Maxinkuckee Snipets Indianapolis Daily Star 1910

Thursday, June 16, 1910 Page 9
Mr. and Mrs Louis Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hertick have gone to Lake Maxinkuckee to spend the summer.
Sunday, June 12, 1910 Page 38
Lake Maxinkuckee
Miss Mary Foreman of Logansport was at the Snyder Cottage last week.
George Yandes and nices Miss Robinson were at their cottage last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scheurmann of Indianapolis have opened their cottage, The Oaks, for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Potts and daughter, Miss Deborah, have been occupying the Vonnegut cottage during the commencement exercises at
the Academt. They have had as their guests the Misses Finley and Williams, alson of Indianapolis.
Mrs. Ellsworth and daughters entertained at their cottage last Sunday and Maindy a party of young women from Lafayette consisting of
Mrs. Van Natta and the Misses Van Natta, Oppenheimer, Miriam Smith, Brockenbrough and Edith Kumler.
The following Indianapolis people were among thevisitors at the Academy commencement during the last week: Mr. and Mrs. Harry F.
Fitton, Mrs. J. F. Wild and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perry, Mr. and Mis Hahn and Miss Edna Heaton.