Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Pharos Tribune 1885 Snippets  

apr 11 New Yachts. yachts have been built at Lake Maxiukuckee, according to the following: tern, which is goine the rounds of thepress: "Morris has built two new yachts — one for Vajen, of Indianapolis, and one for the Peru folks. Vajen's yacht will have a patent center board and Is a modren, a beaunty. The Peru boat is a large one nearly equaling in size the Fleetwing. besides these, three or four Chicago built yachta will be introduced, which will make quite a fleet."

May 25 A book advertising Lake Maxinknckee as a watering place will soon be issued. It will be published In Terre Haute. The Express says: "Mr. C. C. Oakey goes to Lake Maxinkuckee tomorrow to arrange for illustrating and advertising the beautiful lake in the book soon to be issued. In addition to 8,000 of the books, 25,000 pamphlets containing the Maxlnkuckee views will be issued and distributed in all the stations on the Vandalla line. These 33,000 books will be a valuable advertising medium."

May 29 Mr. A, D. Toner, well known in this city, now of Kewanna, and also a land owner at Maxinkuckee, built an elevator last season and filled It with wheat at seventy cents per bushel. He lately sold 30,000 bushels at about $1 to Terre Haute millers.

Jun 3 George Kenney, of Indianapolis, Is In the city, and will remain until Saturday when he will be joined by a party of his friends from that city and proceed to Maxinkuckee for a season of pleasure

Jul 1 - Dr. Overholser and son are in attendance at the state dental association now being held at Lake Maxinkuckee

Jul 9 B. F. Lonthain and wife and Major McFadin went to Maxinkuckee this morning to attend the meeting of the Democratic editors.

JJul 13 The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers hava arranged to have addrasses delivered by the Hon George Barson of Winamac, and Rec. Swadene, formerly of this city on th eoccasion of their coming excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee

Jul 17 - The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen have arranged for a special train from Winamacon next Thursday morning, to bring all persons who desire to go on their excursion to Lake Maxinkuokee... Frank Beam and Charles Lang went to Winamac this afternoon to complete the arrangements for the Locomotive Firemen's excursion from that city tlie 23d of this month, in connection with their excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee on that day

Jul 22 - The new rink at Maxinkucbee opened up last night. The weather is just a little too hot for skating, oven at a watering resort, just now

Jul 24 Mrs. M. Michaels and son, Charlie, are at Lake Maxinkuckee, spending a few days at that ... Two excursionists at Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday became Involved In a scuffle just as the train was backing up to go home. In their scrambling about they fell across the railroad track and lay there gonglng each other while the train was approaching at a rapid rate. Friends gathered about the party and tried to separate them and p ull them off the track, but they failed in several attempts until the moving train was within ten feet, when a musc ular party jerked them bodily off the rails, saving them just by a second, of time... Mr. J. F. Martin and sister Nannie were among the excursionists to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday.

Jul 28 Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram, and George and Allie Kahlo, spent yesterday at Lake Maxinkuckee.... Governor Gray passed through the city yesterday afternoon on the Vandalia. He was on his return from Maxinkuckee to Indianapolis,

Jul 29 - George Cook and Chas. Carew are campIng out at Lake Maxinkuckee for a week... The cottagers at Lake Maxinkuckee, together with the visitors at the various club houses, held Grant memorial services at tne Bay View house Sunday. There were many present from Indianapolis Terre Hante, Lafayette, Logansport, Pern, Plymouth, and from St Louis, Cleveland and Toledo. Dr. Rondthaler made appropriate Scripture readings and a brief address. "The Battle Prayer" was sung Miss Anna Baggs, and "Over the Stars there is Best," by Mrs. H. C. Newcomb. Remarks were also made by Mr. McConnell, ot Loganspert, and Judge Effinger, of Peru

Aug 3 John Mertley Is back from three or four weeks at Lake Maxinkuckee

Aug 11 Mrs. Martin J. Bugh and Miss Kate Young have returned from a week's visit to Lake Maxinkuckee

AUg 12 Frequenters at Maxinkuckee claim that the throng at tbe lake Is not near so large as last year.

AUg 17 - The following persons returned from the lake to-day: Kenny Landis, Bona Booth, Will Randall, H. J. McSheehy, Mosses Fannie and Lizzie Place, Miss Dora Speck, Will Craig, Waiter Boseathal, Harry Purcell, Charley Purcell, W. W . Pircell and wife, Thad Planck and Will Place

Aug 21 A l ull account of the Terre Haute season caused by President McKeen's daughter eloping with her father's horseman, is given in our telegraph columns. Many persons in this city remembsr Miss McKeen, having met her at Lake Maxinkuckee...

AUg 28 Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram, and George and Allie Kahlo, spent yesterd&y at Lake Maxinkuckee

Sep 2 Mr. W, H. Solder and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Coffman and daughter, Miss Bessie Coffman, of Richmond, came down from Lake Maxinkuckee this afternoon

Sep 5 An inquisitive wretch reports that 32 engagements were made at Lake Maxinkuckee this season, In ten cases the question was "popped" while the lovers were sitting on tbe bench; sixteen, rowing on the lake; four, on hotel porches, and in two by letter. More marriagea ble girls are expected at the watering places next year... Emil Kellar has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, and will take charge of the skating snrface at the Broadway rink David Bryer will have the skate room In charge.... The season at Maxinkuckee is about over, many of the cottagers saving returned to their homes, and the crowds at the hotels baving greatly fallen off. It is acknowledged that the lake has not been so pop ular this season as last

Sep 30 - Miss Rosanna Busarth, of Maxinkuckee, who has been visiting Miss Lizzie Grusenmeyer on tne Southside, returned to her home today.

Oct 2 Nearly all Logansport people have gathered in from Lake Maxinkuckee

Nov 18 David Shake.-1, a welk-kuown young man dt Plymouth, is charged with calling on Miss Ammada Louden last Thursday evening at her home, near Like Maxinkuckee and giving her a drug in a glass of wine for evil intent. She was taken violently ill in short time, and her case is very critical. Shakes will be held until further developments