Lake Maxinkuckee Its Intrigue History & Genealogy Culver, Marshall, Indiana

Logansport Pharos Tribune 1891 Snippets  

May 1 Mrs. A. J. Knapp ia seriously ill at her summer residence at Lake Maxinkuckee May 5 The passenger department of the Vandalia is laboring with Wm. K. McKeen, president, to induce him to permit the running of excursion trains on Sunday, which he has declined to do ever since he has been president of the Vaud ulm. What the passenger department most wishes to do is to run excursions toLake Maxinkuckee on Sunday tbe same as other days, so that people who cannot visit that pop ular pleasure resort on week days can do so on Sundays

May 8 Notice. From the first of day until the first of October the Vandalia line will have OD sale their usual variety of commutation tickets to the pop ular summer resort Lake Maxinkuckee. For partic ulars call on or address J. C. Edegeworth, Agent.

May 11 Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Purcell and Mrs. William Deverill are spending a few days at Maxinkuckee... John W. Barnes and Georgi K. Ross are at Maxenkuckee endeavoring to supply their families with fresh bass. If the fishing is good they will be gone two days... Chris Jeannerette brought home a nice tring of fish from Maxenkuckee this morning

may 13 George E. Boss and John W. Barnes returned from Maxinkuckee this afternoon. In two days they caught 26 fine large fish, the best catch of the season at the lake.

May 14 A train load ot Purdue university students will pass through Ihe city Saturday morning en route to Maxinkuckee

May 16 - John Flanagm and H. J. MeSheey are at Maxinkuckee on a fishing expedition... S. E. M ulholhind went to Maxinkuckee yesterday to remain over Sunday

May 22 THE DEMOCRATIC EDITORS. They will Meet at lake Maxinkuckee Next Month-The Programme.
The executive committee of the Indiana Democratic editorial association met at the Hendricks club Rooms, Indianapolis, Wednesday afternoon, to fix the date and arrange a programme for the annual summer meeting of the association.

Lake Maxinkuckee was selected in January by the association as the place for holding the meeting. The dates fixed by the executive committee are Thursday. Friday and Saturday, June 25th, 20th and 27th. The sessions will be held at the new Colonnade hotel.

Tbe fermal[formal] proceeding will lake place on the afternoon of June 25th, when an address.will be made by the Hon. F. A. Arnold, of the Greencastle Star-Press, president of the association, and papers will be read by Dr.W.D.U. Hunter of the Lawrenceburg Register, tbe Hon. J. W. French, of the Lafayette Journal, and S. E. Morss of the Indianapolis Sentinel. The topicswill be announced hereafter.

On Friday June 26 the editorial party will visit Michigan City and inspect the penitentiary They will go at the invitation of Editor French, warden of tbe prison, and while at Michigan City will be the guests of that gentleman. An excursisn on Lake Michigan will be a feature of the day.

On Saturday evening, the 27th there will be a ball at Lake Maxinkuckee

May 26 Mr. and Mrs. H.J. McSheehy and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Fansier returned from Maxinkuckee this morning.

May 28 Judge Winfield and wife, George Johnson and wife, of New York City and Miss Dottie Johnson are fishing a Maxinkuckee... The Logansport people who went to Maxinkuckee yesterday on a fishing ex ursion, returned this afternoon with a fair number of the finny tribe. Miss Genevieve Doherty, sister ot Mrs. S. P. Sheerin, carried off the honors, having landed a five pound bass.

jun 9 From the first of May until the first of October the Vandalia line will have on sale their usual variety of commutation ltickets to the pop ular summer resort Lake Maxinkuckee. For partic ulars call on or address J. C. EDEGEWORTH, Agent.

Jun 26 Mr. and Mrs. Jehu Elliott and daughters returned from Maxenkuckee this morning.

Jul 2 The Medical Association. INDIANAPOLIS, July 2.—The Indiana Medical association adjourned yesterday after electing the following officers: President, E. J. Church, LaPorte; vice president, R. W. Vanvalzah, Terre Haute; secretary, E. J. Hunt, Indianapolis; teasur°r, Merritt "Wells, Indianapolis. The association -will meet at Lake Maxinkuckee

Jul 4 W. H. Brown, tbe shoe dealer, went to Maxinkuckee this afternoon to spent Sunday with his family

Jul 6 City Clerk Taggart and family Sundayed at Maxenkuckee

Jul 8 Tbe C. K. of A. of Terre Haute will run an excursion to Maxenkuckee July 22d for the benefit of St. Joseph parochial school.

Jun 12 N. B. Barron und brother-in-law John Baily went to Maxinkuckee at 10:43 and will be back this evening

Jun 12 With the taking effect of the new time table on the Vandalia Sunday next, people can leave Logansport for Lake Maxinkuckee on the fast train Sunday afternoon at 4.14 p. m. and return Monday morning arriving at Logasnsport at 7:40 a. m. or can go to the Lake Saturday evening at 4:14 or 8:40 p. m. and return arriving at Logansport at 6:20 p.m. Sunday. This will be very nice for our Logansport people, trip $1.Fare for the round

Jun 13 So beautiful is Maxenkuckee Lake that it has been called lhe"Minnehaha of Indiana."

Jun 15 The meeting of Democratic editors to be held at Lake Maxenkuckee next week promises to be the largest gathering of newspaper men ever held in Indiana, it will partake somewhat of a political gathering. Senators Voorhees and Turpie, all Democratic representatives in congress, ex-Senator McDonald, ex Governor Gray, the Democratic state officers. State Chairman Jewett, Speaker Niblack and other distinguished Democrats at home and abroad have been invjted to be present.

Jul 6 Sunday Excursion to Maxinkuckee Beginning Sunday, June 21st. and continuing through the station, the Vandalia line wil1 run Sunday excursions to Lake Maxinkuckee. The trian will leave log- ansport going north at 9:20 a m., returning. leave the lake at 7 p. m. and arrive iu Logansport at 8:30 p. m. Fare For round trip $1.

Jul 14'Postmaster Tomlinson went out to Maxinkuckee this morning, to spend today with his famlly

Jun 17 Picnic at Maxinkuckee. Fidelity Chapter O.E. S. will picnic at Maxinkuckee to-morrow. The Chapter will go in a body, accompanied by a large number of friends. The train will leave at 10:45 a. m. and return at 6:35 p.m. Fare for the round trip, $1. Chapters will be present from Indianapolis, Noblesville, Kokomo and Peru. A. special train will be run for their accommodation.

Jun 17 Sunday Excursions to Maxinkuckee. Beginning Sunday, June 21st, and continuing through the season, the Vandalia line will run Sunday excursions to Lake Maxinkuckee. The train will leave Logansport going north at 950 a.m., returning, leave the lake at 7 p.m. and arrive in Logausport at 8:30 p. m. Fare for round trip 81. J. C. EDGEWORTH. Agent.

Jun 17 Mrs. M. Frank and Mrs. R C. Taylor went to Maxinkuckee to-day to spend a few days with Mrs. A. R. Shroyer.... Mr. S. A. Vaughn has opened his summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee for the season. Mrs. Vaughn and children are occupying the same... Misses Maggie Gailagher and Nellie Bevao have returned from Maxinkuckee

Jun 18 Excursion On account of the several chapters of the Eastern Star that will picnic at Lake Maxinkuckee to-morrow, the Vandalia line will sell tickets at $1 round trip, for train No. 52. Train leaves Logansport at 10:40 a.m., returning leaves the lake at 5:40 p.m., arriving at Logansport at 6.33 p.m.

Jul 18 Miss Delhi Stoll went to Maxinkuckee yesterday to remain several weeks

Jun 20 The members of Post E.T.P A., are arranging lo run an excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee in tbe near future... Assistant Trainmaster Green, of the Panhandle went to Maxinkuckee today to spend Sunday with his wife.

Jul 20 Mr. H. H. Culver , of St. Louis, who founded the assembly at Maxiukuckee.passed through here yesterday afternoon on the Vandalia fast train from St. Louis to the lake wilh a party of about thirty. invitations are out for a big lawn party it his place, Aubenaube park, next Fri day evening... Charles Graves and wife Sundayed at Msxinkuckee, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Green... Last excursion to Maxinkuckee next Sunday, run by the Military baud. Fare for the round trip. $1.... Mrs. J . B. Messinger. Mrs. M. Frank, Mrs. Thomas Becket, Mrs. J, E. Barnes, Mrs. J. D. Taylor. Mrs. Bartlett. Mrs. Klein aud Mrs. R C. Taylor went out to Maxinkuckee this morning to spend the day with Mrs. A R. Shroyer.

Jul 21 Excursion to Maxinkukee. The Military band will run an excursion to Maxinkuckee next Sunday. Fare for the round trip, $1. The f ull band will go along and give a grand concert. This will be the last excursion of the season.

Jul 23 A. R Shroyer went to Maxinkuckee to-day... Mrs. M. Frank returned from Maxinkuckee to-day... Last excursion to Maxinkuckee next Sunday. The Military band boys invite the public to accompany them. A concert in the afternoon. Fare for the round trip $1.

Jul 25 Notice Lake special The Sunday lake special train, run by the Vandalia line, from Terre Haute to Lake Maxinkuckee (Marrmont station) and return , during summer months, will be continued each Sunday during August.

Jul 27 Captain Slug and his gang of midnight prowlers. twenty-six strong, attened the picnic at Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday. They report having a good time... Miss Maggie Sheerin has returned from Maxinkuckee... The most comical event yesterday at the hike was the capsizing of a row boat containing several young ladies from Logansport. As the event occurred at the Marmont pier, the water was no of sufficent depth to cause much damage.

Jul 28 Ted Miller will furnish music for a reception to be given at Arlington hotel Maxinkuckee, to-morrow evening

Jul 31 aug 1 - The Turners of South Bend will run an excursion to Maxenkuckee next Sunday. An invitation has been extended to tho German societies of this city to attend

Aug 1 Misses Anna Beamer and Lida Koppie will go to Maxinkuckee Sunday, and will stay a few days... C. R. Green, of the Panhandle, will Sunday wilh his family at Maxenkuckee.

Aug 3 Mrs. Manly has returned from an extended sojourn at Maxinkuckee.... Jim Snider, of McKague's sample room, went to Maxinkuckee to remain a week.... J. S.May, trainmaster of the Richmond division of the panhandle, and family, were in the city to-day en route home from Maxinkuckee, where they spent Sunday with C. R. Green and family.

Aug 4 Miss Maggie Lowe is at Maxinkuckee, the guest of Miss Nellie Parker.

Aug 5 Notice Lake special The Sunday lake special train, run by the Vandalia line, from Terre Haute to Lake Maxinkuckee (Murruout station) and return , during sUmmer months, will be continued each Sunday during August.

Aug 6 Prof. Douglass aad wife are at Maxinkuckee the guests of Mrs. D. W. Tomlinson... Miss Elta Graham, of Cincinnati, went to Maxinkuckee to-day to visit Mrs. C R. Green.

Aug 10 Frank Stutesman, of Peru, passed through the city to-day en route home from Maxinkuckee.

    Twelve Hundred and Seventy People Co to Maxinkuckee In Twelve Cars

    A mammoth excursion train on its way to Lake Maxinkuckee passed through the city at nine o'clock this morning. having come in over The Wabash road from Attica., LaFayette and Delphi.

    The train consisted of 11 passenger and one baggage car, and contained 1270 people. This was an average of more than one hundred people to the car.

    The passengers. bad a hard time in finding room, and many of them were compelled to hang onto the platform. The excuse for such a crowded state of affairs was that the road had not anticipated so big an attendance. Had there been room several hundred other excursionists would have boarded the train.

    Maxinkuckee is developing drawing qualities along the Wabash line. The train will return this evening.

aug 14 Everybody is invited to join the K of P. excursion to Maxinkuckee Sunday...A. P. Jenks, of the natural gas company, went to Maxiukuckee this morning... M;s. E. N. T ulbott nud family went to Maxinkuckee this morning to remain several days... Maxinkuckee excursion Sunday. Wabash lodge, K. of U. extends a cordial invitation to everybody

Aug 15 Maxinkuckee excursion Sunday. Wabash lodge, K. of H. extends a cordial invitalion to everybody

Aug 17 Notice Lake Special. The Sunday lake special train, run by the Vadalia line, from Terre Haute to Lake Maxinkuckee (Marmont station) and return, during the summer month, will be continued each Sunday during August... It is said that there were 2,500 excursionists at Lake Maxinkuckee, yesterday..... A free fight took place at the depot late in the evening. Two men were arrested.

Aug 19 Mrs. L. S Purcell and daughter Mrs. Deverell, who are spending; the summer at Maxinkuckee, came home last evening. They will return to the lake this evening

Aug 25 Miss Etta Graham lias returned to her home in Cincinnati after a pleasant visit in this city and at Maxinkuckee

Aug 27 - P. J. Farrell and Fred Minneman spent the day at Maxinkuckee.... Lafayette Courier: Miss May Birmingham is sojouroing. this week, at Logansport and Lake Maxinkuckee

Aug 29 Miss Etta Graham has returned to her home in Cincinnati after a pleasant visit in this city and at Maxinkuckee

Sep 2 Home Music Journal: "Mrs. George Taber is spending the heated season at Lake Maxenkuckee. She has a lovely c ultivated soprano voice, and is prrhnps the most artistic soprano soloist in Indiana."

Sep 16 Mrs. H. Newman has returned from lake Maxinkuckee and will reopen her lodging house at North and Sixth.

Sep 18 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barwood went to Maxinkuckee this morning to spend the day.

Sep 21 Carl Keller, of Indianapolis, spent Sunday with his brother. E. F. Keller, at Maxinkuckee... A majority of the people who went to Maxinkuckee to spend the "heated term," have returned home to spend the summer

Sep 23 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harwood have returned from Maxinkuckee

oct 6 Mrs. J ulia Young, of the Westside, has returned from a mouth's visit with relatives near Lake Maxinkuckee