Indianapolis Journal: This season has been the most successful in the history of Lake Maxinkuckee
as a summer resort for the weary Indianapolitan, who most numerously inhabits its beautiful shores
during the heated term, and arrangements are already under way to add to its accommodations
and attractions for next year.
Ohmar Bros, the famous railroad caterers have already opened one of their restaurants in a a building
at Marmont, which also includes under its roof a skating rink, and their intent is to erect a number of
cottages in a grove near by and immediately bordering on the lake, for rent.
A gentlemen probably representing the Vandalia road, has under consideration plans for a hotel at
the station to cost 40,000.
Mr. Culver of St. Louis, the largest property holder on the Lake front, is improving his place by the
erection of a stone sea wall, and rumor has it that has it that he will also build a hotel. He as a
beautiful location for one. –
-Judge Heller, who now conducts the Highland House, the only Simon pure hotel on "the water",
will add thirty rooms to its capacity for next season.
These improvements will enable the club owning Bay View to conduct it according to the original
plan - that of a club house. This year the demands upon the good people of the club for rooms
has been largely in excess of the possible capacity of the place, even eked out by two or three
tents, and “all full” has been the stereotyped reply to all applications throughout August. On
Saturday and Sunday night nearly one hundred persons were accommodated under its hoptable
roof '
Private improvements are also largely contemplated.
Mr. Frank Maus has completed a handsome cottage on the on the east shore.
A plat of ground further south, on the same side, 600 feet front has been purchased by six
gentlemen, including Mr. J. F. Wallick and Rev. J. Albert Roundthaler of this city, and the Messrs
Perrin, of Lafayette who will erect cottages next year.
There is now left less than 1,200 feet of lake front on the market, unless Mr. Culver should conclude
to subdivide his instead of making a hotel park of it.
The season at Maxinkuckee will close about September 15. - - 1885 - aug 27 –
Argos reflector –