Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Pharos Tribune 1888 Snippets  

Jan 26 Major McFadin and Arthur Holipeter left to-day for Maxinkuckee where they will remain until Saturday. They took their fishing outfit with them and will fish through the ice for everything that bites at their hooks. They will also look, for a ground hog to watch on February 2nd, (ground hog day.)

Apr 28 Swift Wright received a letter to-day from Mr. Fred Baggs, of Indianapolis, in which he states that the fish commissioner at Washington had placed his application on file for one thousand yearling trout for Lake Maxinkuckee they would be sent out in the general distribution next fall.

May 5 Several Logansport gentlemen, who have both time and money at their command, are preparing to build cottages at Lake Maxinkuckee this year.

May 11 Captain Morris, of Maxinkuckee, predicts a good season at the lake this year. He states that arrangements have been made for the erection of a large number of handsome cottages

Jun 1 Why don't some enterprising individual arrange for an excursion to Maxinkuckee? The young men who have girls are just spoiling to enjoy a day m the woods, where they will not be tormented by the sight of an ice-cream or lemonade stand

Jun 2 J. B. Toole and H. J. McSheehy went to Maxinkuckee to-day to fish.

Jun 9 The Palmer house at Maxinkuckee has heen open several weeks, and, notwithstanding the cool weather, has entertained several parties from Chicago, Indianapolis and other cities. It takes more than cold weather to down a summer resort.

Jun 23 The first, excursion to Maxinkuckee this season put in an appearance last Wednesday from Huntington and vicinity. it was managed by railrOad employes

Jun 26 Mrs. Young, of Ottowa street, has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, where she was called on account of the serious illness of her sister.

Jun 29 At Lake Maxinkuckee. Terre Haute Express: "The season is now open at Lake Maxinkuckee, and from this on there will be lively times at at this summer resort. The hotels and places of amusement are opening, and gradually the owners of cottages are arriving to spend the summer vacation months. Mr. Joseph Strong aud family, of this city; Mr. Vajen aud family, of Indianapolis; Mr. Wilson and family, of Logansport, and several others have already opened their cottages .

Jul 6 The family of G. W. Burrow left today for Maxinkuckee, to occupy their cottage for the summer

Jul 10 A lively Place. The Terre Haute Express states that Lake Maxinkuckee will be a lively place This week, as many visitors are now there and the run of amusements is just opening. The Crawfordsville orchestra went up yesterday, and last night serenaded a11 the cottages around the lake. Arrangements have been made for two dances in Ohmer's hall for the week, and more will follow. The weather is very cool and pleasant, and the nights are so cool as to necessitate sleeping under a blanket.... The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen will giye an excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee on Saturday, July 28th.

Jul 14 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Parvin left today for Maxinkuckee, where they wil remain a couple of weeks.

Jul 18 The following persons will start tonight for Lake Maxinkuckee: Will Jaques and family, Frank Richason and family and Mrs. Dr. Stevens and daughter. The party will camp out for about ten days at the lake.

Jul 17 1 Maxinkuckee Mosquitos. A Logansport gentleman who returned this morning from Lake Maxinkuckee, states that the mosquitosa up there are less rapacious than in former seasons. They have grown less venomous and more indolent, and it is said that any one can now put the tip of his thumb on one of them without much effort. Their sting hardly hurts a victim. Our informant, in order to prove his assertions, brought back with him a large, lazy mosquito which he carried around on the back of his neck. As he threw it on the ground he remarked "I rather like its sting, for I find that it acts as a sort of counter irritant to malaria and the bites of horsp flies"

Jul 19 An excursion train of seven cars arrived at Maxinkuckee yesterday from Huntington

Jul 20 A large number of prominent people of Peru went to Maxinkuckee yesterday, where they will remain during the heated term... Saturday. July 28th, is the date of the Brotherhood Firemen's excursion to Maxinkuckee. This will be an excellent chance to visit the lake... The cottages on the east and north sides of Lake Maxinkuckee are all filled for the summer.

Jul 21 Mr. and Mrs. S. T. McConnell went to Maxinkuckee this morning to remain over Sunday

Jul 23 - Mrs. S. R. Holt, of Indianapolis, who has been visiting friends in this city the past week, went to Maxinkuckee this morning.

Jul 24 Only ninety cents to Maxinkuckee next Saturday. The excursion promises to be a big one. The managers are leaking every arrangement for the convenience of the crowd... Frank Kistler, John Co ulson and Seth Velsey went to Maxinkuckee this morning to visit the "Roasting Club," the members of whom are stopping with Mrs. Sam Patterson at the Murdock cottage

Jul 26 A large number of persons will go with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen to Maxinkuckee next Saturday... Supt. J. C. Black and wife have relturned from Maxinkuckee, where they spent three weeks in camping out on the Culver place.... Madames D. D. Dykeman, J. C. Nelson, M. Winfield, H. Torr, W. II. Bell and Miss Goodwin fire at Maxinkuckee, visiting at the Snyder, Wilson and Rice cottages ... Fort Wayne Sentinel: "The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen of the northern part of the State will have ag rand picnic at Lake Maxinkuckee on Saturday of this week. A number ol members of the Fort Wayne lodge will be in attendance... People who visit Lake Maxinkuckee should remember that the rate for boats is 25 cents per hour or 75 cents per day. If they are charged more than that a kindness will be rendered by reporting the overcharge to the Vandalia general passenger agent... Sam Frank, Charles Seigmund and Will Emsley went to Maxinkuckee today, where they will remain the balance of the week

Jul 27 Indianapolis News: "The Roasting club' of Logansporr, composed of six young ladies, has a cottage at Maxinkuckee. A chaperone is along to subdue the the maidens." ...The B. of L. F. have arranged for balloon ascension at Maxinkuckee, to morrow by Prof. Casad, of Chicago There will also be music, dancing and boat riding. Fort Wayne lodge No. 141 will attend in a body. Baskets left a the Fifteenth street engine house will be taken free to the depot to-morrow morning

Jul 28 The Excursion. The first excursion of the season from Logansport to Maxinkuckee was run to day by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, As early as seven o'clock this morning a large number of persons were aecn going to the Vandalia depot with well filled baskets, and by eight o'clock fully 800 people were waiting for the train to start for the lake. In the crowd of pleasure seekers were noticed a number of persons from, different points on the Panhandle road. Marion was well represented, and also every town between here and the State Line. The Big Six band arrived at the depot shortly before the departure of the train, and the excellent music discoursed put everybody in a good humor. Promptly at 8 o'clock the train p ulled out for its destination in charge of Conductor Charles McKeen, with Engineer Henry Stress at the throttle of engine No. 103. Twelve coaches were comfortably filled, and it was estimated that there were at the least calc ulation one thousand people on board. Eight hundred tickets had been sold in advance, while a number of persons paid their fare between here and the lake. Th« crowd was orderly and well dressed, and as is usually the case on. such occasion, the ladies greatly out-numbered the gentlemen. There were several . hundred small children on the train, aud the youngsters appeared in high glee over the prospects of enjoying the day away from, the heat and dust of the city. The excursion was the best patronized of any that has yet been run from Logaasport to Maxinkuckee, and it was managed in a manner that reflects credit on the railroad boys and their friends. The excursionists will return at seven o'clock this evening

Jul 28 Mr. James Jackson the efficient township trustee, left his office to-day in charge of his daughter, Mrs. John Wagner, while he took in the excursion to Maxinkuckee

Jul 30 The Jaques-Richason camping out party has returned from Maxinkuckee

Jul 31 Little John Brown spent a portion of ast week at Maxinkuckee for the benefit of his health... The following parties from this vicinty spent last Saturday at Maxinkuckee Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Freshour, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jackson, Mrs. Mollie Honjes, Mrs. Anna Rector, Miss Jennie Freshour, Trustee John "Watts, John Carey, Thos. Backus, "Win. "Winn and others

Aug 6 Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McSheehy were compelled to close their cottage at Maxinkuckee Saturday evening and return to the city on account of the illness of their two children

Aug 7 The Vandalia company is anxious that Lake Maxinkuckee should remain pop ular with the people who go away from home to spend the heated term. The travel to the lake has proved a great financial aid to the company... The Vandaila Line Will sell on Saturday, August llth. 18th and 25th 1888. from all stations on its Logansport division, round trip tickets to the beautiful Lake Maxinkuckee at very low rates. Tickets good to return nine days from date of sale. Enquire of nearest, agent of the Vandalia Line for f ull partic ulars... A large number of leading citizens oi Terre Haute passed through the city last night on their way to Maxinkuckee

Sep 7 The season at Maxinkuckee is about at an end. fully one-half the cottages are closed and the remainder will soon follow in the wake. It has been a pleasant summer at the lake... Mrs. R. C. Taylor and Mrs. Martin Frank left this merning for Lake Maxinkuckee, to visit Mrs. L. C. Purcell for a few days... Peru Sentinel: "Some Loganaport parties are talking of building a fine hotel on 'Sea Beach Place' Lake Maxincuckee. It would be a needed improvement and prove a paying investment

oct 13 Captain Morris, of Maxinkuckee, well known in this city has returned from a trip to St Louis and several points in kentucky

Nov 3 Expert fishermen are having splendid luck catching black baw, wall-eyed pike and other fish at Lake Maxinkuckee