Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Boy Scouting In Culver  

Memories of the "Scout Cabin" are many of the few older people left in Culver that remember its exitence and that a large totem pole and trees stood in the lot north of the telphone building and these being In front of the log cabin.

Just when they Scout's abandoned use of the building and moved their meeting to the Wesley United Methodist Church is unknown but it would be a good estimate that it occured soon after the new church was built on School Street.

It was re-chartered by the Wesley United Methodist Church and has since then been the "home" of the scouting program of Culver .

1910 - Jun 16 New Feature at Academy...
    Advocates and promoters of the boy scout movemet in this country will note with delight the announcement that a training department for scout leaders will be added to the naval and calvary features of the Summer school on Lake Maxinkuckee. The lads who take the course will be trained along the lines marked out by Lieut. Geb. Baden-Powell who introduced and developed the idea so successfully in England...

1910 - Aug 11 - The Scouts in Camp
    Pitch their Tents at South End of the Lake - Ernest Thompson-Seton at the School

    It one should have passed alon the south shore of Lake Maxinkuckee lat Wednesday afternoon be would have seen a smart array of Culver cadets. About 40 scouts under the command of Captain Bare left the academy at 3 p.m. and after a finve-mile march along Marshall county roads the party arrived at their camping site. A few minutes later Camp Bare was pitched... Nine tents were erected to accommodate the part. Each of seven patrols had a tent, l leaving one for the "staff" and another for Captain Bare...

    Mr. Seton, organizer of the Boy Scouts of America, delivered an address to the school on Thursday afternoon. His talk was especially interesting to the Culver Cadets for all of us have been much interested in the Culver Scotu Organization under Captain Bare.

1911 - May 18 - Benfit of the Boys
    Another Grand Organization to Enlist the Interest and Train the Character of or Lads.

    ....I have organized the Knights of King Arthur, the largest boys' secret organization in the world; an organization that gives the bor an ideal, and then helps him attain it; that supplies that desire for the heroic, ant that will fit into the life of a boy of 15, or appeal to the young man of 25

    As this organization was only reaching the boys of the church I have the honor to represent, a nd having an interest in every boy in Culver, I am now organizing the "BOY SCOUTS". This is not a religious organization, yet the religious element will be resent. Rev. A. J. Micheal of the Reformed church had been selected as Chaplin of the troop...

    W. B. Morgan Scout Leader.

1912 - Jul 11 - Barrack and Camp...
    The Woodcrafters - With Mr. Dan Beard founder of the Boy Scouts of America, and America's chief wirter for boys on how-to-do thinfs, the new School of Woodcraft is encamped along the east road, and their quiant costumes a nd novel salute mingle with the naval hlue and the cavalry yellow of the other schools.

    Forty Boyes are having a time of their lives as Mr. Beard's proteges...

1912 - Aug 22 - A Busy Bunch of Boys -
    The Boy Scouts of Logansport, 90 in number, are in camp for the week on D. A. Bradley's hill lawn. The boys are occupying 17 tents. Their scout master, J. O. Whersell, looks after their general welfar, and Ike Oppenheimer takes care of the eats. Reed Burge is the official cartoonist. Their band of 18 pieces is led by Bandmaster Burge, and concerts are given every other evening. The boys will stay until Monday.

1913 - Dec 11 - Mr. D. C. Braden epects to sent his son to the boy scoouts encampment of Culver SUmmer School this summer. Mr. Braden will be the first Culver man to have a son attending the academy...

1914 - Feb 12 - Golonel Gignilliat is in Washington attending a meeting of the National Council of the Boy Scouts Movement to which he was elected last year. He will return Staturday.

1914 - Jun 14 - DeLong - Rev. DeValt and Vance Poland of Kewanna, accompanied by 21 Boy Scouts spent the day at the river here Wedensday.

1914- Aug 6 - The Boy Scouts of Logansport, about 200 strong, will be here next week accomanied by Commander L. O. Wetzel. The boys will have their band of 40 pieces with them and will pitch their tents in the Vandalia Park
    1914 - Aug 20 - Logansport Boy Scouts - About 200 strong, the Boy Scouts of Logansport came to the lake on Monday noon for their anual outing of a week. They have ptiched their tents, a scor in numer, in Vandalia Park, and one cannot get very near the park without being waware of thei bilarious presence. The boys have their own band and are running their own refreshment Stand. Scoutmaster Wetzel is in charge of the camp.

1916 - Jul 27 COurse for Scout Masters
    Begining Aug. 1, and lasting for two weeks, a complete course for scoutmasters of the Boy Souts of America will be carried on in the Woodcrast school. The aim of this course is to turn out effiecient masters for the different Boy Scout organizations in our country.

    This is the thirs summer of the scoutmaster's school at Culver. Mr. J. P. Freeman, national field scout commissioner, will lend his services as dean of the soutmasters' school. The work of the school will be under the general direction of Chief Dillon Wallace of the Woodcraft School and Captain H. C. Bays.

1916 - Aug 10 - Three troops of Boy Scouts composed of 117 boys from Logansport, Winamac, Rochester, Fort Wayne and North Manchester, comaped on Long Point b y the Chadwick hotel last week. They cam a week ago Tuesday...

1918 - Feb 27 - The first program on Thursday evening Feb 28, will be a Boy Scout program and will be under the driection of Lieut. Hoyt, Scotmaster of the Beaver patrols of Culver. SOme very intersting features may be expected....

1919-1920 - i was wondering if you knew about a regional jamboree or camporee that took place in Culver around 1919 or 1920? My research online so far didn’t turn up anything. My grandfather, Lamar “Dink” Enterline (on left) was born in 1905 and is shown here with a friend. He was born and raised in Lavelle, PA but had some relatives in Indiana, so maybe the reason for his being here at this time. He did earn his Eagle Scout award, according to family history, but i think this is the only picture of him in a scout uniform that i have ever seen. - Craig A. Eckert


1922 - May 2 - The regular meeting of the WM. A. Fleet post American Legion will be held at the Legion rooms on next week Thursday at 8 o'clock. The Culver Boy Scouts will be present as the special guests of the post.

1922 May 17 - By Adoption the Academy is Now Big Brother to Culver Patrol of the Boy Scouts
    Wiliam A Fleet Post, American Legion, has adopted the Culver patrol of the Boy Socuts. This will prove to be a decidied advantage to the lads as it will bring them into the direct touch with all the facilities of the post. Among these will be a scoutmaster whose while time in devoted to Bout Scout work, and the services of speakers of both local and national fame. Maj. Eisenhard had handled the boys admirably, out his time had been given at the academy where he is one of the busiest men on the faculty.

1922 - Oct 18 - Attention Boy Scouts! Boy Scout get-together meeting Wednesday, Oct 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the legion rooms. Every boy 12 or over is eligible. Let's see a good turn out. Tell your boy frineds about it.

1923 - Nove 14 - More Fun For Scouts
    Scout Master Thessin Gets SOme Help For Boys Entertainement.

    Plans have been completed for the extension of the Boy Scout work in this community by Capt. Thessin. In order to make the program for the boys this winter as extensive and varied as possible, he has secured the aid of Capt. Stinchcomb and Lt. Ritter.

    Capt Theesin will continue to ac as head of the organization and will hold the regular meetings and direct the scout lore work. The work for scout classification will be under his direction.

    Capt Stinchcomb will have charge of the rifle and target work. He will conduct target practice on the range for the 22 caliber rigles, for which the WInchester medals will be given to the boys attaining the proficiency mark. This work alone should attract every boy in the community.

    Lt. Ritter will take the scouts on hikes, which appeals to every boy's heart. These hikes will be on Saturdays and will be held about twice a month.

    A meeting of the Boy Scouts and prospective members will be held at the Legion rooms tonight and parents are urged to have their sons join this organization.

1922 - Nov 1 - Boys Read This
    There will be s special meeting of the Culver Boy Scouts this (Wednesday) evening at 7:15 p.m. at the Legion hall to boost the membershi. All boys between 12 and 18 are eligible and are urged to be present. Come out, fellows, and let's make this the livest and most efficient troop in this par t of the state - Lieut. E. A. Thessin, Scoutmaster.

1924 - Jan 30 - For Real Boys Only
    Is Cuvler to have a boy scout organization? Are there enough ted-blooded boys in the community who really want to support such an organization? Are Culver boys slackers? These are some of the questions which are asked each night the local troop of boy scouts are supposed to meet. It is the feeling of this paper the CUlver's boys are just as red-blooded as the boys of other communites, and possibly a little more so. The only thing is that they are not taking part in the "real by's" organization, the Boy Scouts.

    It there is an organization which teaches boyurs to have manly principles any better than the boy scouts this paper is yet to find out its name. It teaches the boys to be manly, obedient, observant, kind, courteous honest and courageous. It teaches him how to be a good coamper, how to build a fire, how to hunt, how to build boats, how to trap and mant other things of that nature which the real boy is interested in. It teache him how to signal with flags, how to march, how to hadle a gun and other things of that nature. Then there is a part of the work which is devoted to nature study, the different birds, snakes and animals of all kinds.

    Boy Scouts in other communities are doing big things. For instance the boy scouts in Indianapolis act as traffic cops at the corners near the school houses. Of course, nothing lime that is needed in Culver but ther is plenty here that a boys scout organization could do.

    Capt. E> A> Thessin of the Academy is in charge of the local boy scout work. He is an athlete and a good sport in every way. He likes the boys and is willing to devore a large part of his time for the boys of Culver. He knows the scout work and knows how to work and how to play.

    Any boy who has reached th age of twelve is eligible to belong. The next meeting will be held in the Legion ahll next Wedensday night, Feb. 6. "Honest-to-goodness" real American boys are asked to come. ASk your parents if you may go. They will be glad to bave you attend metting of a good organization like the Scout Troop.

1925 - Sep 23 - Boy Scouts to Hole First Metting of Fall - Next Thursday night at 7:00 o'clock the the basement of the Methodist Church has been desigfnated as the time and place for the first fall meeting of the Boy Scouts. Scout Master Shaw is anxious that all members be present for this first meeting as he has some plans for the fall and winter that he want to put before the boys. In the past, the organization has been very active and it is expeceted that this year's work will be no exception in the rule.

1927 - May 4 - EIghteen Now In Boy Scout Troop
    Busy With Tests

    Earl Blanchard and Culver MIller Near Honors as First Class Scouts.<

    While school may be out, studies are not over as far as the Boy Scouts are concerned. These boys are industriously working for further knowledge in scouting and are wearing the covers off their scout manuals trying to pass the different tests.<

    If you think it is a simple matter to pass one of these scout tests, just borrow the scout manual for a minte and see how near you could qualify for a tenderfoot scout, the first degree. You will be surprised and pained to find how little your really do know about these everyday things around you.

    The two patrols of the local troop are led by Earl Blanchard and Culver Miller. These two boys are nearing the rank of first class scouts and lack only the signalling tests to so qualify. They leaf the tropp in advancement

    Second class scouts are John ALtman, Tony Stuprich, Edward Mitchell, Ernest Heminger, CahCharles Ferrier and ALfred Brooke

    Tenderfoot scouts are Merle Millier, Herman Zechiel, Thomas Woolridge, B. Randolph, Bud Schueren, James Jackson, Harold Shaw, and Joe Schweidler.

    JOhn Werner is studing for his tenderfoot test, while Jess Robinson, who dropped out of the troop is working to get reinstated.

    The troop took a hike last Saturday afternoon and evening, going about five miles into the country.

    The big hike to the Michigan Dunes is to be held as soon as the re-arrangement of dates caused by the quarantine can be adjusted.

1927 May 4 - The honor of being the first Star scouts in Union Township goes to Alfred Brooke and Earl Blanchard, who have also won six badges each.

1927 JUL 13 - Culver Scouts May ENter C.M.A. Camp

    For One Full Week

    Eash Group of Ten Each From Neighboring Stated Here - One Week

    Through the courtest of the officals of the CUlver Military Academy, local memebrs of the Boy Scouts troop have the privilege of attending the Woodcraft camp for one week whenever a vancancy exists in the weekly quota of ten alloteed to visiting scouts.

    This allows Culver scouts to attend on week at the camp without any expense, and includes tent, meals, admission to all calsses, tests, and to take part in all Woodcraft activities.

    Scouts Blanchard, Miller and Heminger applied for this privilege. All others wisihing to do the same should communicate to either Capt. Stinchcomb or Lieut. Martin.

    The first gorun of Boy Scouts who come each summer as guests of the Woodcraft camp are now here. Each year it is customary for the Woodcraft Camp to entertain several groups of scouts sent from the various councils of the neighoring states. These scout are taken into the Woodcraft Camp and put thur the various Woodcraft activities. The undergo a medical and physical examination and are assigned to classes which the attend the same awards as the Woodcrafters.

    They work for the same awards as the WOodcrafters, and many of them succeed in winninf the Bronze "C" during the week they are privileged to be in camp.

    This year there will be six groups of ten scouts each, making a total of sixty. Each group will encamp a week.

1929 - April 3 - Local Boy Scout Troop NOw Under South Bend
    The CUlver Boy Scout tropp is to receive more national assistance and advice in its work here after as it has been placed under the jurisdiction of the SOuth Bend officials. An inspection rated the local troop as one of the best in this region.

1929 Dec 18 - - Boy Scouts News - By Tom WOolridge
    The BOy Scouts hold their meetings every Tuseday evening in the basement of the library with Scoutmaster Rice and assistanet Scoutmaster Corwin presiding.

    The election of officers was held November 19 with the following officers elected: Rice, Scoutmaster; Corwin, Assistan scoutmaster; Alfred Brook, Junior assistant scoutmaster; Samuel Staddon, Senior Patrol Leader; Thomas Lindahl, Patrol leader, Patrol 1; Robert Rich, Patrol Leader. patrol 2; Thomas Wolldridge, Patrol leader, parol no 3; Samuel Staddon, Patrol leader, patrol 4; CLyde Morris, Idea Man/

    The idea Man gives ideas to the officials so that the can plan their program for the following week. During the weeks of Novemebr, after all buiness was taken care of, Seargeant Rice taught the troop, as a whole the Semaphore flag signals. During the weeks of December he is taching us a few points of first aid.

    On NOvember 26 the COurt of Honor met and all boys who pledged themselves to pass at least two merit badges for the Scout Circus, being held in the St. Joseph COuncil between September 16 and Demeber 14, passed at least these tow and usually more. There were 38 merit badges passed in all.

    On December 3, another court of Honor was held with only a few merit badges passed

    The couts have been tryomg fpr a long time to get a meeting place of their own and maybe some day it will be gotten.

    All meetings of the Boy Scouts are public and anyone who wishes to attend will be welcome. Come and see what the Boy Scouts are doing and and what they do at meetings. Everybody is welcome.

    There will be no meetings of the Boy Scouts after Tuesday December 10, untill after the Christmas holidays

    From now on the Boy scouts will have an article in this paper each week, so look forwrd to it.
It is announced that local scouts are eligible to attend the South Benned camp this summer. The fee is $5.50 per week, which includes board, lodging, medical attention, etc. The camp will be in session all summer and scouts may attend whatever time they wish. Scoutmaster RIce who is to attend the camp for at least two weeks, requests that all scouts interested see him for further details. He hopes most of the troop will join him for the two weeks at this camp.


15 Oct 1930 - 22 Boy Scouts of Culver Attend State Gathering - -
    22 members of the Culver Boys Scout troop, Scoutmaster H. S. Rice and five local citizens attended the state meeting of the scouts at Bloomington last Friday and Saturday. They also witnessed the Indiana- Oklahoma Aggie football games as guests of I. U. The scouts left Culver Friday noon and returned late Saturday night. Louis Kepler, Homer Kemple, Dick Louden, John R. Folger and Clarence Calhoun took the scouts in their cars. A total of about 6,500 scouts were present.

Oct. 22, 1930 - Culver Citizen >LEGION TO ELECT 1931 OFFICERS ON OCT. 28

    Committee to Officially Turn Over Boys Scout Cabin, Where Legion Will Meet.

    The William Alexander Fleet Post of the American Legion will have a busy time Tuesday evening, October 28, and will have the added pleasure of using the new Boy Scout cabin for the first time.

    At the last meeting of the post officers were nominated and the election will be held at the meeting Tuesday. The following have been nominated: post commander- A. R. Simpson; adjutant - Harper, Folger, Thessin; 1st vice-commander: Rice, Tallman, Thomet, Hiday; 2nd vice-commander: Johnson; finance officer: Alumbaugh; chaplain: Henderson; sergeant-at-arms Walker, Anderson; historian: Hiday, Obenauf; Americanization officer: Dunbar; service officer: M. R. Robinson, Mackey; athletic officer: Thessin. This list is not necessarily complete as nominations are still open and will be accepted at the meeting prior to the election.

    Following the election of new officers will be installed immediately.

    The scout cabin committee announces that the new Boy Scout cabin is ready for use and will officially turn the building over at this meeting. The completion of the structure has been delayed much longer than was anticipated and the Scouts, Campfire Girls and Legionnaires will welcome the announcement that it is finally ready

1930 - Oct 28 - The Boyhood of Culver came into its own last night when the Scout Cabin on the Memorial Plaza wras formally dedicated and turned over to the Boy Scouts for their use. To Col. Robert Rossow and Sgt. H. S. Rice gives the Lion's share of the credit for the new cabin.

1930 - Nov. - Scout Caben on Memorial Plaza - This cabin is not the meeting place of the boy scouts, the campfire girls and the AMerivan Legion. It was revently dedicated by the legion and the Armistice Day services were held from it small porch. The memorial plaza on which it stands is now beign land scaped

It is assumed that the American Legion owned two lots the first one being OP LOT 17 N 52' with the address of now 480 School St on which the boy scout cabin was located and also OP LOT 16 amd ot os assumed that the front lot that faced both Lakeshore, Main and School streets contained a Memorial Plaza - by the quip found:
    January 17, 1934 — The local post of the American Legion has decided to pay for the pavement that has been laid on Lake Shore Drive along Memorial Plaza.

the Sanborn Fire Map of 1937 shows the location of the Scout Cabin an labels it as such.



Sometime during the mid-late 1950's the scout cabin was turned into a home and the log exterior was covered over. Some time during the late 1950's or early 1960's the property was purchased by the Indiana Bell Telephone Company.

I remember it during the late 1950's and into the 1960's as a white sided house - looking out the school windows and seeing it from there.


Leaders were Wayne Maddox, Scout master; Marcia Adams, den mother.

1962 - Nov 7 - Paper & Rag Drive Sponsored by Boy Scouts and Lions
    The Culver Boy scouts and the Culver Lions Club will jointly conduct a paper and rag drive this Saturday. Nov. 10. Proceeds from the drive will be used to purchased needed equipment for the Boy Scots and to support various funds sponsored by the Lions club.

    The drive will start at 9 a.m. It will cover the city of Culver, East, West and South Shore Drives and Maxinkuckee Road. Rural folks wishing to contribute to the drive may drop their bundles of papers and rags at the parking area of the State Exchange Bank.

    PLace you bundles on the street curb by 9 a.m.

1958 - Feb 5 - Boy Scouts 48th Birthday Begin National Saftey Good Turn - Nationa Boy Scout Week February 7 to 13

1962 - Nov 14 - Scouts Awards

    SOUTING'S HIGHEST AWARD was presented to this member of Boy Scout Troop 290. Pictured are (1. to r.) Mr. Paul A. Young, Tri-Valley Council Scout executive, who conducted the special Eagle Court of Honor; David Kelly, the fourth Scout of Troop 290 fo receive the Eagle rank; Mrs. Norman Kelly; Mr. Kelly; and Scoutmaster Carl F . Foust. David was also the recipient of the Troop's annual "Honor Scout" award and a perfect, attendance pin.

    ADVANCEMENT AWARDS were received by these Troop members at the Court of Honor held Monday night. Front row (1. to r.) : Steve Overmyer, Jerry Schrimsher, Steve Snyder, Steve McCombs, and Cortland Overmyer. Middle row: Marc Matson, Tom Overmyer, Steve Kelly, Terry Powers, and Greg Easterday. Back row: Steve Bocock, John Cook, Dean Smith, Tom Bocock, Fletcher Mattox, and Greg Dawson. —Photos by Cart Adams Jr .

    Two Culver Scouts Earn Merit Badges In Journalism
    Merit badges in journalism have been awarded to two Culver Boy Scouts, David Kelly and Dean Smith, members of the Culver Boy Scout Troop 290. They along with 41 other Scouts of the Tri -Valley Council Area, have completed a course of study conducted by the South Bend Tribune. The Tribune's- course consisted of three two-hour class periods, during which the requirements to earn a journalism merit badge were covered, and a two-part test.

    Classes, which were held one evening each week in The Tribune's cafeteria, were taught by Tribune staff members. Included in the course were newspaper operation,departmental organization, news and headline writing, story organization, copy and proof reading, make-up and interviews with Tribune department heads.

    Candidates were required to pass a written test based on the Boy Scouts of America's revised journalism merit badge requirements. Among other things, the boys were required to write a, news story, a feature story and an editorial and explain the difference between each, define newspaper terms and dummy several newspaper pages. Of the 47 boys who enrolled, 43 earned merit badges, three failed and one dropped out.

    Registration was limited to two boys from each troop. Only first class scouts were eligible and preference was given to patrol leaders, assistant patrol leaders and troop scribes

    Court of Honor Lauds Progress Of Local Scouts

    Boy Scout Troop 290 of Culver held a Court of Honor last Monday, Nov. 12, to honor Scouts who have advanced in rank and earned awards during recent months. This meeting, held in the Fellowship Hall of the Methodist Church, was highlighted by a special Eagle Scout presentation honoring David Kellly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kelly of 310 College Avenue, Culver .

    Special guests at the Court of Honor were Chester A. Marshall, athletic director at Cuilver Military Academy, who was the main speaker, and Paul A. Young of South Bend, Scout executive of Tri-Valley Council, who presented the Eagle award. Mr. Marshall spoke on the background of Scouting and pointed out how Scouting contributes to a boy's growth. Mr. Young conducted David Kellly into the rank of Eagle in an impressive ceremony in which he was assisted by Dean Smith, the Herald of the Court, and by visiting Eagle Scouts John Kerrigan, Gene Kelly, and Tim Sch ultz.

    Nine Scouts in the Troop were honored for advancement in rank. John Cook and Steve Kelly rose to F i r s t Glass rank, and Marc Matson and Tom Overmyer rose to Second Class. Five new Scouts were initiated into Tenderfoot rank: Steve Overmyer, Terry Powers, Steve McCombs, Steve Snyder, and Jerry Schrimsher.

    Additional awards included service stars, given for active participation in the Troop. One-year stars were given to David Crabb and Tony Mattox and a two-year star was presented to David Kelly.

    Three Scouts were presented pins for having perfect attendance at meetings for the past year: Tom Bocock, David Kelly, and Cortland Overmyer.

1962 - Scouts selling christmas trees.

1965 - February 4 -L ocal Scout Units To Mark Scout Week, Feb. 7-13
    Steven Neff Wins Patriotic Award

    Culver Boy Scout Troop 290, Cub Scout Pack 290, and Explorer Post. 290 will celebrate Scout Week, Feb. 7-13, by participating in various activities. The theme for this year's nation-wide observance of Scout Week is "Strengthen America's Heritage."

    During Scout Week, all members will wear their uniforms to School, meetings, and to their respective churches on Scout Sunday, Feb. 7, where they will participate in Scout Sunday services. Also, during this special Week, the Troop plans to conduct flag ceremonies at school. Of special local interest and occuring chronologically with Scout Week, is the announcement that Steven Neff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Neff, 321 W. Washington St., Culver , has been chosen the Tri-Valley Council winner of the coveted and high-ranking George Washington Honor Medal Award for his last summer's outstanding essay on the theme, "What the Scout Oath and Law means to me as a responsible American citizen."

    Steve, one of 32 Indiana Boy Scouts to receive the engraved medal from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, is among 976 winners in the Nathan Hale Essay Awards Program that included the best patriotic thoughts from tens of thousands of Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers from every state as well as American Scouts in Europe and Asia.

    Steve is a member of Culver Boy Scout Troop 290 that is sponsored by the Culver Methodist Church.

    Presentation of the award will be made during special ceremonies to be held on a future date to be announced later.

    Culver is fortunate to have such an active Scouting program which does so much in the training of the youth of our community. Residents are reminded to support this important program when the opportunity presents itself.

    An overnight was held at Tippecanoe State Park last Saturday and Sunday. Many demonstrations were held with several of the 13 Scouts present passing their requirements.

    On Sunday a fine church service was conducted by Carl Strang and then a hike was conducted. A "coffee can casserole" was cooked after the hike. One of the highlights (?) of the weekend was when the Scoutmaster spilled the beef stew!

    Troop 290 met at the Culver Methodist Church basement Feb. 1 with 15 members in attendance. Opening ceremonies were conducted by the Beaver Patrol and the opening game was "Free Lift." In Patrol corners we studied Morse code and then had a contest. There were no winners.

    "Ring Strip" was played and the Arrows and Beavers won. Then closing ceremonies were held and we were dismissed. Scout Week is Feb 7 all and all Scouts are urged to wear their uniform all next week. On Scout Sunday, Feb. 7, all members are invited to attend the Methodist Church. Wear your uniform and meet at 10:30 a.m. at the front door.

    During next week we will conduct the flag ceremonies at school. - Feb. 4, 1965
Appreciation To Honor Leaders
    Plans for the annual appreciation dinner to be held March 2 by the Menominee District, Boy Scouts of America, have been announced by Don Naylor, chairman of promotion and registration.

    The dinner wil be held at 6:30 p.m. in National Guard Armory at Plymouth, where parents and others involved in Scouting within the Menominee District will pay tribute to cubmasters, den mothers, scoutmasters, the explorer adviser, and assistants. Naylor said the Menominee District includes 1,293 boys and 550 ad ults at Walkerton, North Liberty, Plymouth, Culver , Argos, Bourbon, Bremen, LaPaz, Lakeville, Tippecanoe and Tyner.

    Manford Van Gilder is chairmanof the event, which will be held in the form of a potluck supper. Ray Borggren is vice chairman and Andy Skoog is chairman of dinner arrangements. All three men are from Plymouth.

    Since a capacity crowd is expected, Naylor said advance reservations are necessary. Reservation blanks have been distributed throughout the district a n d should bo mailed to Boy Scouts of America, Post Office Box 223, Plymouth THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1965

Cub Scout News By DAVID REICHLEY Den 6 of Pack 290 are making - Cub Scouts out of Readers digest magazines. On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet will be held at the Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m. Reservations hit been made for 290 Cub Scouts aand their parents. Feb. 18, 1965

    In order to introduce cub Scouting to prospective cubs and parents an important meeting will be held Thursday night at 7 p.m. at the Methodist church. F. L. Babcock, Cub Master announced.

    A new Cubbing program us being planned for January and all interested boys who are eight years old or older are eligible and urged to attend this meeting with their parents.

    Richard Brown, District Scout executive, will conduct the meeting and will give parents the opportunity to ask questions about Cub Scouts.

    This is the first time that a new program has bee started mid-year, Babcock said. the reason for this round-up is because of the large group of applicants in the fall. Three new dens were formed at that time

    In urging parents to attend Babcock said that the meeting would not be a lengthy one and would get underway promptly at 7 and close at 8:30.


1975 - Sharon K. (Decker) Coffey stated she purchased the house property from Indiana Bell Telephone Company.


1982 - Some of the scouting officals were - Terry Leahy, Cubmaster (Culver town marshall); Dale Hummel, Larry Boestma; some of the cub scout leaders were: Jolene Westafer, Mary Harris, Sharon Overly and Judi Burns. Events were the Snow Derby at Knox, Pinewood Derby (held at the Culver Community Building), and roller skating (at the camelot Lanes coroner of St. Rd. 10 & 17). reg ular meetings were held in the basement of the wesley methodist church on school Street.

Re-charterd in Feb. 1987



2008 - Chuck Dilts, cubmaster.