Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

1881 Logansport Snipets  

Logansport Pharos Tribune 1881-Jul 9 - Mrs. Perry Bowser and Miss Clara Haley are visiting at Rochester. They will stop at Plymouth and Lake Maxinkuckee before their return

1881-Jul 12 - Ziba Six leaves this evening for Lake Maxinkuckee. where he will remain about

1881-Jul 13 - Ziba Six went to Maxinkuckee this morning

1881-July 22 - Peru Republican: Dr. Perry Bowser, ofLogansport, an old school friend, while on his way to Maxinkuckee Wednesday evening, was piloted to the sanctum by Jim Burchfield, of the Barss, and gave us a call...

1881- Aug 2 -Ziba Six is back from Maxinkuckee.

1881- aug 8 - Quincy Myers has gone to Maxinkuckee to spend a few days resting and recuperating

1881- AUg 9 - Miss Lizzie Dimkle has returned from Maxinkuckee after a pleasant sojourn of three weeks.

1881- Aug 16 -Dr. Price and Joe Eyiuan started for Maxinkuckee last night in a buggy. 1881 - Aug 15- G. W. Burrow and Rev. W. E. Loucks,left at an early hour this morning for Lake Maxinkuckee. They made the trip overland.Rev. Loucks will remain several days, the guest of Mr. Burrow. The latter named will stay at the lake until his family is ready to return home. 1881- Aug 11 - Maxinkuckee
    Maxinkuckee seems to be losing its charms. At least one must judge so by hearing persons now and then talking of it,or a year or so after Logansporters first discovered it. the place received nothing butwords of the highest praise; now it is different. Only the other day a young lady who had just returned from the lake had to admit that while it is nice, itis not by any means the nicest place in the country. She says all the while she was there, there was hardly a ripple on the lake, and the weather was frightfully Hot.

    A young man who returned from the place the other day said:"You don't know much about the customs at Maxinkuckee down here. When a young man goes there be must wear a dark-colored flannel shirt without any cravnt. The rest of his clothing must be plain and it is considered the thing to wear no coat, Style don't go among the boys. Let one of them attempt to wear a white shirt and the others will 'guy' him so bad that he will different with the ladies. They dress at the height of fashion upon all occasionsI tell you it makes a young man dressed in a flannel shirt and no coat, feel strange to go up to a finely Pressed lady and ask her to dance with. him. But the young man has the advantage as to comfort. 1 can assure you"

    Probably the fact of having to be slaves of dress, when one is on a pleasure visit, is What is getting the ladies "down on" Maxinkuckee and causing some of them to cut their visits short.

1881- Aug 18 -Joe Eyman and Dr. Price returned from Maxinkuckee last night, having made the trip overland after night. They report having an enjoyable time. They were guests of Giles Burrows and during their stay caught more than enough fish to supply the family of Mr. Burrows audfcis guests. Dr.Price caught the largest fish taken out of the lak,e this season. It was a bass andweighed six pounds. Logansporters, of whom tliere are a goodly number, are enjoying themselves hugely

1881 - Aug 19 - Kev. W. E. Loucks has purchased a lotat Maxinkuckee adjoining the land of G. W. Burrow. The ground is 80 x290 feet.

1881-Aug 23 -Will Brown aad Otto Kraus are talking of buildings neat and commodious cottage at Maxinkuckee

1881- Sep 2 - Charles Kauch and family are back from Maxinkuckee

1881- Nov 16 - George Forgy is back from Maxinkuckee lake. He reports that the fish commissioner failed to put in an appearance, although a large party had gathered to assist in distributing the carp