Logansport Pharos Tribune 1896
mAr 24 Two Bass Fishermen. Messrs. Edward Grubbs and Joseph Busart, of Maxinkuckee, came dawnfrom the lake resort yesterday afternoon
with the finest lot of fish that bag been seen in Logansport for many seasons Besides 104 pounds that were sold to the Delicatassen fish
market, they presented numerous fine specimens to their friends, one weighing six pounds. All of the fish were of the bass variety, and
had been caught with hook and and line, through the ice. Grubbs and Busart, besides being the bass winter fishermen, always pilot the
Loganspod anglers where they have their good luck
Apr 30 SALOON CLOSED. -- W. H. Moore Forced to Retire From Business.- - W. H. Moore, proprietor of tbe saloon at 404 Market street, having
been pressed by Botbchilds & Co,, of Cincinnati, from whom he purchased his fixtures, concluded to retire from business. The doors were closed
this morning. An agent of Rothchilds & Co., took charge of the furniture, while John M ulcahy and M. J. Bligh, Moore's heaviest local creditors,
gathered in what remained of the stock.-- Moore informed a representative the Pharos that, for the past three months he did not take in enough
money to pay the running expenses of the saloon, to say nothing of bills that were'due and unpaid. He also stated that he would establish a saloon
at Lake Maxinkuckee
May 2 The Baldwin club met last evening. The principal paper was read by Prof. Martin, of the city schools. The subject under discussion, "Evolution,"
was a very interesting one, and many remarkable instances were brought out during the discussion. A commltte was appointed to make
arrangements for the annual camping out at Lake Maxinkuckee. D. P. Baldwin will lead the next meeting with a paper on "Free Silver
May 7 F. M. Harwood and A. J. Murdoch went to Lake Maxinkuckee today to prepare their cottages for the season.
May 12 An excursion train from Indianapolis, carrying delegates to the G. A. R. encampment at South Bend, passed through the city today. Upon arriving
at Maxinkuckee, the train stopped for several hours In order to allow the passengers to see the lake.
May 16 - An excursion train was run this morning over the Wabash and Vandalia from Lafayette to Lake Maxinkuckee...
During the business portion of the meeting, it was announced that all arrangements for the annual camping
out at Lake Maxinkuckee have been completed. The camp will probably be pitched abott June 1... W T Wilson and family will
spend Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee
May 22 Misses Mollie Wise and Ella Worthington spent the day at Lake Maxinkuckee... George Ash, Ben Martin, John W.
Barnes and Will Cummings returned last night from a fishing trip at Lane Maxinkuckee.
May 23 Democratic Editors. The summer meeting of the Indiana Democratic Editorial Association will be held at Maxinkuckee on
July 31st. This was determined upon yesterday at a meeting of the executive committee held at Indianapolis.
An Interesting program has been arranged. A two days meeting will be held.
Jun 1 Judge G. E, Ross and family went to Maxinkuckee today and will remain there for the summer, occupying the
Pierce cottage.
Jun 2 Col. Robert Kreuzberger spent the day at Maxinkuckee.
Jun 13 - Vaudalia line Sunday excursiom rate train will be put on June 21 st. Train for Lake Maxinkuckee will
leave the station at 7 a. m. $1 for the round trip
Jun 20 At the meeting of the Baldwin club last night at the home of Rev. H. A. Percival, final arrangements
were completed for the annual •camping out of the club at Lake Maxinkuckee.
June 24 H. J. McSheehy and family went to Lake Maxinkuckee this morning to open their cottage for the season...
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Heffley and children went to Lake Maxinkuckee this morning where they will spend the
summer months... Superintendent Douglass has rented the Jenks cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee
and will depart with his family where they will spend the heated months... A cloud burst occurred at Lake
Maxinkuckee Monday. The storm is said to have been one of the severest ever witnessed by residents of that locality.
It lasted less than half an hour and in that time small boats were so filled with water that some of them sank. At the Arlington
hotel gravel two feet deep was washed across the track of the Vandalia which made it necessary to flag trains and send for
men to clear the track.
Jun 25 Mr. and Mrs, C. 0. Heffley and children went to Lake Maxinkuckee this morning where they will spend the summer months...
H. J. McSheeby and family went to Lake Maxinkuckee this morning to open their cottage for the season
Jun 30 Prof. A. H. Douglass and family went to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday to remain several weeks. They are
occupying the A. P. Jenks cottage on Long Point.
Jul 2 Mrs. C. O. Heffley and Mrs. H. J. McSheehy, who are spending the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee, were
in the city yesterday... Peru Chronicle: "Frank Dunbar came home last evening from a short stay at Lake Maxinkuckee
and Logansport... John Long came home last evening from Logansport where he made a short visit with friends
Jul 3 Practical Joke. A certain well-known and highly espected young couple of this city went to Lake Maxinkuckee day
before yesterday, and upon their arival were made the victims of a practical joke. A friend circ ulated the report that they
had been married, and upon alighting from the Train a large party of young people greeted them to a perfect shower of
rice. It is needless to say that the couple were greatly embarrassed, and it was some time before they were
able to convince the crowd that there was no occasion for the demonsration
Jul 4 Mrs. W. E. Shedd, of Danville, Ill., stopped off in the city a few ours, yesterday, on her way home rom Lake Maxinkuckee.
Jul 6 Driving to Maxinkuckee. A party of leading people of Danville, Ill., arrived in the city today in a wagon, having made the entire
distance overland. They are going to Maxinkuckee, to camp out for three or four weeks. Their novel trip thus far has been very
pleasant. The party is composed of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Heinley, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Price, Miss English, Dick Sutherland, Don Heinley
and a colored cook. Mr. T. E. Beinley is one of the proprietors of the Golden R ule dry goods store of this city... Miss Fannie M ull was
at Maxinkuckee yesterday
Jul 7 - Steiahart's orchestra furnished music for a dance at Lake Maxinkuckee, July 4th... Arthur Gimmel, Byron Gordon,
accompanied by a number of other young people, are camping at Lake Maxinkuckee... J. D. Ferguson and family, accompanied
by their guests, Mrs.Illigsworth and Mrs. Salesberry, of Chicago, spent yesterday at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Jul 8 Frank Harwood came down from Lake Maxinkuckee this morning
Jul 9 A number of the members of the Christian Endeavor Society, of this city, went to Lake Maxinkuckee this
morning for a week's outing
Jul 11 Bruce Michell, of Wilson, Humhreys & Co,, is spending a few weeks at Lake Maxinkuckee for his health...
C. C. McSheehy, editor of the Rocky Mountain World, Denver, Co.is at Lake-Maxinkuckee. He is a brother of H. J.
McSheehy, of this city, and will visit here before his return home.... Don't neglect to take advantage of the $2.00
Sunday rate to St. Joseph. Train leaves Vandalia station every Sunday a. m. at 7:00 for St. Joseph
and Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 16 Col. Robert Kreuzberger, M. Fornofl, sr., and John Day, are spending the diy at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 17 Steinhart's orchestra furnished music for a dance at Maxinkuckee yesterday
Jul _16_. Aug. 14, 18, 20-24
Six Special Train
EXCURSIONS Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 18 Miss Carrie Keller is spending her vacation at Maxinkuckee... Dwight Powell Is spending a few
days at Lake Maxinkuckee... Messrs. John Dinneniore and Hugh Bryan, of Indianapolis, were in the
city yesterday, being en route to Maxinkuckee... Misses Hattie Elliott and Helen McCunriell have returned from Lake
Maxinkuckee, where they have been the guests of Mrs. Gco. E. Boss... Prof. Arthur has returned home
from Lake Maxinkuckee, where he spent a few days with Prof. A, H. Douglas and family,.. Sam B. Pattern and
wife, who have been spending several weeks at Ottumwa, Iowa, are guests of relatives at Lake Maxinkuckee.'
Jul 20 - Jack Hart,and Fernon Tucker returned, last night, from lake Maxinkuckee were tbey caught a fine
string of fish... Prof, and Mrs. D. C. Arthur, Byron Gordon, Arthur Gemmil, and Misses Carrie and Miriam McNitt,
Bessie Louderback, and Lillian Parker, and Frank Parker, have returned home from Lake Maxinkuckee...
Miss Thusle Elliott, Rae Willettes, Jessie Penrose, Crete Skinner, and Florence Alexander, Carl Murdock,
Allen Nelson, and Robert Dolan, are spending a week at Lake Maxinkuckee with George E. Ross junior.
Jul 21 Miss Carrie Keller is the guest of friends at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 27 Joe Rothermel is spending a week at Lake Maxinkuckee
Jul 30 Col. Robert Kreuzberger and his guest, Mr. J. E. Pelliod, of the Toledo Brewing company, are spending
the day at Lake Maxinkuckee.
Jul 31 - Jake Byers, John McGregor and Charles Elpers, salesmen at the Trade Palace, will spend a week's vacation
at Lake Maxinkuckee ... The Vandalia line doing all it can for weary humanity this season. Every Sunday special
accommodations are offered. At 7 a. m. a train leaves for Lake Maxinkuckee and St. Joseph, and at 9:66 a. rn. the
"lake special" leaves for Lake Maximkuckee.and St, Joseph, and at 9:66 a. m. the "lake special" leaves for Lake
Maxinkuckee... W. Bent Wilson, editor and proprietor of the Lafayette Journal, was in the city today en route to
Lake Maxinkuckee to attend the session of the Democratic Editorial Association. - He and his paper are for the
Chicago platform and ticket, the Logansport Journal to the contrary notwithstanding
Aug 1 ...Hon. Benj, F. Shively Democratic candidate for governor, arrived from his home at South Bend at 7:15 a.
m, via the Vandalia. He was accompanied by a committee of Logansport Democrats, consisting of Messrs. B. F.
Louthain, Geo. E. Ross, Peter Wall rath and John W. Barnes, who had been attending the Democratic editorial
meeting at Lake Maxinkuckee. Arriving at the Vandalia depot the party were met by tbe Democratic drum corps,
which preceded them to the Murdock hotel where Mr. Shively spent the day...
Aug 3 - Jake Byers, John McGregor and Charles Elpers, salesmen at the Trade Palace, will spend a week's vacation
at Lake Maxinkuckee
Aug 4 S. T. McConnell has returnee home from a few days' vacation a' Lake Maxinkuckee... Wanted—A first-class
girl to go to Mayinkuckee for a couple of months. Wages S4 per week. Reference required. Address Mrs. B. A. Brown,
Maxinkuckee, Ind.
Aug 8 Miss Rachel Groves and Miss Bevan are spending ten days with Miss Gertrude Murdock at Maxinkuckee...
Why swelter at home tomorrow when Lake MaxinkucKee is within such easy reach via the Vandalia line. Fare for
the round trip $1.00. Trains leave at 7 and 9:50 a. m.... Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cockburn and children, and eight
boys from Mr. Cockburn's Sunday school class of the Baptist church, are spending the day at Lake Maxinkuckee.
They were accompanied by T. L. Young and family, of Peru, and J. A. Young and family, of the Westside
Aug 10 Charles M. Michelle and family returned today from Maxinkuckee, where they have been camping for
several weeks... Three hundred excursionists left Logansport yesterday morning. One hundred and sixty
went to Fort Wayne, one hundred to Cincinnati, seventy-five to Lake Maxinkuckee and twenty-five to St. Joe
Aug 15 - Culver City Herald:— Mr. Michelle and family, who have been camping on Long Point, left for their home
in Logansport Monday.... Glen Forgy had the misfortune to break the mast of his sale boat while sailing last Tuesday.
The Aubeenaubbee towed them to Mosher's boat house for repairs.... Dan Wolfe, the champion fisherman pf Lake
Maxinkuckee, says now is the time to fish for bass with grasshoppers
Aug 11 - Misses Rachael Groves and Glen Bevan returned today form a visit at Maxinkuckee.
Aug 15 - SEVERE STORM - - Occurred This Week at Lake Maxinknckee — Piers Washed Away.--
One of the severest storms that ever visited Lake Maxinkuckee, Is said to have occurred Thursday. In
less than ten minutes after the first approach of the storm, the lake was turned Into a raging sea, and those
who were out in boats started quickly for land. -- The steamer Aubbeenaubbee was caught in the center of the
lake, with Jonas Smith in command, who, though but a boy, kept his ship headed toward the storm and. although,
it looked serious, the boat was safely moored alongside her dock.-- Nearly every pier upon the east side
of the lake was washed out and many boats damaged. Fortunately but few people were out upon the lake ia
small boats and no lives were lost
Aug 15 M. E. Nethercutt and family leave this evening for Maxinkuckee, where shey will enjoy a two weeks outing...
Aug 17 Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson spent Sunday at Maxinkuckee.... N. E. Nethercutt and family at Lake
Maxinkuckee for a two weeks outing... Misses May Warnock, Maud Ouster, and May Burgman, Messrs.
Charles Elpers and Joe Rothermel, of the Trade Palace, spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee.... Misses Rachael
Groves and Glen Bevan returned today form a visit at Maxinkuckee....
AUg 18 Charles Grant and Frank Skinner rode to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday on their bicycles, Frank Murphy,
who accompanied them as far as Rochester, had a severe fall when within a few miles of tbe latter
place, which bruised his face considerably.
Aug 19 Harry Osborne has returned from Lake Maxinkuckee.
auG 20 Harry Tousley, Sam Campbell, John Carroll and Merrill Pickell went to Lake Maxinkuckee today for
todays' outing
AUg 22 - Miss Hollman, with a party of friends, is spending a week at Lake Maxinkuckee... The Vandalia excursion from
Terre Haute to Lake Maxinkuckee, run today arrived here at 12 o'clock, two hours late. The train consisted
of eleven coaches, all of which were crowded
Aug 24 Mrs. A. L. Furbee and Mrs. C. O. Heffley, who have been spending the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee, visited
friends here last week.... A literary and musical programmw to be given at one of the botels a L-iike Maxinkuckee to
the near future by well known Terre Haute and Logansport talent
Aug 25 Dr. F. A. Busjahn and family Sundayed at Lake Maxinkuckee... Fornoff's orchestra will play for a
ball at the Arlington hotel, Lake Maxinkuckee, tonight... Mrs. A. L. Furbee and Mrs. C. 0.
Heffley, who have been spending the summer at Lake Maxinkuckee, visited friends here last week
Aug 26 Will Murdock is spending a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee... The waves on Lake Maxinkuckee
are said to have been four feet high during the storm Saturday evening... Rev. Huckleberry, wife and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cline and son Ralph, Mrs. Rathbon and daughter Miss Clara, Miss Boilman, Miss
Emma Schubeck, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. O. Harrington, Mr. and Mrs, Dick Tyner, will return
from Lake Maxinkuckee Thursday after a two weeks' outing... Miss Mary Wood left this morning
for Lake Maxinkuckee, where she will be the guest of Mrs. A. R. Shroyer
Aug 29 - Messrs. Carroll, Tousley, Pickell, and Campbell, who have been camping out at Lake Maxinkuckee for
two weeks, have returned home
Aug 28 - Charles Smith went to Maxinkuckee to arrage for an excursion to tbe lake by the Military band
Aug 31 Will Murdock has returned home from Lake Maxinkuckee... The families of George E. Ross
and H. J, McSheehy have returned to their respective homes in this city, after spending the summer at
their cottages at Lake Maxinkuckee... The Military band will run an excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee nex
Sunday. Fare for the round trip $1.00
sep 1 John Carroll and Meril Nickel spent Sunday, at Maxinkuckee... The Misses Helen and Elizabeth
Knight, who have been spending a few days at Lake Maxinkuckee and in this city, have returned to their
home at Fort Wayne
sep 4 Everybody invited to go to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday with the Military band. One dollar for the
round trip
Sep 5 One dollar for the round trip to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday...
Excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee Sunday, by the Military band... Everybody invited to go to Lake
Maxinkuckee Sunday with the Military band. One dollar for the round trip
Sep 7 - Miss Gertrude Tousley has returned from a few days outing at Lake Maxinkuckee.... The Military band
excursion to Lake Maxinkuckee yesterday was a financial failure. There were about 115 tickets sold at Si each,
and the band was, compelled to pay a guarantee of $1.00
Sep 8 Nearly all the summer visitors at Ijake Maxinkuckee have returned to their homes, and the lake presents
.an almost deserted appearance.
Sep 10 Mr. A, J. Murdock and family have closed their summer cottage at Lake Maxinkuckee and returned to
this city...Black bass and perch from Lake "Maxinkuckee at Kinney's Broadway market.
Sep 14 Deputy Auditor Smith and Harry Rogers spent Sunday at Maxinkuckee,,,There are not many cities whose
citizens have equal outing advantages to Logansport. St. Joseph and jake Maxinkuckee are within easy
each, and excursion rates every Sunday. Tram leaves at 7:00 a. m
Sep 15 Mrs. S. A. Vaughn and family have returned from Lake Maxinkuckee, where they spent the summer
Oct 26 Mr. and Mrs. L. G. PilUngand Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall spent Sunday at Lake Maxinkuckee
Nov 13 Quite a number of sportsmen have been successful in shooting ducts at
Maxinkuckee the past week
Nov 16 The hotels at Lake Maxinkuckee have been closed until next summer. The past season was a poor one for
them, owing to campaign year and general hard times
Dec 28 Excellent skating Is reported Like Maxinkuckee...