James Lohr Located in the Medbourn building.

1904 - Jun 16 - Grand Buffett - Geo. F. Wolford, M'g'r - Short Order Restaurant in connection. Note possibly the Wolford Building

1904 - Nov. 3 - Low's New Restaurant
    James Lohr has rented the madement under Walter's meat market and has put in an up-to-date restaurant.

    He will serve short order lunches, oysters in all sytles, and carry a full line of candies and cigars.

    Later on he will start a shooting gallery and put in a pool table.

    Mr. Lohr understands thoroughly how to conduct a good restaurant, and the hungry publice will find courteous treatment and the best of everything at hie place.

1904 - Nov. 17 - Urias Menser is putting new furniture in his business room occupied by the Howard & Davis restaurant. Menser Building 1905 - Apr. 20 - Stephen Hill of Mentone has leased the Parke Cafe and will conduct a first class restaurant. He comes well recommended and is said to be a hustler. The building is being put in good repair and possession will be given in a week.

1905 - Oct 12 - Messrs. Howard and DAvis wish to state to the public that they did not agree to close their place of business at eight o'clock in the evening. On accounty of their restaurant trade they will have ogen as usual as long as there is business.

1906 - Jul 26 - For Sale or Exchange - A hotel and restaurant - Property good for any business. Add. Bradley Hotel.

1907 - Oct 3 - U. S. Burkett had an auction sale of his hotel and restaurant fixtures last Staturday. Note: He was connected with the Parke Cafe

1908 - Mar 12 - Albert Smith has vacated the Delber Wells property near the assembly grounds and has opened a restaurant in the Park Cafe building on Scott Street. Mr. Wells has moved up from Fulton county and is occupying his house here.

1908 - Apr 9 - The Wolford restaurant has reopened with the bogardus boys in chearge

1908 - April 13 - Ad mentions Poor Bros' Restaurant and C. F. Hnederson's Cafe, Culver.

Note C. F. Hnederson's Cafe, is the Parke Cafe

1908 Set 17 - Listenberger & Green have bought out the restaurant at the depot recently owned by the Poor Bros.

1908 - Oct 8 - Ray and Earl Poor arre fitting up the old post office building for a restaurant. The wooden awning has bee removed and the front of the building repainted.

1908 - Oct 28 - Ray's Restaurant - Old Post Office building

1908 0 dec 10 - It is reported that Al Porter will run a short order restaurant and confectionery in his new store room.

1909, Apr 15 - Garland Bogardus has bought the Green & Listenberger resturant in the Wolford building at the depot.

1909 - Apr 29 - For Sale - City restaurant - Apply M. H. Foss??
    1909 - Jun 10 - Mont Foss last week s old his restaurant to his father who traded it to Milo Pyor fot the selling right in Marshall county of a patent wind screen.

1909 - June 3 0 Bradley's Souvenir Store.... Hotel and Restaurant in connection...

1909 - Jun 10 - Mont Foss last week s old his restaurant to his father who traded it to Milo Pyor fot the selling right in Marshall county of a patent wind screen. 1909 - Dec 9 - Bought by Bogardus - Garland Bogardus is rthe purchaser of the Wolford restaurant property at the depot.

1910 - Nov. 17 - J. F. Baker is erecting a story and a half building at the depot for a combined residence and restaurant.

1914 - Sep 3 - Home cooking Mr. and Mrs. Eston have bought the Prior restaurant ar the depot and will serve short-order lunches in home style.

1915 0 Jan 7 - Edward leppr, who has been Wm. O'Connor's tenant during the past year, has moved to town and running the "Doc" Baker restaurant