Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana


The Country Between Logansport and the Lake --The crops. Etc

Editor Phiros:— I returned Monday from Lake Maxinkuckee, and propose to speak briefly ot the trip, the country I passed through, crops, etc. It was my first view of the lake.

I had heard many descriptions of its beauties and surroundings In the Pharos and other papers, and also talked with several persons who had visited it, but had not for all that got a correct Idea of it.

It was larger, the banks higher, the water clearer and the scenery and surroundings finer than I had expected to find. In short I can say, as the Queen of Sheba said to King Soloman, "The half has not teen told."

It would require a week's sojourn and a whole column of the Pharos to accurately describe all the points of interest.

I shall only briefly allude to some of the objects and places that I noticed during my brief stay of three hours.

We struck the lake at Marmont, which is on the west side, and where the Vandalia depot is situated.

This town has been built up to present size entirely since the railroad was completed. Several business buildngs and numerous cottages and more pretentious residences are going up, and I think Marmont will grow steadily for years to come.

The first cottagee that I saw was that of Mr. G. W. Barrow's. It is deightr ully situated upoa a high grassy lawn a short distance southwest of the depot and commanding a fine view of tha l ake and the numerous cottages on the north and east sides of the lake, where the most of them are at present located.

Tiie view from the front of the "Lakeside House" is very fine. This house was built by the Plymouth Club and is now ownel by it. It is not open yet for the season, but will be shortly. They own several acres of ground adjoining and there are eight new cottages now in process of erection. All of which are owned by different parties belonging to the club, who will occupy them about the first of July with their families.

A new flowing well a few rods from these cottages was completed the day before wa arrived, and a large volume of water flows from it. It is pronounced a great success. Like all of the most desirable situations around the lake, these lands have advanced largely In value since their purchase by the club.

Nearly every one sojourning here owns a neat row boat. Captain Morris, who owns and runs the steamer Morris,' is also engaged in building row boats. He has sold during; the last twelve months $3,000 worth of these row boats at $40 each [75]. We, by invitation of Captiin Morris, stepped on board the staunch little steamer and spent a short time.

But few visitors have as yet arrived, and consequently the two steamers are having; a rathar quiet time just now. When a large excursion party comes, they take in the shekels lively.

Lake Maxinkuekee is bound to grow in pop ularity, as the people become acquainted with it. It is certainly a most charming place to spend a couple of months during tne heated term.

Logansporters especially should, make this a summer resort instead of going several hundred miles from home at a large out-uy. and than not often find a place as healthy and pleasant as Lake Maxinkuckee which can be reached in a ride of two hours by rail.

Now a few words in regard to the country we passed through and Its growing crops.

Our route out was from Logansport, through Noble and Harrison township, in Cass county, across Fo ulton county, and three rniles from Marshall county. Our route back was by way of Bruce's Lake and Monterey] leaving Kewanna on the east.

The land after leaving Cass county is more or less sandy, very easy to till and is admirably adapted to the raising of wheat of which a large amount will be harvested, and will be more than an average crop. Many fields will yield 25 bushels per acre. A large amount of corn has been put out ang It does look first rate; color generally good and as a r ule clean of weeds and grass. M. B. K.