Logansport Pharos Tribune 1893 Snippets
May 6 W. S. Wright is back from Maxinkuckee. He and Mr. Owen made a fair catch of fish.
May 8 Good Fishing at Lake MaxinUuckee is at its best. W, S. Wright, of the Journal, returned from the lake this morning with
a record of fifty large bass, pickerel and other varieties caught in four or five days George B Forgy, Frank rice and
nd George Taber all had good success, and came home this morning with good strings of fish. One ot thu black bass
caught by Rice is said to be the largest ever landed at Maxinkuckee
May 9 W. D. Pratt, S. M. Velsey and George B. Forgy are at Lake Maxinkuckee, trying their luck with the rod, hook and
May 10 A gentleman who was at Maxinkuckee last night says that seven boats were seen on the lake, last night, the occupants of
which wwere spearing fish. Th« state fish commissioner should cause tbe arrcst of the fellows
May 12 Auditor Helvie and Deputy Auditor Graffls will go to Maxinkuckee tonight to try tkeir luck with the fishing rod.
May 15 Judge G. E. Ross aud John Gray started for Lake Maxinkuckee at 10:40 this forenoon, for a few days' fishing
May 17, 18, 19 - For sale, at Maxinkuckee lake, a new seven-room cottage, with large porch, driven well, high, shady grounds and
fine bathing beach. If you want a bargain apply at once to A. Metzger agency, No. 5 Odd Fellows' hall, Indianapolis
May 18 John Gray has returned from Maxinkuckee. He reports the fishing poor for the past two or three days.
May 20 While the fishing at Maxinkuckee last week was the best for many seasons, almost no flih at all were caught this week,
it is believed that the warm weather will oon improve the appetites of the finny tribe .
Jun 6 The private car of General Manager Pierce, of the I. B. & W. passed through the city yesterday morning over the
Vandalia en route from Maxinkuckee to Crawfordsville.
Jun 13 It is probable that the Vandalia will in a few weeks, put on Sunday special trains to lake Maxinkuckee
Jun 17 S. A. Vaughn aud family will Sunday at Maxinkuckee.
June 21 Captain Co ulson, Captain Bibbler and John Co ulson are spending a few days at Maxinkuckee.
Jun 23 The family of Hon. A.R. Shroyer have opened their cottage at Maxinkuckee ... W. T. Wilson has completed a handome
summer cottage at Maxinkuckee
Jun 28 Mrs. M. D. Pansier and children went to Maxinkuckee today... Mrs. A. R. Shroyer and Mrs. Thomas
Beckett have returned from a week's sojourn at Lake Maxinkuckee.. Sam Campbell has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee.
Jun 24 Messrs. Kidder, Arthur Kidder, Ted Kidder, Earnest Williamson and Joe Wefastein, members of the Y. M. C, A.
Bicycle club, of Terre Haute, passed through the city last night on. their wheels, en route to the World's fair.
They went from here to Maxinkuckee. They were a day and a half in reaching this city, a distance the way they came
of 145 miles
June 30 S. P. Sheerin and family are spending a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 4 Sunday - Excursions Unpop ular. Terre Haute Express: "The Vandalia. management has not yet decided to . run
Sunday excursions to Lake Maxinkuckee. It is said that a great many of the passenters carried on those trains were undesirable
characters, aad as the Vandalia has a large financial interest in the property at the lake it is deemed advisable
to discourage them from visiting the spot, thus making it more desirable for the better class of people.
Jul 26 The families of Messrs. Davis and Michell are at Maxinkuckee for a month's outing.
Jul 31 News has been received from Lake Maxinkuckee to the effect that the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Fansler
is quite ill.
Aug 1 Dr. D. N. Fanslsr was in the city today en route to Maxinkuckee, where he will be a guest for a few day of his son,
M. D. Fansler
Aug 7 At. Barnett spent. Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee with his wife.
Aug 9 The drug clerks of the city will picnic Friday at Maxinkuckee.
Aug 10 At a meeting of the drug clerks last evening, it was decided to postpone the Maxinkuckee picnic until next Tuesday
Aug 11 H. Wiler and family and Mrs. S. Wise went to Maxinkuckee this afternoon... A party of Terre-Haute citizens passed
through the city today on their way to Lake Maxinkuckee where they wili remain several weeks... Trainmaster Green, of the Panhandle,
and family are at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Aug 12 I. Rosenberg and sons, Joe and Sidney went to Lake Maxinkuckee today for a week's outing... Mr. snd Mrs. Henry Wiler and children
and Mrs. S. Wise have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee... Messrs. Max J. and Ben Fisher will Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Aug 15 Governor Matthews and Auditor of State Henderson passed through the city yesterday, having spent Sunday at
Lake Maxinkuckee.
Aug 16 Agent Edgeworth, of the Vandalia, spent last night at Maxinkuckee.
AUg 21 - George Hadley and Otto Howe are camping at Lake Maxinkuckee
Sep 5 Mrs. M. D. Fandler and her guest, Mrs. Mary Murphy, departed today for a week's sojourn at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Sep 23 Tie Palmer house and the Lake View Hotel at Maxinkuckee have been closed for the leMon. Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Marka will have charge of the Colonnade during the -winter.
Oct 23 Fishing at Maxinkuckee is reported good. Three Logansport gentlemen caught 44 bass and one salmon yesterday
Oct 24 Burglars raided the cottage of W. T. Wilson, at Lake Maxinkuckee, on Saturday nisht, carrying away the silverware
and other valuables