Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Around the Lake  

The beautiful Maxinkuckee

Where it is - - What it is - - Who are there - - The Club Houses - The Fishing - The Boating - A Delightful Summer Resort.

Correspondent Indianapolis Hearld.

Much has been said from time to time, by fishermen and "campers out", of that beautiful lake with that wonderful name, "Maxinkuckee." It has become famous verse, as shown by the poem which stands at the head of this article written by Jeerome C. Burnet formerly of this city, beginning:

    All, here is a scene for the painter -
    A gleaming and glorified lake

but since the day's the verses refer to, I am very much afraid that friend Burnett will have to pay another visit and give the modern version of the situation.

Not being "a poet born," I leave the "poet' license" to its legitimate off spring Lake Maxinkuckee twelve miles south-west of Plymouth, and nine miles west of Argos.

Leaving Argos by the "south road," you drive through a sandy and swampy country, largely covered with huckleberry bushes and scrub oak, with here and there a paitch of corn and wheat, and occasionally a house or two to break the monotony.

A drive of nine miles brings you to the village of Maxinkuckee or as it is now called, Frizzletown, which lies on the hill about a quarter of a mile from the lake. The name Maxinkuckee, or Muxinkuckee, its it is called by the old setlters, seens to be of two origins.

Many claimed that the lake was named after an old Indian chief "Muxinkuckee," who came annually with his squaws to fish in its clear waters, which at that time abounded in salmon, pickerel and bass. The more romantic claim that the name is "Maxinkuckee," and means clear water. As for myself I am inclined to the believe that the lake was named after the old sachem, but there is no doubt that the lake,- is exceediiigly clear.

The reader may take which version he or she pleases.

Within the last two or three years a remarkable change has come over the placid sheet of water and its surroundings and the fishermen of


would hardly recognize their once favorite fishing ground. The occasional "dug-out" and flat-bottomed scow has given place to 'clinker built' boats and white-sailed yachts.

The occasional tent of the fisherman is seldom seen and in its place we find cottages and club houses of large proportions, filled with families from the heated towns and cities of the vicinity.

Such has become the fame of the pituresque spot; and each year adds to the numbers who live upon its shores during the summer and full months.

Passing through the village of Maxinkuckee we soon reach the ake shore.

Take a sail with me n the yacht which floats lazily on the water.

Sailing along the north shore we soon reach the cottage of Mr. J. B. Dill, of this city." He has erected a snug and substantial house, built largely by his own hands. The cottage stands about ten feet above the water line, and is pleasantly situated. Mr. Dill and family are summmering here and enjoy it immensely.

A few hundred feet to the westward we find the


now in progress of erection by Messrs. Shortridge, Morris and others of this city. It is situated on a bluff some twenty-five feet high, and in fine position to command a view of the lake.

This house is two stories in height with double verandas along its entire front; fllghts of steps lead down to the landings, and all, when completed, will be an acquisition to the lake. The name of the house I was not able to ascertain.

Continuing along to the westward we come to "Shady Bluff," the summer home of Mr. Edward R. Wheeler, of Plymouth. Here is a delightful house, beautifully situated, facing south on the lake. Mr. Wheeler has made it a home in all senses of the word. The yard is terraced down to the beach. In the lake, a short distance out, the "Arleta" floats at anchor, raising and falling with the Waves, her white canvas lapping lazily in the wind. The beach in front of Shady Bluff is the favorite bathing ground he people on this side of the ake, the shore and bottom being fine sand, and clear of obstructions.

Sailing past Shady Bluff we cast anchor in the bay directly in front of the grounds belonging to the


We step into a row boat which has "put out" for' us, and are soon landed at the dock in front of their club house just finished.

Here we are received by the genial Dr. Heiskell and Mrs. Fred Baggs, who kindly offered to "show us 'round."

The I. B. and F. C. have about three acres ake.

The ground is finely situated and is all that could be desired for the purpose. With commendable energy the club have erected their houses and fenced their grounds and built their docks within the last forty days.

The house is two stories fronting south, with two wings of one story extending east and west, giving a total frontage of one hundred nd eighteen feet, along which extends a roomy piazza for the comfort of the guests and members of the club.

Roomy hammocks are suspended between the posts, and we are greeted with pleasant words rom familiar faces as we pass along.

The wings of the house are each divided into five bed-rooms, all of which open out on the piazza, and all of which are neatly furnished.

The main building is used for dining and reception rooms with large folding doors between, making it capable of being thrown into one large room for dancing or other purposes.

The culinary department is located in the rear of the dining room in a separate buildiing.

The second story of this building is used for sleeping rooms, and is occupied by gentlemen exelusively, and has been "dubed" by the euphonious title of "Hilarity Hall." {? Hiilarity Club?}

The reception room is furnished with easy chairs, a sofa or two, and the indispensable piano.

To the east of the main building has been erected an ce and cooling house, which is complete in all its parts.

To the east of the ice house is a delightful little island formed by a small brook, and named the "Retreat." The grove of iron wood trees on the island is lined with hammocks, which are seldom empty. Here, swung by the lake breezes, the lover can woe to his heart's desire, oblivious of the surroundings. It is a favorite spot with those of tender years, though it did strike your correspondent that some who never again will see their thirtieth summer, were among the group.

The water for the use of the place is obtained from


which flows up from the bottom of the lake, some ten feet out from the shore. The spring has been encased by an iron cylinder two feet in diameter, and the water raises up and overflows fully three feet above the surface of the lake. The water is very pure and cold.

The club has ten row boats for the use of its members, and will add a "sailor" or two next year.

The total cost of the improvement and grounds this year will reach $2,000.

To the people of Indianapolis no better place can be found, nor so cheap, at which to spend a few weeks of real enjoyment and rest away from the heat and dust of city life.

Indianapolis people will do well to patronize this home resort beforw going long journeys at heavy expense, to come home worse off, rather than benefitted by their "reg ular summer vacation."

Adjoing on the west of the I. B. and F. C's. grounds is "Point Pleasant," the finest l ocation on the ake. On this projection Messrs. B. Fulwiler, J. S. Hale, Milton Shirk and John Miihlfeld, of Peru, and Mrs. Lizzie Wiggins, formerly of this city, have erected a substantial and comfortable house for the use of themselves and invited friends.

The "Peruvians"' have named their summer resort "'pleasant" and it is most admirably named, or they know how to make it pleasant for you when you call down at "three.''

After quaffing a glass of delicious butter-milk" ( ?) from the spring house, we wore "taken in tow" by Messrs. Muhlfled and F ulwiler.

They have about an acre fenced.

The house is two stories with


in east and south sides. The upper story is used for sleeping rooms and the lower for dining and reception room The clubhouse has four row boats, the "Blossom," the 'Peru", "Fire Fly" and "Oscar."

The Oscar is barge built, with cushioned seats and canopied top.

They also have one sail boat, the Nancy Lee".

Bidding goodbye to our new-found friends we are rowed out to our sail boat in the Blossom.

The Peru people have spent some $1,500 in fitting up their place.

Shipping anchor we now take ong tack" along the extreme north west shore of the lake, passing the occasional tent of the "camper out" and the "lone fisherman in his boat, waiting for the fickle bass and perch to bite; along past the cottage of Mr. Palmer, of Plymouth.

Then a little to the south, until we cast anchor opposite "Lake View" the castle of contentment, belonging to the good people of Plymouth.

Landing, we are cordially greeted by Commadore Hill, of the yacht "Arrow," who with his crew, consisting of yachtsmen Thayer, McDonald and Oglesbee, escort us to the "Lake View," up two flights of stairs, some thirty or forty feet above the bosom of the lake.


is situated on the ncirthern shore on a handsome bluff, and commands view of the entire lake. The club owns some fifteen acres.

The house is two stories with double verandas both front and rear, giving delightful views both on lake and land.

It is occupied only for the benefit of the families of its members and invited guests.

The house is the best built one on the lake and com plete,- the grounds and improvements costing the club over $3,000.

The club owns six boats, the "Elephant," the "Arrow." the "Anna,' and the "Kittie Mack."

The members of the club are Messrs. Jos. Westervelt, N. H. Oglesbee, Horace Corbin , H. G. Thayerr , Daniel McDonald , Chas. S. and Chester O Buck.

The meimbers of this club are especially attentive to all visitors to the lake. Making our adieus (and with many thanks) we again take sail, this time for a long one.

Passing Marmont, a hamlet lying cosily on the hillside, along by the outlet to Little or Mud Lake where the water lilies grow; out beyond Long Point, by the Rochester club house way up on the bluff

Through the eed banks, until vve come to the outheast shore, down by the cottage of Robert L. McOuat, and the boat houses of Mr. H. B. Scott, both of this city; and we come to our starting place, having had a most pleasant sail, and in all a most delightf ul afternoon.

From a week's experience we can ay that we found good boating, splendid water, fair fishing, "brownest of sunburns," excellent bathing, the freshest air, the soundest sleep, the fewest of musquitoes, t has ever been our good fortune o enjoy at any one of the western resorts, besides meeting many of the charming people of the State.


or fancy dressing is necessary—a good flannel shirt, coarse heavy pantaloons, strong shoes, a big straw hat with a shoe-string band, and a bathing suit, are all any man or boy needs; a good flannel dress and other etc , etcs., is all any lady needs to be able to spend a week or so so at this resort. '

A call to the 'diminition grind' reminded as of the fact that our visit was over and after the usual regrets over the shortness of life and things that couldn't be, we silently packed our valise and de'parted for the classic shores of our native river. H. B. P. - -- Peru Miami County Sentinel, Thursday, July 29, 1880