Logansport Pharos Tribune 1886 Snippets
Jan 1 They have a new Democratic posimaster at Maxinkuckee
Feb 19 Dr. Link, of Terre Haute, his just returned to that city from Laike Maxinkuckee
where he spent several days fishing. He reports that the lake is covered with ice,
which holes are cut and a line dropped through. When the wind blows from the
south large strings of bass are caught There are quite a number fishing there, and
25 or 30 pounds of bass is considered not much of a catch
APR 2 Conduc[tor] Knapp, of the Vandalia, will remove to Lake Maxinkuckee, where he
wiil go into the hotel business and not to Crawfordsville, as stated in yesterday's
Apr 8 Extensive preparations an being made at Maxinkuckee for tbe summer season. It is
higly probable that this pop ular resort will be crowded with tourists this year, and the
Vandalia people are looking forward to a heavy business.
May 8 The northern Indiana editors are anticipating a remarkably good time at their annual
reunion at Maxinkuckee nexc July.... Mrs. A. J. Knapp (Topsy), wife of Conductor
Koapp, of the Vandalia, has gone to Maxinkuckee Lake to take charge of tbeir
hotel there for the summer season.
May 8 - Excursion to Maxinkuckee - The order of Railroad Conductors of Logansport
will give the first excursion of the season to Lake Maxinkuckee on Wednasday,
May 20th. A committee is now engaged in selling tickets, aud those who purcbase'now
will avoid the rush on the day of the excursion. Two steamers and between
thirty and forty boats have been engaged for the oscasion. Swings will be
erected in the beautiful grove opposite the depot. The other attractions will be are
banque, base bill and glass ball shooting. Big Six band will furnish the music.
May 10 The Vandalia folks will send twenty coaches here to accommodate tne crowd
who desire to attend the .Railroad Conductors picnic at Lake Maxinkuckee on the 20th....
The Vandalia has made tourists rates to Maxinkuckee and return. They will be
very reasonable this year, and almost everybody can take in the Hoosier watering
place. A few cottagers are having their places put in order, in a few weeks the
palace will present a lively appearance
May 13 - A carpenter whose name could not be learned, was seriously injured at Lake
Maxinkuckee one day tbis week, while working on a cottage now being erected at
that place by Charley Green, of this city.
May 25 Mrs. Anna Baggs, who has been visiting at the residence of S. T. McConnell for
several days, left last evening for Lake Maxinkuckee
May 26 John Hanley, of Terre Haute, has secured the sole privilege of Greeting tents
on the Vandalia's grounds at Maxinkuckee. Mr. Henley will go into the business on an
extensive scale, and will have quite a number of fine tents to erect.
Jun 9 The next picnic, of importance will be the one at Lake Maxeakuckce June 23d,
under the management of the locomotive engineers of Logansport. The fare for
the ad ults for the round, trip has been placed at 90 cents and no pains will be
spared to make the affair a grand success in all respects.
jun 8 - 1886 Jun 8 - Tarre Haute Express: "Last year there was considerable talk about a
hotel to be built at Lake Maxinkuckee by Terre Haute capital, but the season was to far
advanced to do anvthing in that direction before the matter took definite shape. This spring
the matter was talked over again, but sufficient money was not subscribed to erect
the kind of structure the projectors desired. Some very liberal subscriptions have, been
made, however, and it is not likely that the enterprise will f ull through
[could this be the start of the Colonnade owned by A Hertz of Terre Haute?]
Jun 9 The passenger department of the Vandalia has secured Hanlon and Tesmer, the
great oarsmen, and Paul Boyton, the great diver and swimmer, for the last week in
July for an exhibition of their wonderf ul skill at Lake Maxinknckee. Boyton's great
feat is a mock explosion of a ship out in the water. Hanlon and Tesmer will race
every day during the week, which will be a great attraction for people in this vicinity.
Low railroad rates will be given, and a large crowd is expected. The Vandalia officials
are constantly working in thr interest of the traveling public, and the Lake
Maxinkuckee travel will receive a great deal of attention this season
Jun 10 Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalia road, is a conducting one of the best hotels at Lake
Maxenkuekee. Mr. Knapp has many friendsin Logansport who will patronze
him at the lake... Forty tickets were sold at the Vanalia depot this morning for Lake Maxinkuckee
Jun 10 Gone to Maxinkuckee. - The city is remarkably free from doctors
today, a great number of them having gone to Maxinkuckee. The Logansport medical
and surgical society, of which Dr. G. N. Fitch is president, settled on this date as
the time of holding their reg ular annual banquet, and Maxinkuckee the place. The
members of the society, together with their wives and a few friends, boarded the 10:45
Vandalia train this forenoon, and were landed at the lake at about the hour of
twelve. This afternoon the banquet was spread on the tables set in the rink building
at which there were toasts, response; and general good cheer, Afterward the party
enjoyed a ride on the lake and other points. They will return this evening shortly after
seven o'clock. Following is a list of those who attended:
Drs. G. N. Fitch, J. W. Justice and wife, J. W. Talbott and wife; A. Coleman and
wife, J. M.Thomas and wife John H.Talbot J.A.Herman and daughter, J. E.Sterritt and
wife, F. A. Busjahn and wife, N. W. Gadv, J. M. Blair, J. W. Ballard and wife. H. D.
Skinner and brother;
Twelve Mile: Drs. Higgens and Helms; Peru: A. B. Jones andR. M. Dalzell, Reynolds;
William Spencer;
Monticello: J. H. Louder aad wife,
Burrows: C. E. Shaw;
Camden: Judge H. P. Biddle, Judge M. Winfield and wife, Misses Abbie and Nellie Fitch
and Bessie Tipton, Mrs. Cannon;
Indianapolis: Dr. Armstrong,
Camden: Dr. J. W. Stuart;
Rockville: A. J. Robinson and wife, Mr. Porcell and wife, W. H. Bringhurst and wife, Mrs.
William Daverell, D. 0. Justice and wife; H. J, McSheehy and wife. Prosecuting Attorney
Fansler, H. H. DeWolf, Ben Fisher and Newt Jackson.
jun 12 Maxinkuckee Items. - Mr, Oglesbee, of Plymouth, is making some valuable
improvements on his cottage at Lake View... The frame of Mr. Culver 's cottage is up,
and eight men are pushing the work rapidly... Mr. W. W. Hill, of Lake View is sinking a
flowing well which will pvobably be completed tomorrow.. Mr. Marmon and family, of
Indianapolis, are at their elegant summer residence on the east side for the summer...
The railroad restaurant is being converted into hotel to be called the "Ohmer Hotel,"
It will contain 25 rooms... One of St. Louis's celebrated baseball clubs will arrive at the
lake shortly and remain six weeks... E. R. Wheeler, of Plymouth, has made an addition
and other valuable improvements to his cottage on tae east side. He has also just
purchased a fine family Racine boat— the finest on the lake.... Mr. Palmer, of the Palmer
house, has the finest flowing well on the lake. It flows a stream four inches in diameter,
and boils up above the surface oŁ the lake a distance of twelve feet. No lake anywhere
has such a fine flowing wells as Maxinkuckee. Water was struck at 48 feet
Jun 17 The Locomotive Enginers of the citywill picnic at Lake MaxInKuckee next
Wednesday. The train will leave the Vandalia depot at 8 o'clock sharp. Fare for
the round trip 90 cents. Everybody is invited to attend.
Jun 19 The Vandalia company will furnish twenty-five coaches for the Locomotive
Enginers excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee next Wednesday.
Jun 22 Go with the Locomotive engineers to Lake Maxinkuckee tomorrow. The train
leavig the Vandalis depot at eight o'clock sbarp. Fare for the round trip, 90 cents
Jun 25 Tbe distance from Logansport to Lake MaxinkUCkee is so short and the time made
so quick that there will be many excursions run from here to that place during tne summer.
Next week the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern road will turn over an excursion
to the Vandslia at South Bend. The fame of beautiful Maxinkuckee is spread far and wide
Jun 30 Mrs. J. D, Ferguson and Miss Pa ulina Jensen, who have been spending a week at
Lake Maxinkuckee, have returned home
Jul 1 Mrs. Loser and Miss Vestier took in the excursion at Maxinkuckee.
Jul 8 Those who take advantage of the low rates and good time promised K the G.A.R.
picnic at Maxinkuckee will be pleased with the day they spend at tbe lake
Jul 9 The northern Indiaia editorial association in sesslon at Maxinkuckee yesterday,
is composed of the newspaper Editors of both political parties in the northern
half of the State. Last night a reception and hop was given at the Plymouth
clubhouse in honor of the association. People from all parts of the State were in
Jul 14 - Remember that 90 cents takes you to lake Maxinkuckee and return tomorrow morning
Jul 15 - Miss Nellie Montfort is back from Lake Maxinkuckee, where she has been visiting
Mrs. William Wilson... The excursion to Maxinkuckee today was the fourth one that has been run from
Longansport to that place this season.
Jul 16 Judge Go uld, of Delphi, is enjoying his summer vacation at Maxinkuckee... Mrs. H. H. Culver ,
of St. Louis, who has been occupying her handsome cottage at Maxlnkuckee for several weeks, was in
the city today, a guest at the Johnston house, She left for Richmond where she will visit friends a faw
days before returning to the lake.
Jul 17 H. H. Culver has cleared up a nice grove on his grounds at Maxinkuckee, which he
preposes to allow all Sunday schools, otber societles, or excursion picnic parties to have
the use of free of charge, by applying to him. The grove contains a nice spring and
Mr. Culver spent over $300 in putting the rounds in nice condition for the public. He
is one of the most public spirited men in the country and deserves much praise for
what he has done to make Maxinkuckee a plesant place for picnic parties
Jun 21 Will Brown and Charlay Green spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee'
Jul 29 Mrs. H. J. McSheehy has returned from Maxinkuckee.
Jul 2 Mrs. Sol Wise and children left today for Maxinkuckee, where they will remain a
Jul 22 Misses Kate and Frank Landis have gone to Maxinkuckee 10 remain a week.
Aug 16 Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Miss Mattie Truitt of Philadelphia, Mrs. E.
Maurer and Mrs. Alex Densmore, spent Sunday at Maxinkuckee
aUG 20 Arrangements are being made for holding a fair at Maxinkuckee on October 7th,
8th and 9th, which will be conducted as heretofore by the Maxinkuckee agric ultural
association. The success attendant on former years and the increased Interest displayed
this year, togother with the fact that It will probably be the only fair held this
fall in Marshall county, will tend to make It more successful than, ever before.
Oct 15 Several Logansport families are still at Maxinkuckee and have made arrangements
to remain there until the diptheria entirely disappears from the city