1882 Logansport Pharos Tribune Snippets

1882 - Jan 19 - George Forgy went to Lake Maxinkuckeethis afternoon to meet with the road commissioners
of; Marshall county, and cons ult as to changing the location of a road at the lake.
1882 - May 22 - "Maxinkuckee," says the Richmond Independent, "bids fair to be more pop ular
than ever this summer." Not if we know it, neighbor. There will have to be a few
more accommodations there of Maxinkuckee grows in pop ularity. Five in a bed and
fourth-rate grub don't suit Logansport people, however much it may tickle the
1882 - May 23 - Ben Mobley isn't out West roaming theprairie in search of Frank James. Instead
of turning himself into an infant armory,and loading himself down with "bad looking"
and "dangerous weapons," Ben simplyhas in his possession a fish-pole and line,and with them is sawing the water of lake
Maxinkuckee. We learn from a Presbyterian deacon who put in last Sunday in fishing at the lake, that the Maxinkuckee
fishing association has had Bea employed for some weeks in protecting the lake from
seiners. Ben is such a good watcher thathe saw the members of the association,
when they attempted to seine, and stoppedthem. This was so remarkable a performance
in the eyes of the association who had hired Mobley to watch everybody but themselves,
that they will probably bounce Ben and hire a man who will be stone blind whenever they drop a seine.
1882 - May 30 - G. W. Burrow and family left this morning for Lake Maxinkuckee for a week's
1882 - Jun 19 - Will Talbott left, Saturday, for a week's visit to Chicago, Michigan City and Lake
1882 - jun 22 George Foyrg has sold to Messrs. W. H.Johnson and M. Winfield a fifty foot front
on Lake Maxenkuckee. They will build a handsome cottage within the next few weeks.
1882 - Jun 26- George Forgy is at Lake Maxinkuckee, arranging take his family there to spend
the summer
Jul 8 - A party of Logansporters leave the first of next week for Lake Maxenkuckee to
avoid the sun's rays in the city for the time being, so to speak. The party will be
under command of Captain George Forgy
1882 - Jul 10 - For the benefit of persons desiring to visit Lake Maxinkuckee, the Wabash company
will sell round trip tickets from thiscity to Argos-for $1.50
1882 - Jul 19 - An additional number of families will soon embark for the classic shades of the
Maxenkuckee oaks to enjoy boating, fishing, bathing and numerous other sports
common to watering places, We have heard the following mentioned : E. S. Rice
and family, W. H. Johnson and family and S, T. McConnell and family.
1882 - Aug 2 - Mrs. Saran Tiptoe, Misses Dollie, Tillie and Bessie Tipcon, and John Tipton, Louis
Wise and Miss Bertha Wise are home from Maxenkuckee.
1882 - Aug 5 - Mr. Winfield, George Forgy and Frank Rice went to Maxinkuckee this afternoon
1882 - Aug.8 - Charley Wbite of the Pharo, now at Maxinkuckee, contributes a letter from the
Long Branch of Indiana- to this issue of Pharos
1882 - Aug.8 - A committee of Raper commandery Knights Temmplar, of Indianapolis, was at
Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday, selectinggrounds upon which to fo into camp.Judge
Heller, a member of the commitee, stated to a Logansporter that it was the intention to
invite St. John commandery, of this city to join the Indianapolis K T's in camp
1882 - Aug 11-S. T. McConnell," wife and daughter,Frank rice and Will Bowser returned
from Maxinkuckee, last night. Theweather has been so cold at the lake for
the past few days that people are leaving there in nuinbeis. Yesterday more than
thirty Indianapolis folks left for home.
1882 - AUg 12 - G. W. Burrow left to-day for Lake Maxenkuckee to be absent about two weeks.
1882 - AUg 12 - Charles J. White, of the PHAROS, and sister, Miss Kate White, returned from
Maxinkuckee last night
1882 - Aug 15 - Steve Hurd, of the Panhandle telegraphoffices, left this morning for Maxenkuckee
and other places of interest in the State. He will be gone about four days.
1882 - AUg 17 Charley Graves, of the Panhandle offices is at Maxinkuckee.
1882 - AUg 25 - The profits of Big View house at Lake Maxinkuckee, it is said, go to the bank account
of Robert's Park church, at Indianapolis
1882 - Aug 31 - In speaking of a number of accidents atLake Maxinkuckee, the Indianapolis Sentinel
says: -'A party of young men from Logansport, Rochester and other points
went, out in a boat and were upset in the water. They, had a rather serious time of
it before they reached the shore, and in all probability would have drowned had not the
Indianapois gentleman gone to their rescuein another boat."
1882 - 1882 Sep 1 - C. F. Rauch and family are home from a two weeks stay at Maxenkuckee.
1882 Sep 2 - The proprietor of the Oriole saloon at Maxenkuckee, who. sold whiskey to the
young men that drowned in the lake Tuesday last, has suddenly disappeared.
1882 - Sep 2 - Miss Clara Scott left Thursday for a short visit with friends at Maxinkuckee,