Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Pharos Tribune 1887 Snippets  

Apr 15 The next important chess tournament will be held at Lake Maxinkuckee in May

Apr 20 The Arlington hotel at Maxinkuckee is ready for guests April 20th. Mr. Knapp has secured one of the best cooks in the State

May 3 William Moler, a Vandalia brakeman, had his right arm badly mashed this morning while coupling ears at Marmont. Moler commenced working for the Vandalia company yesterday and it was his first trip over the road. He is a young man, unmarried and his home is in this city. He is now uuder the care of Dr. J. B. sh ultz

May 9 There is talk of a grand encampment of the uniform rank, Knights of Pythias, to be held al; Lake Maxinkuckee the latter part of August, to be participated in by the divisions of Michigan City, Niles, South Bend, Warsaw, Rochester, and possibly Logansport, Peru, Columbia City, Elkhart and Goshen. The matter will be fnlly determined upon within ten days

May 14 Logansport people will hardly go to Maxinkuckee as much as formerly, since the Vandalia insists on charging so much for. railroad fare. The fare was once about half what it now is

jun 3 The Vaudalia officials have made application to the fish commissioner at Washington for a sufficient supply of fish to stock Lake Maxinkuckee

Jun 17 Among tbe Logansport people who havr cottages at Maxinkuckee and In tend to spend the coming heated term up there: are-
    Mr, and Mrs. Will Wilson.
    Mr and Mrs. E. S. Rice,
    Mr and Mrs. S. A. Vaughn,
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green,
    Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Purcell,
    Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McSheehy,
    Mr. and Mrs. J. W Burrow,
    Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Murdock,
    Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts and
    Mr. and Mrs. George Forgy.

Jun 17 The Vandalia company is making important improvements at Maxinkuckee. The depot will be enlarged.

Jun 17 Maxinkuckee As a Summer Resort
    "Who 'writ' the piece that appeared in the "Pharos a few days ago in reference lo Maxinkuckee having lost its pop ularity as a summer resort?" said Sid Vaughn to the reporter last evening.

    "The author of that item," continued Mr. Vaughn, "certainly received his information from a bad source.

    Maxinkuckee is the boss place of the west and as such will be visited by a large number of persons this year. All the cottages on the east side of the lake will he occupied and several more will be erected this summer.

    The first season I passed at Maxinknckee I became thoroughly disgusted with the place and would have sold my pleasant little home up there at a price much lower than it cost me. I wanted to get back to Logansport and was glad when cool weather arrived.

    That was several years ago. I returned to the lake the following season and the longer I remained there the better I liked the place.

    There is not a more delightf ul spot in the State for an overworked lumber merchant or a newspaper representative to enjoy undisturbed rest and at the same time improve his health. I go to Maxinkuckee every Saturday evening and remain there over Sunday. I am all played out after a week's labor and worry over business affairs but after the gentle western breezes that travel over the lake fan my f evered brow a short time I feel better and stronger, my blood begins to circ ulate, and when I return home on Monday morning I am in a splendid condition to put on the gloves with John L. S ullivan.

    Please correct that statement about Maxinkuckee being unpop ular

Jun 25 The Maxinkuckee Excursion. We are glad lo know that the greatest interest is being taken in the excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee by the young folks. Everywhere, so a prominent citizen told us, do we hear of special preparations being made by by small parties of four or six young people, who are getting ready their baskets for their own little circle, and who intend getting all the fun and pleasure that is to be obtained at a summer excursion. We are glad to bear this, for pretty .young ladies and gentlemen are always an attraction where there is a gathering of people. The excursion which comes off next Wednesday, June 29th, is gotten up by the Baptist and Episcopal churches of this city. This fact is enough to secure it a complete success, and then the attractions at Maxinkuckee are greater than ever before. The beautiful grove, the boating on the water, the clear, cool, flowing natural spriugs, the shady walks,, the fine expanse of blue water and cool breezes, all make Maxinkuckee pec uliarly favored.

Jun 28 The excursion train for Maxinkuckee will leave the Vandalia depot at eight o'clock, Fare for the round trip, one dollar.

Jun 29 The excursion to Maxinkuckee was poorly patronized. The train had only two hundred passengers on board. The Baptist and Trinity church people will not realize a very large sum from their venture after paying. all expensie The Vandalia company will get the lion's share of the -receipts

Jul 2 Mrs. E. Maurer went to Maxinkuckee this moruing to spend Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. H. J. McSheehy.... The Episcopal and Baptist churches have come to the conclusion that it don't pay to get up excursions. On the occasion of their recent trip to Maxinkuckee they a vertised the affair, got up the crowd, and managed matters generally. The total receipts footed up $170. The Vandalia railroad company generously gave the church people $20 of this amount and kept the remaining $150

Jul 5 Drs. Overholser & Son, B, T. Manlove, D. E. Dalzel and H. C, Cushman have returned from Maxinkuckee where they were in attendance at the meeting of the State drntal association. These gentlemen report a most inteceting and instructive session. The attendance was the largest of any yet held

Jul 13 The Democratic editorial association of Indiana will meet at Lake Maxinkuckee on July 20th to 23d. Among the papers to be read is one on the subject of "Civil Service Reform" by B. F. Louthain, of the Pharos.

Jul 18 The fourth annual class tournament at the Indiana chess assocition will be held at Lake Maxinkuckee, beginning Aug. 2nd and continuing until the 5th. There will be no contest for the State championship as arrangments were made at the last annual meeting abolishing that feature. All who desire to play must so decide by 8 o'clock of the opening day.

Jul 20 Messrs. Oscar and Howard Henderson, editors of the Kokomo Dispatch, are at the Murdock. They are on their way to the meeting of Democratic editors at Maxinkuckee.

Jul 23 - The Maxinkukcee Meeting
    The Democratic editors of Indiana held at Lake Maxinkuckee this week, the most enjoyable meeting since the one at Michigan city in 1881. The attendance was large, seventy-five representatives of the Democratic press being present. The business meetings of the association were held at Ohmer's rink and the Ohmer House was made headquarters for members of the press.

    The summer meetings of the association are designed for recreation and pleasure, and Lake Maxinkuckee, with its many natural charms, has proven a desirable place to hold them. J. M. Chesbrough, assistant general passenger agent of the Vandalia, and John Egan, general passenger agent of the "Big Four," very kindly furnished the members -with transportation over their respective lines.

    The meeting had no political significance further than in a general interchange of views from which was found that the administration is steadily growing in public favor throughout the State. Scott Ray's paper attacking the administration was generally condemned, while those of Col. Maynard, Col. I. B. McDonald and B. F. Louthain were generally commanded. The next meeting of the association will be held at Indianapolis in January

Jul 30 Mrs. Thomas Magee, of the Eastend is spending a few weeks at Maxinkuckee

AUg 6 The Knights of Pythias are encamped in Mayer's grove at Maxinkuckee... The Vandalia road will run au excursion from South Bend to Maxinkuckee to-morrow. Several coaches were taken to that city to-day for that purpose

AUg 6 The Place for Health. "Maxinkuckee is undoubtedly the place for people1 to recuperate their health," said a gentleman to the Pharos man to-day, "and I would advise those who are afflicted with wasting diseases to spend the summer months at the lake. Half the advantage gained by a trip for one's health is due to tbe change of life, scene and habits, and, all the rot about the Hot Springs and Mount Clemens being; so valuable is very tiresome when reviewed from a point of practical experience. I think that if a few who imagine themselves the victims of consumption would go up there and get a good boat and row across the lake night and morning, their tuberc uloses bacillus, would curl up their tails if they have any, and just give up the ghost. Why you can simply burst every button off your vest by the involuntary expansion which your lungs make when you are on the lake. I shed buttons while I was there and swelled all out of shape."

Aug 3 The Uniform rank, Knights of Pythias will go to Maxinkuckee to-morrow morning to remain four days... Persons desiring to go to Maxinkuckee to-morrow with the Knights of Pythias can secure round trip tickets for one dollar, good until next Monday. Train leaves at 10:40 a. m

Aug 4 Dr. B. C. Stevens, J. D. Johnston and Councilman Shaefer are at Maxinkuckee

Aug 5 Dr. B. C. Stevens returned this morning from Maxinkuckee. He informed a Pharos representative to-day that the Logansport division of Uniformed Knights was the best drilled of any division present, and contained the handsomest looking body of men. Charley Woll. the sargent major, is holding his own with the other fellows who wear shoulder straps. Charley's sore eye bothers him to a great extent, but he keeps up with the procession all the same.

Aug 6 A large party of Logansporters will go o Maxinkuckee to-night to spend Sunday with the Uniformed Knights of Pythias

Aug 8 The Uniform Knights of Pythias claim to have had an enjoyable encampment at Maxinkuckee.

Aug 19 Mr, Harry Adams, a prominent citizen of Indianapolis, was in the city a few hours this morning'. He left later in the day for Maxinkuckee, where he will remain a short time. Mr, Adams has a handsome cottage at the lake.

Aug 20 Mrs. Charles Watts and two young daughters have gone lo Maxinkuckee to remain during the summer months

Aug 26 Terre Haute Gazette: "Prof. Co ulter will remove his effects to Logansport as soon as his wife and baby are better. They were both taken sick at Lake Maxinkuckee this summer

Sep 3 Miss Hannah Booley, of the Westside, has returned from a two months stay at Lake Maxinkuckee.

Oct 1 - The Maxinkuckee Monitor, which has been published at Marmont the past three months, has been discontinued The editor announced that he may return in the spring and resume publication.

Oct 17 Mrs. S. A. Vaughn and children have returned from Maxinkuckee

Nov 1 Dr. J. W. Talbott is not in the leasi discouraged over his recent bad luck as a fisherman. He thinks that if he had no been accompanied by John Lux and Jim McSheehy the res ult would have been different, and he would have returned from Maxinkucke with a car load of fine fish.

Dec 17 Lake Maxinkuckee is not yet frozen over. The weather there has been quit cold for some time past but the wind have been so high that the lake has been unusually rough. Hunting on the lake is reported fine. Duck are mere numerous than ever this year and rabbits and squirrels are also quite plentif ul.