Logansport Pharos Tribune 1894

feb 24 The Republican editors.
The Republican editors held their annual meeting at Indianapolis yesterday Charley Landis was elected president of
the association.
The next meeting will be held at Maxinkuckee in July.
Resolutions were passed charging the Democratic party with the business depression, but admitting that the recuperative
power of this country is so great that the Wilson bill may not injure it.
apr 13 Lake Maxinkuckee
News of Interest to Logansporters.
Everything about the beautiful summer resort indicates that a lovely season is anticipated by the residents there.
Kreuzberger's summer garden will be formally opened and dedicated to the public on the first day of May.
Capt, Ed Morris' steamer, the Peerless, has been thoroughly overha uled, and is roady to be sent off into the water as
noon as warm weather comes.
The Aub-bee-aaub-bee steamer has been launched, and is having her upper deck taken off and the seating capacity
increased by the addition of a row of seats on the lower deck. It will carry as many passengers as formerly, and will
not be so top-heavy .
Several new cottages have been built since the close of last season, and others are expected to be built within the next
sixty or ninety days, so that all in all the prospects for a paying year at the lake are very encouraging.-
The Lake View hotel Is also undergoing some extensive repairs. An addition has been made to the dining room, making
its seating capacity now about 100. The rooms in the second story are being overha uled and put in first-class shape, and
when the repairs now under way are completed it will be in every partic ular a first-class place to stop. Frank D, Lamson
will again have charge of its management this year.
Mrs. J. Bert Knapp has enlarged and remodeled her house at Lake Maxinkuckee into a hotel which will be known
as Alfrey hotel. The Arlington and the Alfrey hotel will be under the management of A. J. Kaapp, By this arrangement
he has the largest and best accommodations on the lake. The interior has two reception rooms and thirty sleeping
Mr. John W. Palmer, proprietor of the Palmer House, is overha uling and remodeling his establishment from cellar
to garret, and it is safe to say that, when finished, it will be one of the most complete and commodious hotieries in this part of
the state. A large addition has been made to the west end which has been partitioned off into elegant sleeping rooms. The
sitting room has been enlarged and now has a seating capacity of 100. Tne parlor has been enlarged to double its former
capacity, while the rooms throughout the building are being replastered, painted and papered. The veranada fronting on the
lake is 150 feet ia length, and the view in every direction is the finest on the lake. The grounds are to be leveled and resoded,
the flowing wells repaired and put in running condition, and in fact the entire premises put in apple pie order. Mr. Palmer intends
to give the management this year his personal attention.
apr 25 Tickets at summer excursion rates to Lake Maxinkuckee will be put on sale May 1st.
Apr 30 Several fine strings of bass were brought in from Lake Maxinkuckee this morning by local fishermen
May 1J Judge George E. Ross and John Gray are fishing at Maxinkuckee
May 5 Bad Day for the Fish. Judge Nelson, Frank Rice, Col. W. D. Pratt and B. F. Louthain, all enthusiastic
disciples, of Walton, started for Maxinkuckee this morning with a cold glitter of determination in their
eyes that boded ill to the finny creatures which inhabit the coid depths of the lake. We will all eat fish maybe.
May 7 S. M. Vflsoy and John Co ulson went to Maxinkuckee today to remain a week,fishing
May 9 Mr. Fornoft, sr., spent yesterday at Lake Maxinkuckee.
jun 8 G. L. ullery and John F. Co ulson are at Maxinkuckee
Jul 17 revs. Koehne of this city, Meisner of Peru and Weiedan of New Haven, Ind., are at Maxinkuckee, the guests
of Col. Robt. Kreuzberger... John Manes Panhandle engineer, has returned from Maxinkuckee... Judge Maurice
Winfield and son, Maurice, jr., are fishing at Maxinkuckee... Culver , the St. Louis capitalist who is investing
considerable money in the improvement of his farm at Lake Maxinkuckee, has had a locomotive set down there and
it is thought he will build a railroad around the lake... Epworth League of South Bend Conference, at Lake Maxinkuckee
(Marmont). Excursion tickets will be sold at the rate of $1.35 for the round trip, good returning including June 23rd.
jun 20 The man who made the balloon ascension and parachute jump at Maxinkuckee yesterday, dropped into
the Lake... Misses Pearl Hand and Lizzie Grusenmerer and Messrs. Bruce Shepard and Wm. Myers, Sundayed at
Lake Maxinkuckee.. One hundred Logansporters went to Maxinkuckee yesterday on the excursion
jun 26 Dr, Dalzell is at Maxinkuckee attending the summer session of the State dental association
Jun 27 Carl Keller has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee.
Jun 28 Masters Otto Bruggeman, Robcrt Polan and Charlie Gallagher are at Maxinkuckee for a few days' outing
with Rev. G. M. Kelley. of Grass Creek.
Jul 5 lohn Campbell and family have returned from a week s outing at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 9 John Carroll, Roy Johnston, Ed Kohtz, John McCaffrey and Sam Campbell went to Maxinkuckee today
to join DwigUt Powell and Carl Green, who are camping on the shores of the lake
Jul 11 The number of visitors at Lake Maxinkuckee this season is the largest in the history of the pop ular
resort... FprnofTs orchestra 1ms been engaged to furnish music for a parly to be given at Lake Maxinkuckee Satur
day night
Jul 12 Carl Green and Dwight Powell cams down from Maxinkuckee yesterday to attend the picnic given at
the park by Miss Lottie and Otto Tyner... Bruce Michell is spending the week at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Jul 16 John McCaffrey spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 20 Fred rand has returned from Maxinkuckee... The number of pleasure seekers at Lake Maxinkuckee this season is said
to be larger than at any time since it became a summer report... Mrs. Wilson and son are at Maxinkuckee.
Jul 21 Jesse Taber will go to Lake Maxinkuckee this evening for a weeks' outing,,, There was no one at home Mrs.
Wilson has been at St. Joe for two weeks and, Chas. Wilson, her son,at Lake Maxinkuckee... Trainmaster Green came down
from Chicago last night and will spend Sunday at Maxinkuckee with his family
Jul 23 - Miss Margia Meek Sundayed at Maxinkuckee... Ed Maurer and wife, are spend ing a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee...
Walter Uhl and wife will go to Maxinkuckee this week, for a short outing... A weekly paper has been started at Lake
Maxinkuckee, called the Marmont Herald, edited by George Nearpass... Fornoff's orchestra furnished the music for the reg ular
Saturday evening hop at the Culver Military Academy, Lake Maxinkuckee, Saturday night... Was Seized With Cramps.
At Maxinkuckee, Thursday, while Sam Campbell, of this city, was attempting to swim from a steamer to the shore he was
seized with cramps, and had it not been for the speedy arrival of a boat, would have drowned. Campbell is a bookbinder, and
is employed at wilson Humphereys & Co's printing house
Jul 23 Mr. and Mrs. Emmett M ulholland will join Mr. and Mrs. Walter Uhl in their trip to Maxinkuckee, St. Joe and Chicago.
They will start the last of the week and will be gone aoout ten days
Jul 26 Fornolt's orchestra will play for a party at Lake Maxinkuckee this evening... Robt. Kreuzberger, Jr., and Thos.
Dunn, went to Lake Maxinkuckee today for a weeks outing
Jul 28 Henry Bergman spent the day Maxinkuckee... .Jack Page, the traveling salesman, was in the city today en route from
Terre Haute to Lake Maxinkuckee... Mr. and Mrs. S. E. M ulbolland and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Uhl left, this
afternoon for a two weeks outing. They will take in Maxinkuckee, St. Joe, Chicago and Milwaukee before returning
Jul 30 harley Michell returned this morning from Lake Maxinkuckee,,, Mrs. A, L. Furbee went to Lake Maxinkuckee today,
where she will be the guest of Mrs. A. R. Shroyer... Chester Hadlcy, Jacob Stoll, Will and Harvey Cumrnings went to Lake
Maxinkuckee this afternoon, where they will camp out for a couple of weeks... Robert Krcuxbergcr, jr., and Tims.
Dunn have returned from a week's sojourn at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 30 Camping at Maxinkuckee. A party of campers left today for Lake Maxinkuckee, baving two tents and a big stock of
bedding, provisions, etc. They will pitch their tents On Long Point. near the Arlington hotel, and remain a week. The
following persons compose the party: Will and Harvey Cummings. Chester Hartley and Harry Sh ultz.
Jul 31 Gee Luce and Rev, T. S. Freeman arc fishing at Maxinkuckee. They will spend a week angling for the
finney beauties... Prof. Win. Gall sent his balloon at Maxinkuckee Sunday. Everet Wilson made the ascent and
parachute jump. He landed at the edge of the lake a half mile south of the starting point, without mishap... The
children of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rugers, of Longcliffe hospital, went to Maxinkuckee today to spend their vacation
aug 8 T. H. Wilson and wife are back from Maxinkuckee... Will and Harvey Cummins and Chester Hadley have returned from
Aug 18 - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kraus, Mr. and Mrs. John Co ulson, Miss Booth, S. M. Velsey, Carl Keller and Mrs. E. F.
Keller, will go to Maxinkuckee tonight for a few days outing.
Aug 22 Miss Phoebe Swigart has returned from Maxinkuckee.
aug 25 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kraus, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Keller, Mr. and Mrs. John Co ulson, Mrs Kate Booth and Mr.
Seth Velsey returned today from a week's sojourn at the Shroyer cottage at Maxinkuckee. All pronounce Mr.
and Mrs. Keller good entertainers
aug 27 M. Fornoff and Col, Kreuzberger spent Sunday at Maxinkuckee... There were 105 excursion tickets
sold from this city to Marruint, Lake Maxinkuckee, for the excursion to that place yesterday over the Vandalia
Aug 29 - A. W.Hutchison, of the Panhandle, has returned, from a trip to Lake Maxinkuckee and. Mud Lake
Sep 1 Some fine strings of fish are being caught at Late Maxinkuckee
Sep 14 Cashier Ross, of the First National bank, and family, have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee... The business of the St.
Joseph division of the Vandalia, the last'summer, has been the heavist since the extension was opened. Travel to Lake
Maxinkuckee was heavier than any former summer
Sep 19 Mrs. A. P. Jenks has returned from Maxinkuckee...
sep 22 Walter Thompson, who was hurt lost Sunday while returning from Maxinkuckee, is able to be about
oct 16 Geo. B. Forgy and W. D. Pratt are at Maxinkuckee angling for the festive bass.
Oct 18 Frank Rice and Goo. B. Forgy are at Lake Maxinkuckee again angling for the festive bass