Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana


More and Better Accommodatuons at the Resort Than Ever.

Mr. George E. Parrington, genera! agent of the Vandadia, says Lake Maxinkuckee has awakened, and there -is a great deal of activity at the famous Northern Indiana summer resort.

Owners of cottages are at the lake, and are ready and cleaning up for the summer.

The hotels are open.

The Arlington, owned by Conductor Knapp, has been open for some time.

Ohmer's opens next week.

The Bay View and ether houses are also open for the season.

Captain Lord has built a commodious hotel near the railway station. It is beautifully located, and the house is nicely furnished.

There will be far more accommodations at the lake this year than heretofore.

A larger number of visitors than last year are expected. It has been found that as much pleasure and comfort can be obtained at Lake Maxinkuckee as at other resorts farther awav. For this reason those who desire to spend a summei vacation at a resort prefer Maxiukuckee. It is a beautiful place and possesses everything that can be desired.

Seven new cottages are now in process of erection.

The residents of the locality have enlarged their houses, and many can now accomodate a number of persons.

The railroad company will not erect a hotel at Maxinkuckee this season. The matter was talked of but nothing definite was done in regard to it.

Mr, Anton Mayer has fitted up a pleasant picnic ground on his land near Murrnont station, which will be one of the most noticeable improvements to visitors this summer.

In regard to rates Mr. Parrimgton say's they will be an reasonable this year as last, and equal inducements will be offered to the public to pay the lake a visit. The rates for parties consisting of various numbers ot persons will be offered again this year. There will also be individual reduced rates. Tickets will be sold for ten days, thirtv days and for the season, "In fact," said Mr. Farrington, "a tourist will be uble to get most any kind of a ticket he may desire."

The residents of Marmont have been greatly excited of late over the post office. The postmaster, who is the owner of a general store at Marmont, decided to move his store and postoffice to a new brick building near the railway station.

Residents of the village got up a petition against the office being removed. Those who reside near the station and in the immediate neighborhood of the lake drew up a petition for the removal of the office. Finally the postmaster said the r ules of the department did not specify the location of the post offlce, and announced his intention of moving. He did so and mail is now received and forwarded from the new location.

This will be a great convenience during the summer to visitors. Heretofore it was necessary to go, to Marmont to obtain mail. There will also be an additional delivery of mail during the day.

The storekeepers at Marmont are much incensed over the removal of the office.

20 May 1890 - Logansport Pharos Tribune