Logansport Pharos Tribune 1895

Jul 1 - Judge, and Mrs. G. E. Ross and sons are at Maxinkuckee and will remain during; July, having rented
Judge Winfield's cottage for the month.
Jul 2 Hon. A. R. Shroyer, who is spend ing the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee, is reported to be improving
in health... Mrs. A. P. Jenks and children are now occupying their summer cottage on Long Point at Maxinkuckee.
Jul 5 Will R. Small celebrated at Lake Maxinkuckee... Up at Maxinkuckee, last evening, here was a handsome display of fireworks
all around the lake... Eight families from Terre Haute passed through here today on their way to Maxinkuckee, to occupy their
cottages for the summer
Jul 5 THE Evansville Courier. Hon. Gil Slianklin's paper, says: "The Democratic, editors at their meeting at
Lake Maxinkuckee, resolved that as their respective papers would continue to be for or against free silver
coinage just as they had been before the meeting they would say nothing as a body upon the currency question.
Jul 6 Harry McSheeby is home from Lake Maxinkuckee to spend Sunday... Miss Strong, of Terre Haute, who
was a guest of Miss Mame Torr went to Lake Maxinkuckee, today, to remain during the summer.... Sam Campbell, Fred Rauch.
Dwight Powell, Otto Blassingham, Carl Green. Jud. Swigart, Harry Tousley, Karl Murdock, Claud Zook and Alex Boyer left this
morning for Maxinkuctee, for a two weeks' camp on Long Point, Maxinkuckee. The boys call their crowd 'De Gang.'
Jul 8 Miss Lucy Spoon will spend the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee... James Nelson, son of J. C. Nelson, entered the summer
school of Dr. McKensie today at Lake Maxinkuckee... The wind storm last night was one of the severest ever known at
Maxinkuckee. Many small boats were on the lake when the storm burst forth, but all reached the shore in safety...
Mr. John Thompson and son Raymond and wife went to Lake-Maxinkuckee today to remain a week.
Jul 10 A. J. Murdock has purchased a lot at Lake Maxinkuckee and will erect a cottage.... C. M. Mitchell and family will go
to Lake Maxinkuckee Saturday to spend the summer.... Miss Crete Skinner will go to Lake Maxinkuckee Thursday to visit
friends for a few days.... Mrs. D. Alexander and children went to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday, to spend the summer.... ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton, Mrs. R. D. Jones and children, Miss Kate Montfort and the Misses Murphy will
go to Maxinkuckee Saturday for a few days outing
Jul 11 Mrs. Will Martin and two daughers, of Newton, Ill., who are on their way to Lake Maxinkuckee to
pend the summer, are visiting- a few days with W. M. Walker, of east Broadway
Jul 12 Claude Zook and Alex Boyer left Wednesday night to join 'De Gang' in camp at Lake Maxinkuckee... Mrs. C. 0. Fenton
and daughter wiil go to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday to spend a week. Mr. Fenton. will remain with them a day or so... Mr. and
Mrs. 3. P. Sheerin went to Maxinkuckee, last evening, to remain two weeks... Mr. S. H. Michelie will go to Lake Maxinkuckee
tomorrow to spend the summer.... On Monday S. M. Telsey and wife, Otto Kraus and wife, E. F. Keller and wife, John Co ulson
and wife and Carl Keller will go to Lake Maxinkuckee and occupy the Shroyer cottage for two weeks
Jul 13 Ho! everybody! Do you want cool breezes and healthf ul rest? Then go to Lake Maxiukuckee next Sunday. Excursion rates
on Yandalia line $1 every sunday... Cool breezes, crystal waters, fine fishing and boating are found every day at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Excursion tickets $1.00 every Sunday... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mitchell and children went to Lake Maxinkuckee today, to spend the
remainder of the summer... Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Daugherty, of Marion, were in the city yesterday en route to Lake Maxinkuckee...
Col. J, C. Farrar, of Peru, was in the city today enroute to Lake Maxinkuckee, where he is having a cottage erected.... The business
on Michigan division of the Vandalia to St. Joe and .ake Maxinkuckee is very encouragng on account of the large number
of passengers daily.
Jul 15 About thirty county clerks will meet at Lake Maxinkuckee next Thursday for the purpose of agreeing
on a uniform system of blank books, legal blanks, etc. Their meeting will probably be held at the Lake View hotel
Jul 16 The family of Chas. EaneH is at Maxinkuckee for a few days outing... Otto Blassingbam, Harry Tousley
and Alex Boyer have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee... Hon A. R. Shrover and wife returned last night from Lake Maxinkuckee.
Mr. Shroyer is much improved in health.
Jul 17 John Swigart has returned from a two weeks outing at Lake Maxinkuckee... Miss Sopra Stevens Is at Lake Maxinkuckee,
the guest of W. T. Wilson and family... Frank Keys has returned from a week's outing at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 18 Mr. T. H. Simpson and family are at Maxinkuckee.
Jul 20 Mrs. Fannie Snider will be the guest over Sunday of Mrs. Simpson at Lake Maxinkuckee... Missee Mlnnia Starr, Effie Erunson
and Bertha Stuart went to Lake Maxinkuckee, to spend Sunday... Hello, my friend: How is it that you manage to keep so brisk
and up to date this hot weather? Why, by spending a day every now and then at Lake Maxinkuckee and St. Joseph. Excursion
rates, every Snnday, you know... Miss Maggie Sbeerin went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to spend a week with friends.... F. M.
Harwood is planning to build a summer cottage on his recently purchased lot at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 20 Architect crain has his hands f ull of work... Mr. Grain is also preparing, or has prepared plans, as follow...A. J. Murdock,
$1,200 cottage and Frank Harwood,$700 cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee...
Jul 20 There is a movement on foot to change the name of the post office at Marmont to "Culver City," in honor of the man
who has done so much to advance the interests and growth, of Lake Maxinkuckee.. The Marmont Herald is favoring the change,
and the Plymouth Democrat, which almost has a proprietary interest in the lake, seems favorable to tbe new; name. A petition is
in circ ulation at Marmont, and is being numerously signed, requesting that the authorities change the-name
Jul 22 - John Co ulson returned this morning from Lake Maxinkuckee,.. Misses Minnie Starr and Bertha Stuart, who have been visiting friends
at Lake Maxinkuckee, returned home today.
Jul 23 = Mrs. John W. Barnes is spending the week with Mrs. Judge G. E. Boss at Maxinkuckee... Miss Mame Carberry
and brother Thomas, of Dayton, Ohio, arrived Saturday evening on an extended •isit with S. P. and John Sheerin.
Miss Carberry is spending the present week at Maxinkuckee.
Jul 26 - A number of Logansport society [oiks attended a hop given last night at the Lake View hotel, Maxinkuckee...
Mrs. C. N. Ballard and Mrs. B. E. Buckingham, of Chicago; Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Mitchell, of Indianapolis,
and Mrs. Ben Martin, of. this city, spent, yesterday with Mrs. G. E. Ross, at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 27 Bert Stuart left today to join a hnrse party given by H. C. Adams, jr., of Indianapolis, at the Adams
cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee... Don't forget that the "Outing" train for Lake Maxinkuckee and St.
Joseph leaves the Vandalia station at 7 o'clock Sunday morning. Excursion rates.
Jul 29 = George W. Funk left this afternoon for a business trip to Kansas. Mrs. Funk and daughter are spending the week
at, Maxinkuckee.
Jul 31 - County Surveyor Dodd and Glen Forgy are at Lake Maxinkuckee for a two weeks outing...Mrs. Charles
Mischelle and children. who have been sojourning at Lake Maxinkuckee, returned home today... Mrs. B, F. Keesling
and son Arthur went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to visit Judge and Mrs. George E. Ross.... Mrs. E. F. Keller and son
returned this afternoon from A two week visit at Maxinkuckee
Aug 1 - S. M. Velsey and wife and Mrs. John Co ulson have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee.... The Thiaible club went to Lake
Maxinkuckee this morning to spend the day with Mrs, H. J. McSheey
Aug 2 William Elliott, Leon McAllister and Frank Jones will spend Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee, guests of Mrs.
W. T. Wilson... Lake Maxinkuckee is very pop ular this season. Everybody goes. Fare on Sunday train, $1...
Misses Hettie and Thusie Elliott., who have, been visiting- with Miss Fannie Jecks at Lake Maxinkuckee,
have returned
Aug 3 R. D. Jones went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to spend Sunday with his family... Herman Dewenter, Glen Forgv,
Will Swigsrt and Thomas Dunn will go to Lake Maxinkuckee tonight to spend the week camping
Aug 5 Cairl Wise spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee... Misses Minnie and Anna Shanahan and their guest, Miss Edith Myers,
of Sheldon, Ills., are spending a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee
Aug 6 Fill your lungs with oxone at Lake Maxinkuckee next Saturday, aod it is 16 to 1 that you will feel as if you
had had a summer vacation... The Vandalia line is doing all it can in the way of cheap rates and convenient train service,
to make this summer one long to be remembered by its patrons. Go to St. Joseph or Lake Maxinkuckee,,, Mrs. B. F.
Keesling is back from Maxinkuckee... Lvnn and Clark Rogers are at Lake Maxinkuckee for a week's outing... Mlss Llllie Harris
Is at Maxinkuckee, tue guest of Mrs. A. P.Jenks... Allen Nelson has returned from a month's outing at Lake Maxinkuckee
Aug 7 It is reported that Herman Dewenter and Thomas Dunn were capsized in Lake Maxinkuckee
Aug 8 Mrs, Wm. McDonald and sister, are at Maxinkuckee for a ten days' visit.., The Rev. D. I. Hobbs has gone to
Lake Maxinkuckee for a few days' outing... he Vandalia on Saturday next will commence running excursions
from points on its lines to Lake Maxinkuckee... Mr. S. P. Sheerin and family returned this afternoon from an extended
stay at Lake View hotel Maxinkuckee
Aug 9 Mrs. Miller, of Tiffin, Ohio, and Mrs. Rickenbaugh, of Maxinkuckee, visited their sister, Mrs. C. W. Newman,
last, week... Hon. S. P. Sheerin and family have returned from a three weeks outing at Maxinkuckee
Aug 10 H, D. Culver and wife, of Veedersburg, Ind., were guests last night at the Barnett. They were en route to
Lake Maxinkuckee. Mr. C. manufactures the brick used in paving the streets of Logansport... Today was the day set
for the one dollar excursion rate frorn Terre Haute to Lake Maxinkuckee and return. It took three trains to carry
the crowd, which was estimated at 2,000. The tickets are good to return Monday. It was the cheapest and test
patronized excursion ever arranged for the T. H. & L. branch of the Vandalia ... This Misses Nelson and Miss Louise
Elliott are home from 11 week's visit with Mrs. W. T. Wilson at Lake Maxinkuckee
Aug 17 The Misses Howe and their guests, Miss Dannie Beach, of Battle Creek, Mich,, acd Miss Eva Wendt, of
Manistee, Mich., returned from Lake Maxinkuckee today
Aug 20 Mrs. C. W. Finch and daughter and Mrs Chas. McKeen and son returnded today from Maxinkuckee
where they have been for the past two months... A dance was given last night at the Bay View hotel. Maxinkuckee.
Forcoff's orchestra furnished the music.... Mrs. Finch and daughters, Misses Etta and Alice, returned from Lake
Maxinkuckee today, where they have been spending the summer..... Mr. and Mrs. Will Rozier spent Sunday at Lake
Aug 21 Harry UhI, of the Empire mills, has returned from a ten days visit with friends at Lake Maxinkuckee...
Another week day dollar excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee, Aug. 23rd. Trains leave Vandalia station at 6:10
and 10:26 a. m..... For the convenience of those who cannot take advantage of the cheap Sunday rates, the
Vandalia, on Aug. 23rd will sell 91 excursion tickets to Lake Maxinkuckee, limited to day of sale, for trains leaving at
6:10 and 10:26 a. m.
Aug 24 A. F. Heckinbeamer, of the Panhandle, offices, went to Maxinkuckee today to remain over Sunday
Sep 2 A party of young people returned asc Saturday night from a two weeks outing at Lake Maxinkuckee.
lie young people were chaperoned y Mrs. Will W. Ross, and have styled themselves the Wee-La-Wee-
La-Wee-La-Molla-Peg - Co Roasting club.
Sep 4 Editor McSheehy and wife are home from _ Maxinkuckee, having closed their cottage for the season.
They drove through and stopped at Kewauna over night.
Sept 11 = Mrs. A. R. Shroyer is entertaining tbe Industrial club today at her cottage
at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Sep 28 According to the statement of Capt, Ed Morris, of the steamer Peerless, at Maxinkuckee, this has
been the most successful year ever witnessed at the lake. It is estimated that improvements amounting to
$100,000 have been made. Capt. Morris has made arrangements for the appearance of a fine new steamer
next summer
Oct 12 Conductor Knapp, of the Vandalia. will soon resume his duties as passenger conductor. He has been
conducting his hotel, the Arlington. at Lake Maxinkuckee, during the summer
Oct 19 Sara Scott, who has been employed at Lake Maxinkuckee during the summer, has returned to this city
Oct 22 - The name of the town and station at Maxinkuckee is to be changed from Marmont to Culver City, the
people having so voted.
Nov 4 Frederick Bopp and John Heber are fishing at Maxinkuckee today